Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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(Circulated by authority of the Minister for Justice and
Customs, Senator the Honourable Chris Ellison)



Following the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the Government initiated a high level review of Australia’s security and counter-terrorism arrangements and relationships between Australia’s key counter terrorist agencies. To promote the closest coordination between the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Protective Service and ensure that Australia can best meet the demands of the new terrorist environment, the Government proposed that the Australian Protective Service become an operating division of the Australian Federal Police.

This Bill will amend the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 to transfer responsibility for the Australian Protective Service from the Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department to the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. The Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police would be responsible for administering the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 and the Australian Protective Service Act 1987.

The amendments would bring the Australian Protective Service under the command and administrative umbrella of the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police.

To effect this transfer, the amendments would establish the Australian Protective Service as a Statutory Agency, with the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police as Agency Head.

The Australian Protective Service would continue to be governed by the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, and the powers and duties of the Australian Protective Service would remain unchanged.


There are no direct financial impacts from this Bill.


Clause 1: Short title

This clause sets out the short title of this Act namely the Australian Protective Service Amendment Bill 2002.

Clause 2: Commencement

This clause provides that the Act will commence on Royal Assent.

Clause 3: Schedule(s)

This clause provides that each Act that is specified in a Schedule is amended or repealed as set out in that Schedule.

These are standard words which give formal effect to the substantive amendments in Schedule 1.

Schedule 1- Australian Protective Service Act 1987

This Schedule amends the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 to transfer responsibility from the Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department to the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. To facilitate this transfer the Australian Protective Service would be established as a Statutory Agency and the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police would be the Agency Head. Other amendments update terminology used from the repealed Public Service Act 1922 to the terminology used in the Public Service Act 1999, and address some minor administrative matters.

Item 1

This Item inserts a definition of the term APS employee into subsection 3(1) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 and provides that it has the same meaning as section 7 in the Public Service Act 1999.

The definition provides that an Australian Public Service employee is a person engaged by an Agency Head (as defined) on behalf of the Commonwealth for the Agency.

The term is used in proposed sections 5 and 23, and subsections 19(6), 20(4), 24(1) and 25(1) (see Items 7, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 22).

Item 2

This Item inserts a definition of the term Commissioner into subsection 3(1) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 and provides that it has the same meaning as the term “Commissioner of Police” referred to in section 6 of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979.

The term is used in a number of proposed sections specifying the functions and powers of the Commissioner, namely sections 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 23 and 27, and subsections 12(1), 25(1), 25(2) and 25(3) (see Items 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 23, 24 and 25).

Item 3

This Item omits redundant terminology “such office in the Department as is” in the definition of Director in subsection 3(1) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 and replaces it with the phrase “the position in the Protective Service created”.

The word “office” is a reference to terminology used in the repealed Public Service Act 1922. This terminology is inconsistent with the Public Service Act 1999. The amendment of “office” to “position” is a reflection of the terminology used in the new Act.

The amendment of the word “Department” to “Protective Service” reflects the organisational rearrangement necessary to bring the Australian Protective Service under the control and umbrella of the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. The Australian Protective Service will no longer be part of the Attorney-General’s Department or any other department. The Australian Protective Service will be a Statutory Agency in its own right.

Item 4

This Item makes equivalent amendments to Item 3, replacing the words “such office in the Department as is” with the words “a position in Protective Service created” in the definition of protective service officer in subsection 3(1) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987.

Item 5

This Item repeals the definition of Secretary from subsection 3(1) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987.

With the transfer of responsibility for Australian Protective Service from the Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department to the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, the Secretary will no longer be Agency Head of the Australian Protective Service and will not be responsible for the Service. Accordingly, the definition of the role of Secretary is now redundant. The Commissioner will now be the Agency Head, as defined in section 7 of the Public Service Act 1999, for the purposes of that Act. That means that the Commissioner will exercise employer powers, responsibilities and functions in respect of the Australian Protective Service.

Item 6

This Item omits reference to “subsection 5(2)” in subsection 3(2) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987.

