Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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                     (Circulated by the authority of the
 Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Minister
              for Disability Reform, the Hon Jenny Macklin MP)




This  Bill  adds  the  town  of  Jabiru  and  two   adjacent   portions   of
Northern Territory  land  to  Schedule  1  to  the  Aboriginal  Land  Rights
(Northern Territory) Act 1976.  This will enable the land to be  granted  as
Aboriginal land to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

The Bill provides that the land will  not  be  granted  as  Aboriginal  land
until leaseback arrangements for the  Jabiru  town  land  and  for  the  two
adjacent non-township portions are put in place.

Certain amendments are made to the Environment Protection  and  Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999.  These ensure that the world  heritage,  natural  and
cultural values  of  Kakadu  National  Park  continue  to  be  protected  in
relation to Jabiru,  and  amend  existing  management  plan  and  town  plan
requirements for development of towns in Commonwealth reserves.

Lastly, the Bill adds a further parcel of land for Patta to  Schedule  1  to
the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976.  This will  enable
the land to be granted as Aboriginal land to the  relevant  Aboriginal  Land


The measures in the Bill have nil or negligible financial impact.


The statement of compatibility with human rights appears at the end of  this
explanatory memorandum.



Clause 1 - Short title

Clause 1 sets out how  the  new  Act  is  to  be  cited,  that  is,  as  the
Aboriginal Land Rights and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2013.

Clause 2 - Commencement

Clause 2  provides  that  the  new  Act  will  commence  on  the  day  after
Royal Assent.

Clause 3 - Schedule(s)

Clause 3 provides that each Act that is specified in a Schedule  is  amended
or repealed as set out in that Schedule.
                 Schedule 1 - Amendments relating to Jabiru


The Jabiru town land and two adjacent portions of  Northern  Territory  land
will be inserted within Schedule 1 to the Aboriginal Land  Rights  (Northern
Territory) Act 1976 (the Land Rights Act)  to  enable  the  portions  to  be
granted as Aboriginal land to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

This Bill provides that the land will not  be  granted  as  Aboriginal  land
until leaseback arrangements for the  Jabiru  town  land  and  for  the  two
adjacent non-township portions are put in place.

Further, the Bill makes provision for the protection of the world  heritage,
natural and cultural values of Kakadu National Park.


The land being added to Schedule 1 by these amendments  is  located  in  and
around the town of Jabiru in the Northern Territory.  The three portions  of
Jabiru land are:

    . Northern Territory Portion 7126 as delineated on Survey Plan S2011/202
      lodged with the Surveyor-General, Darwin;

    . the Jabiru town land; and

    .  Northern  Territory  Portion  7127  as  delineated  on  Survey  Plans
      S2011/203A and S2011/203B lodged with the Surveyor-General, Darwin.

Kakadu National Park is a world heritage listed reserve, recognised for  its
natural,  cultural   and   universal   value.    The   amendments   to   the
Environment Protection    and    Biodiversity    Conservation    Act    1999
(the EPBC Act) are  intended  to  ensure  Kakadu National  Park's  cultural,
natural and world  heritage  value  is  protected.   The  Bill  also  amends
certain development and town planning requirements, which  will  then  apply
to Jabiru.

The status of the Jabiru land as part of a Commonwealth  reserve  under  the
EPBC Act  will  not  be  affected  by  the  grant  of  the   land   to   the
Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

                         Explanation of the changes

Part 1 - Amendments

Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976

Items 1 to 3 - Subsection 3(1)

Items 1 to 3 insert definitions  of  category  A  Jabiru  land,  category  B
Jabiru land and category C Jabiru land within subsection 3(1).

The category A Jabiru land means land specified in an instrument  under  new
subsection 3AD(1) discussed below in the explanation of item 10.

The category B Jabiru land means land specified in an instrument  under  new
subsection 3AD(2) discussed below in the explanation of item 10.

The category C Jabiru land means land specified in an instrument  under  new
subsection 3AD(3) discussed below in the explanation of item 10.

