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~BTHUR ROBIN~'~.& T~TD:RwiCK.S L1B~ARI 1997 SENATE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION (ELECTION) BILL 1997 SUPPLEMENTARY EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Amendments to be Moved on Behalf of the Government (Circulated with the authority of the Minister for Administrative Services, the Honourable David Jull, MP) 88514 Cat No. 96 7724 0 ISBN 0644 50266 5Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]2 CONSTiTUTIONAL CONVENTION (ELECTION) BILL 1997 OUTLINE The amendments and new clauses to be moved on behalf of the government amend the Constitutional Convention (Election) Bill 1997. The proposed amendments are designed to: · clarify that "any other election" referred to in the candidate's declaration refers to the election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention only. · increase the number of squares allowed below the line, in Part B of the ballot-paper, to a minimum of 9. Where the number of delegates to be elected is less than 9, the minimum number of squares to be printed below the line is 9. · allow for a different layout of candidate names and group names on the ballot paper such that the format of the names of groups can be different to the format of the names of ungrouped candidates. For example, the groups may have the group name first and in large print with the candidate name next and in a smaller print size, but the ungrouped candidates' names are listed first and in large print size and their "name" next in smaller print. · provide for overseas voting arrangements similar to those put in place for federal elections. · provide for a cut-off, of 6pm on the sixth day following the close of the poll, by the appropriate DRO, of completed voting material received by an AEO, DRO or ARO before the close of the poll. FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT The amendments relating to provision of overseas voting facilities are estimated to cost $200,000. However, the AEC estimates that it can absorb this cost within the total estimated cost of $35.6 million to conduct the Constitutional Convention Election.
3 NOTES ON CLAUSES Amendment (1) Functions and powers of AssistantReturning Officer - 1. Inserts a new subclause in clause 20 to provide for the functions and powers of an Assistant Returning Officer appointed at a place outside Australia. Amendment (2) Candidate's declaration - 2. Inserts a note after clause 39 to indicate that the statement "in any other election". contained in the candidate's declaration refers only to any other election of delegates held under the Constitutional Convention (Election) Act 1997. Amendment (3) Number of squares to be printed in Part B of ballot-paper - 3. Amends clause 55 to provide that in printing Part B of the ballot-paper, the minimum number of squares to be printed is 9 rather than a number of squares equal to the number of candidates to be elected. Amendment (4) Format of group and candidate name on the ballot-paper - 4. Omits the previous clause 56 and substitutes a new clause 56 to allow for a different layout of candidate names and group names on the ballot-paper such that the format of the names of groups can be different to the format of the names of ungrouped candidates. For example, the groups may have the group name first and in large print with the candidate names next and in a smaller print size, but the ungrouped candidates' names are first and in large print size and the "name", requested nder section 30, shown next and in smaller print. Amendments (5) to (15) Overseas voting - 5. Amend clauses 61, 68, 70, 72, 73, 94, Schedule 1 and adds a new clause 69A to make provision for overseas voting. The amendments allow for: · display of group voting tickets at the offices of appointed Assistant Returning Oflicers (ARO5); · the return, by overseas electors, of completed voting material to AROs up until 12 noon on the seventh day before the close of polling to ensure return to Australia in time to be included in the scrutiny; and · a definition of overseas elector in the Dictionary. 6. The amendment to clause 94 also establishes a cut-off, of 6pm on the sixth day after the close of the poll, for receipt of certificate envelopes by the appropriate DRO for inclusion in the preliminary scrutiny. Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer
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