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2004-2005 The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Presented and read a first time Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Preventing Smoking Related Deaths) Bill 2005 No. , 2005 (Mr Kerr) A Bill for an Act to amend the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to deny election funding to political candidates accepting gifts derived from tobacco smoking, and for related purposesContents 1 Short title................................................................................................ 1 2 Commencement ...................................................................................... 2 3 Schedule ................................................................................................. 2 Schedule 1--Amendment of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 3 i Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Preventing Smoking Related Deaths) Bill 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A Bill for an Act to amend the Commonwealth 20 Electoral Act 1918 to deny election funding to 21 political candidates accepting gifts derived from 22 tobacco smoking, and for related purposes 23 24 The Parliament of Australia enacts: 25 Part 1--Preliminary 26 27 1 Short title 28 This Act may be cited as the Commonwealth Electoral Amendment 29 (Preventing Smoking Related Deaths) Act 2005. Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Preventing Smoking Related Deaths) Bill 2005 1
1 2 Commencement 2 This Act commences on the day it receives the Royal Assent. 3 4 3 Schedule 5 Each Act that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or 6 repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule 7 concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect 8 according to its terms. 9 10 11 12 2 Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Preventing Smoking Related Deaths) Bill 2005
1 2 Schedule 1--Amendment of the 3 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 4 1 Section 287 5 Insert: 6 tobacco product means: 7 (a) tobacco (in any form); or 8 (b) any product (for example a cigar or cigarette): 9 (i) that contains tobacco as its main or a substantial 10 ingredient; and 11 (ii) that is designed or intended for human consumption or 12 use; and 13 (iii) that is not included in the Australian Register of 14 Therapeutic Goods maintained under the Therapeutic 15 Goods Act 1989; or 16 (c) a cigarette paper, cigarette roller or pipe. 17 2 After subsection 297(2) 18 Insert: 19 (3) Subject to subsections (1) and (2), a payment under this Division 20 shall not be made if a candidate, group or political party accepts a 21 gift from a person who derives substantial revenue from the 22 manufacture, distribution or retail of tobacco products. 23 3 After subsection 299(6) 24 Insert: 25 (7) Notwithstanding subsection (6), if, after a payment is made under 26 this Division, knowledge comes to the recipient that a gift received 27 was from a person who derives substantial revenue from the 28 manufacture, distribution or retail of tobacco products, to be 29 entitled to retain the payment, the recipient must, within 28 days 30 after the relevant facts have come to his or her knowledge: 31 (a) disclose the previously unknown facts; and 32 (b) return the gift. Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Preventing Smoking Related Deaths) Bill 2005 3
1 4 Subsection 304(4) 2 After "made" (first occurring), insert ", whether the gift was from a 3 person who derives substantial revenue from the manufacture, 4 distribution or retail of tobacco products". 5 5 Paragraph 305(3)(b) 6 After "made" (first occurring), insert ", whether the gift was from a 7 person who derives substantial revenue from the manufacture, 8 distribution or retail of tobacco products". 9 6 Subsection 305A(4) 10 After "made" (first occurring), insert ", whether the gift was from a 11 person who derives substantial revenue from the manufacture, 12 distribution or retail of tobacco products". 13 7 After paragraph 305B(3)(b) 14 Insert: 15 (ba) whether the gift was from a person who derives substantial 16 revenue from the manufacture, distribution or retail of tobacco 17 products; 18 8 After paragraph 305B(3B)(b) 19 Insert: 20 (ba) whether the gift was from a person who derives substantial 21 revenue from the manufacture, distribution or retail of tobacco 22 products; and 23 24 ------------------ 4 Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Preventing Smoking Related Deaths) Bill 2005