Item 4 - Subsection 3(1)

Item 4 inserts a definition of  Jabiru  Town  Development  Authority  within
subsection 3(1).  The definition  refers  to  the  Jabiru  Town  Development
Authority established by the Jabiru Town Development Act (NT).

Item 5 - Subsection 3(1)

Item 5 inserts a definition of Jabiru  town  land  within  subsection  3(1).
This definition is inserted for ease  of  reference,  and  has  the  meaning
given by new section 3AC, as discussed below in the explanation of item 10.

Item 6 - Subsection 3(1)

Item  6  inserts  a  definition  of  Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land  Trust  within
subsection 3(1).  The definition refers to  the  Land  Trust  of  that  name
established by the  Minister  by  notice  published  in  the  Gazette  under
subsection 4(1).

The Governor-General may (subject to  the  relevant  leaseback  arrangements
and other preconditions) deliver a deed of grant of an estate in fee  simple
for the land described under the heading 'JABIRU' in Part 4  of  Schedule  1
to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust, as provided below  in  the  explanation
of item 17.  The amendments inserting the land described under  the  heading
'JABIRU' in Part 4 of Schedule 1 are discussed below in the  explanation  of
item 27.

Items 7 and 8 - Subsection 3AB(1)

Items 7 and 8 make minor amendments to subsection 3AB(1) to clarify  that  a
township, in relation to a Land Trust, is either of the two types  of  areas
of Aboriginal land specified in subsections 3AB(2) and  (3)  and  vested  in
the Land Trust.

Item 9 - At the end of section 3AB

Item 9 adds two new subsections to section 3AB of the Land Rights Act.

New subsection 3AB(4)  provides  that  a  'township',  in  relation  to  the
Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust, is the area of Jabiru town  land.   This  will
facilitate any lease of that township pursuant to section 19A,  and  obviate
the need for a regulation being made under subsection 3AB(3) in  respect  of
the Jabiru town land and the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

New subsection 3AB(5) provides that new subsection  3AB(4)  does  not  limit
the application of current subsections 3AB(1) to  (3)  in  relation  to  the
Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.  This is to ensure that new subsection  3AB(4)
does not prevent  other  townships  being  prescribed  by  regulation  under
subsections 3AB(2) or (3) for the purposes of  the  Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land

Item 10 - After section 3AB

Item 10 inserts new sections 3AC and 3AD into the Land Rights Act.

New section 3AC provides the definition of Jabiru town  land,  as  discussed
above in the explanation of item 5.

New subsection 3AC(1) provides that, for the purposes  of  the  Land  Rights
Act, Jabiru town land means the land specified in a  legislative  instrument
under new subsection 3AC(2).

New subsection 3AC(2) provides that the Minister must specify the  land  for
the purposes of new subsection 3AC(1) by legislative instrument.

New subsection 3AC(3) provides a consideration the Minister must  take  into
account before making a legislative instrument under new subsection  3AC(2).
 The Minister must have regard to the boundaries of the land comprising  the
whole of former Northern Territory Portion 2272 (a former  parcel  reference
for the town of Jabiru) - other than land on which  there  is  a  road  over
which  the  public  has  a  right  of  way.   It  is  anticipated  that  the
specification of land under new subsection 3AC(2) will comprise an  area  of
land with boundaries similar to former Northern Territory Portion 2272.