The deletion of this subsection is a consequential amendment to the amendment to section 5 (see Item 7). The existing reference has the effect that special protective service officers are not to be considered to be protective service officers for the purposes of defining the Protective Service. Under the amendments to section 5, that section will now explicitly deal with that issue, rather than it being dealt with by way of a cross-reference to section 3.

Item 7

This Item repeals the existing section 5 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 which deals with the establishment of the Australian Protective Service and substitutes a new section 5 that establishes the Australian Protective Service as a Statutory Agency. The new section provides that the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police and Australian Protective Service employees assisting the Commissioner constitute a Statutory Agency.

In addition, with the repeal of the reference to subsection 5(2) in subsection 3(2) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 (see Item 6), the new section 5 clarifies the employment status of special protective service officers. The reference to Australian Public Service employees in subparagraph 5(2)(b) of the Bill, does not include special protective service officers who are Australian Public Service employees in another Agency. However, special protective service officers not employed by another agency would be part of the new Australian Protective Service Statutory Agency. This arrangement mirrors the current practice where such employees are part of Attorney-General’s Department.

Item 8

This Item repeals the current section 7 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 which gave the Secretary the power to designate an office in the Department that the Director of the Protective Service occupied, and substitutes a new section 7 which gives the Commissioner of the Federal Police the power to create a position in the Australian Protective Service the occupant of which is to be the Director of the Protective Service.

This amendment facilitates the transfer of responsibility for the Australian Protective Service from the Secretary of the Attorney-General’s Department to the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. The change from the terminology of ‘office’ to ‘position’ reflects the contemporary terminology and approach under section 77 of the Public Service Act 1999. Section 77 allows an Agency Head to create positions in an Agency. This decision can be varied or revoked pursuant to the general powers under section 33 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901. This variation and revocation power also applies to the current provision.

Item 9

This Item repeals the current section 8 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 which provided that the Secretary may designate specified officers in the Department as protective service officers, and substitutes a new section 8 which gives the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police power to create positions in the Australian Protective Service the occupants of which are protective service officers.

The explanation for the change from the terminology of ‘office’ to ‘position’ and the scope to vary or revoke a decision is the same as for Item 8.

Item 10

This Item omits the words “his or her office unless the protective service officer” in section 10 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, and substitutes the words “a protective service officer unless he or she”.

The word “his or her office” is a reference to terminology used in the repealed Public Service Act 1922. This terminology is inconsistent with the Public Service Act 1999 it is appropriate to refer to a protective service officer rather than the office they hold.

Item 11

This Item replaces the word “Secretary” in section 10 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 with the word “Commissioner”. The Commissioner will now be the Agency Head, as explained in relation to Item 5.

Item 12

This Item makes the same amendments as does Item 5, replacing the word “Secretary” in section 11 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 with the word “Commissioner”. The Commissioner will now be the Agency Head, as explained in relation to Item 5.

Item 13

This Item makes the same amendments as does Item 5, replacing the word “Secretary” in section 12 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 with the word “Commissioner”. The Commissioner will now be the Agency Head, as explained in relation to Item 5.

Item 14

This Item repeals the current subsection 12(3) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 which covered inconsistency between General Orders and current legislation and determinations made under section 24 of the Public Service Act 1999. The subsection is replaced with a new subsection 12(3) which clarifies that General Orders are not only subject to the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, other Acts, regulations and determinations under section 24 of the Public Service Act 1999, but also should be subordinate to the directions issued by the Public Service Commissioner under section 11, 15 and 36, the Prime Minister under section 21, and Classification Rules made under section 23 of the Public Service Act 1999. This accords with general Government policy.

Item 15

This Item omits the words “a person occupying such office in the Department as” in subsection 19(6) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 and substitutes “the APS employee in the Protective Service who”.

The change from “Department” to “Protective Service” reflects the organisational rearrangement necessary to bring the Australian Protective Service under the control and umbrella of the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police. The Australian Protective Service will no longer be part of the Attorney-General’s Department.

The explanation for the change from the terminology of ‘office’ to ‘position’ and the scope to vary or revoke a decision is the same as for Item 8.

Item 16

This Item omits reference to “a person occupying such office in the Department as” and substitutes “the APS employee in the Protective Service who” from subsection 20(4). This is consistent with the change in Item 15.