It should be noted that the Minister is not required to have regard to  land
on which there is a road over which  the  public  has  a  right  of  way  in
considering the boundaries of the land comprising former Northern  Territory
Portion 2272 before making a legislative  instrument  under  new  subsection

This is  consistent  with  paragraph  12(3A)(b)  of  the  Land  Rights  Act.
Paragraph 12(3A)(b) provides that a  deed  of  grant  under  section  12  in
respect of Schedule 1 (to the Land Rights Act) land shall  be  expressed  to
exclude from the grant any land on which  there  is,  at  the  time  of  the
execution of the deed of grant, a road over which the public has a right  of

New  subsection  3AC(4)  provides  that  the  Minister  must   consult   the
Northern Territory Government and the relevant Land Council before making  a
legislative instrument under new subsection 3AC(2).  The Minister  may  also
consult such other persons or bodies  as  the  Minister  thinks  appropriate
(for example, Energy Resources of Australia  Limited  and  the  Director  of
National Parks).  This new subsection also does not limit the  operation  of
the  Legislative  Instruments  Act  2003   in   relation   to   consultation

New section 3AD will facilitate any leaseback arrangements  for  the  Jabiru
town land made under section 19 (and explained at items 17 and 21 below)  by
requiring the Minister to specify the areas of land within the  Jabiru  town
land that are to be leased  -  namely,  the  category  A  Jabiru  land,  the
category B Jabiru land and the category C Jabiru land.   The  Minister  will
do this when negotiations and survey work are complete.

New subsection 3AD(1)  provides  that  the  Minister  must,  by  legislative
instrument, specify an area within the Jabiru town land for the purposes  of
the definition of category A Jabiru land discussed  in  the  explanation  of
item 1 above.  This is the area of land within the Jabiru  town  land  which
is proposed to be subject to a lease variation under section 19  granted  by
the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust to  the  Director  of  National  Parks,  as
discussed in the explanation of item 21 below.

New subsection 3AD(2)  provides  that  the  Minister  must,  by  legislative
instrument, specify an area within the Jabiru town land for the purposes  of
the definition of category B Jabiru land discussed  in  the  explanation  of
item 2 above.  This is the area of land within the Jabiru  town  land  which
is proposed to be subject to a lease under section 19 granted by the  Kakadu
Aboriginal  Land  Trust  to  the  Aboriginal  and  Torres  Strait   Islander
corporation nominated in writing by the relevant Land Council, as  discussed
in the explanation of item 21 below.

New subsection 3AD(3)  provides  that  the  Minister  must,  by  legislative
instrument, specify an area within the Jabiru town land for the purposes  of
the definition of category C Jabiru land discussed  in  the  explanation  of
item 3 above.  This is the area of land within the Jabiru  town  land  which
is proposed to be subject to a lease under section 19 granted by the  Kakadu
Aboriginal Land  Trust  to  the  Northern Territory,  as  discussed  in  the
explanation of item 21 below.

New subsection 3AD(4) requires that the various instruments made  under  new
section 3AD must collectively specify the whole of  the  Jabiru  town  land.
That is, the category A Jabiru land, the category  B  Jabiru  land  and  the
category C Jabiru land must cover the whole of the Jabiru town land that  is
to be subject  to  any  leaseback  arrangements  under  section  19.   Those
section 19 leaseback  arrangements  are  discussed  in  the  explanation  of
items 17 and 21 below.  The alternative leaseback arrangement for the  whole
of the Jabiru town land under section 19A is  also  explained  at  items  17
and 23 below.

Item 11 - Subsection 4(1)

Item 11 amends subsection 4(1) of the Land  Rights  Act  to  omit  the  word
'Crown' from that subsection.  This will enable the  Minister  to  establish
Aboriginal Land Trusts to hold land other than Crown land  (subject  to  the
requirements in subsections 10(1) and (2) of the Land Rights Act).

In the case of Jabiru, the Director  of  National  Parks,  rather  than  the
Commonwealth or Northern Territory, will continue to hold an estate  in  fee
simple in the land described  under  the  heading  'JABIRU'  in  Part  4  of
Schedule 1 (see the explanation of item 27 below) until  immediately  before
the respective deeds of grant  take  effect.   The  delivery  of  respective
deeds of grant to the  Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land  Trust  already  established
under  subsection  4(1)  of  the  Land  Rights  Act  is  discussed  in   the
explanation of item 17 below.

Item 12 - Subsection 4(1A)

Item 12  amends  subsection  4(1A)  to  omit  the  words  'Crown  Land'  and
substitute the word 'land' in that subsection.  This will  ensure  that  the
Minister may establish Land Trusts to hold different areas of land, each  of
which is included within a single area of land (rather than  just  within  a
single area of 'Crown land') that is described in Schedule  1  to  the  Land
Rights Act.

In the case of Jabiru, the Director  of  National  Parks,  rather  than  the
Commonwealth or Northern Territory, will continue to hold an estate  in  fee
simple in the land described  under  the  heading  'JABIRU'  in  Part  4  of
Schedule 1 (see the explanation of item 27 below) until  immediately  before
the respective deeds of grant  take  effect.   The  delivery  of  respective
deeds of grant to the  Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land  Trust  already  established
under  subsection  4(1)  of  the  Land  Rights  Act  is  discussed  in   the
explanation of item 17 below.

Item 13 - After paragraph 4(2B)(a)

Item 13 inserts a new paragraph 4(2B)(aa) into the Land  Rights  Act.   This
paragraph provides a new circumstance in which the  Minister  may  vary  the
boundaries of the land to be held by a Land Trust.  The  Minister  may  vary
the boundaries because of a proposed grant of an estate  in  fee  simple  in
the land described under the heading 'JABIRU' in Part 4 of Schedule  1  (see
the explanation of item 27 below) to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

This amendment will enable the  Minister  to  vary  the  boundaries  of  the
Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust in advance of the proposed deeds  of  grant  in
relation to Jabiru.

Item 14 - Section 10 (heading)

Item 14 repeals and substitutes the  heading  to  section  10  of  the  Land
Rights Act.  The effect of this amendment is  to  remove  the  word  'Crown'
from the heading with the new heading being 'Recommendations for  grants  of
land described in Schedule 1'.

This amendment is necessary because, in the case of Jabiru, the Director  of
National Parks, rather than the  Commonwealth  or  Northern Territory,  will
continue to hold an estate in fee simple in the  land  described  under  the
heading 'JABIRU' in Part 4 of Schedule 1 (see the  explanation  of  item  27
below) until immediately before the respective deeds of grant  take  effect.
Further details that are relevant to this  amendment  are  provided  in  the
explanation of amendments to  subparagraphs  10(1)(a)(i)  and  (2)(a)(i)  at
item 15 below.

Item 15 - Subparagraphs 10(1)(a)(i) and (2)(a)(i)

Item 15 amends subparagraphs  10(1)(a)(i)  and  10(2)(a)(i)  to  insert  the
words '(other than an area of land described under the heading  'JABIRU'  in
Part 4 of Schedule 1)' after the words 'Schedule 1' in those  subparagraphs.
 The amendments inserting the land described under the heading  'JABIRU'  in
Part 4 of Schedule 1 are discussed below in the explanation of item 27.

The effect of this amendment is that the land described  under  the  heading
'JABIRU' in Part 4 of Schedule  1  is  excluded  from  land  for  which  the
Minister shall recommend a deed of grant of an estate in  fee  simple  under
these provisions.  Instead, the Minister must make a recommendation  to  the
Governor-General in accordance with new subsections 10(2AB)  and  (2AC),  as
discussed below in the explanation of item 16.

Item 16 - After subsection 10(2AA)

Item 16 inserts two new subsections into section 10 of the Land Rights  Act.
  The  two  new  subsections   provide   that   the   Minister   must   make
recommendations to the Governor-General for the two proposed deeds of  grant
discussed below in the explanation of item 17 upon commencement.