Item 17

This Item makes the same amendments as does Item 5, replacing the word “Secretary” in section 23 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 with the word “Commissioner”. The Commissioner will now be the Agency Head, as explained in relation to Item 5.

Item 18

This Item omits “the person occupying a specified office in the Department”, and substitutes “an APS employee in the Protective Service” in section 23. This is consistent with the change in Item 16.

Item 19

This Item amends subsection 24(1) so that the powers that can be delegated by the Director under this provision can be delegated not only to protective service officers but also to Australian Public Service employees who are not protective service officers. This is because the kinds of powers involved are of an administrative nature for which an administrative/personnel delegate may well be more appropriate than a sworn officer. Examples of relevant powers are the power to issue identity cards (section 20) and the power to exempt an officer from wearing a uniform (section 19) in certain circumstances such as upon client requests, security purposes or for a graduated return to work program for operational staff. The officer in charge of corporate services may well be the most appropriate delegate for these kinds of powers, and this officer is unlikely to be a sworn protective service officer.

The Director may delegate all or any of the powers of Director under the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, other than this power of delegation (section 24) and the power to issue General Orders (section 12). In addition to the power to exempt an officer from wearing a uniform (section 19) and issue identity cards (section 20), the Director may delegate the power to appoint as a special protective service officer a person who is appointed or engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 (section 9) and may delegate responsibility for the general administration of, and the control of the operations of, the Protective Service (section 11). The Director may not delegate his/her powers or duties as a protective service officer.

It is important to emphasise that the power of delegation only extends to powers under the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, not powers under other legislation (eg, the Public Service Act 1999).

Item 20

This Item omits all the words after “Director under this” in subsection 24(1) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, and substitutes a provision that provides that in addition to the power of delegation and the power to issue general orders, the Director cannot delegate the powers exercised by the Director as a protective service officer. This amendment is consistent with the current provisions concerning the delegable powers of the Director under the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, and is for clarification purposes only.

Item 21

This Item replaces the word “Secretary” in subsection 25(1) (wherever occurring) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 with the word “Commissioner”, for the reasons explained in relation to Item 5. The Commissioner will now be the Agency Head, as explained in relation to Item 5.

Item 22

This Item amends subsection 25(1) so that the powers that can be delegated by the Commissioner (namely, the power to authorise a person to take an oath under this provision) can be delegated not only to protective service officers but also to Australian Public Service employees who are not protective service officers.

Item 23

This Item makes the same amendments as does Item 5, replacing the word “Secretary” in subsection 25(2) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 with the word “Commissioner” for the reasons explained in relation to Item 5.

Item 24

This Item makes the same amendments as does Item 5, replacing the word “Secretary” in subsection 25(3) (wherever occurring) of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 with the word “Commissioner” for the reasons explained in relation to Item 5.

Item 25

This Item inserts a new section 27 in the Australian Protective Service Act 1987, which provides for an annual report to the Minister and Parliament on the administration and operations of the Australian Protective Service. This is a standard annual reporting provision. Subsection 27(2) would allow the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police to combine the reporting requirements of section 70 of the Public Service Act 1999 and section 67 of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 into the one report. This will facilitate the Commissioner in providing the Minister and Parliament with an integrated account of Australian Protective Service and Australian Federal Police operations.

Item 26

This Item will ensure that the existing Director and existing protective service officers can remain in these positions notwithstanding the amendments to the governing provisions, sections 7 and 8. This is a standard transitional provision.

Item 27

This Item will ensure that an oath or affirmation made or subscribed under section 10 of the Australian Protective Service Act 1987 in force immediately before the commencement of this Act, is also taken to be an oath or affirmation made or subscribed under that section as amended by this Bill.

Item 28

This Item will ensure that existing General Orders can remain in effect notwithstanding the amendments to the governing provision, section 12. This is a standard transitional provision.

Item 29

This Item will ensure that existing certificates certifying a person to be a protective service officer can remain in effect notwithstanding the amendments to the governing provision, section 23. This is a standard transitional provision.


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