New subsection 10(2AB) provides that the  Minister  must  recommend  to  the
Governor-General that a deed of grant of an estate  in  fee  simple  in  the
land described in paragraphs (a) and (c) under the heading 'JABIRU' in  Part
4 of Schedule 1 (see the explanation of  item  27  below)  be  made  to  the
Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

New subsection 10(2AC) provides that the  Minister  must  recommend  to  the
Governor-General that a deed of grant of an estate  in  fee  simple  in  the
Jabiru town land (see the explanation of items 5 and 10 above)  be  made  to
the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

Item 17 - After subsection 12(1)

Item 17 inserts a number  of  new  subsections  within  section  12  of  the
Land Rights Act to provide  for  the  execution  and  delivery  of  the  two
proposed deeds of grant by the Governor-General in relation to Jabiru.

New subsection 12(1AA) provides that the Governor-General, on receipt  of  a
recommendation under new subsection  10(2AB),  as  discussed  above  in  the
explanation of  item  16,  may  execute  a  deed  of  grant  to  the  Kakadu
Aboriginal Land Trust.

New subsection 12(1AB) provides that the Governor-General may  then  deliver
that deed of grant to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust if  the  Minister  is
satisfied about certain matters.  The Minister  must  be  satisfied  that  a
lease variation under section 19 has been granted by the  Kakadu  Aboriginal
Land  Trust  to  the  Director  of  National  Parks,  as  discussed  in  the
explanation of item 21 below.  The Minister must also be satisfied that  the
variation is expressed to take effect on the date that the deed of grant  is

New subsection 12(1AC) provides that the Governor-General, on receipt  of  a
recommendation under new subsection  10(2AC),  as  discussed  above  in  the
explanation of  item  16,  may  execute  a  deed  of  grant  to  the  Kakadu
Aboriginal Land Trust.

New subsection 12(1AD) provides that the Governor-General may  then  deliver
that deed of grant to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust if  the  Minister  is
satisfied about certain  matters.   The  Minister  must  be  satisfied  that
either the section 19 lease  requirements  provided  under  new  subsections
12(1AE), (1AF) and (1AG) (the section 19 leaseback arrangements set  out  in
item 21) apply, or the section 19A  lease  requirement  provided  under  new
subsection 12(1AH)  (the  section  19A  leaseback  arrangement  set  out  in
item 23) applies.

New  subsection  12(1AE)  applies  if  two  preconditions   are   satisfied.
Firstly, a lease variation under section 19 must be granted  by  the  Kakadu
Aboriginal Land Trust to the Director of National Parks to cover  the  whole
of the category A Jabiru land  (see  the  explanation  of  items  1  and  10
above).  Secondly, the variation must be expressed to  take  effect  on  the
date that the relevant deed of grant is delivered.

New  subsection  12(1AF)  applies  if  two  preconditions   are   satisfied.
Firstly, the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust must  enter  into  a  lease  under
section 19  with  the  Aboriginal and  Torres  Strait  Islander  corporation
nominated in writing by the relevant  Land  Council,  as  discussed  in  the
explanation of item 21 below.  This  lease  must  cover  the  whole  of  the
category B Jabiru land (see the  explanation  of  items  2  and  10  above).
Secondly, this lease must be expressed to take effect on the date  that  the
relevant deed of grant is delivered.

New  subsection  12(1AG)  applies  if  two  preconditions   are   satisfied.
Firstly, the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust must  enter  into  a  lease  under
section 19 with the Northern Territory covering the whole of the category  C
Jabiru land (see the explanation of items 3 and 10 above).   Secondly,  this
lease must be expressed to take effect on the date that  the  relevant  deed
of grant is delivered.

New  subsection  12(1AH)  applies  if  two  preconditions   are   satisfied.
Firstly, the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust must  enter  into  a  lease  under
section 19A with the Commonwealth covering the  whole  of  the  Jabiru  town
land (see the explanation of items 5 and 10 above).   Secondly,  this  lease
must be expressed to take effect on the  date  that  the  relevant  deed  of
grant is delivered.

New subsection 12(1AI) provides that, if a deed of  grant  is  delivered  to
the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust under new  subsections  12(1AB)  or  (1AD),
subsection 12(2A) applies to the estate in fee simple in the  land  held  by
the Director of National Parks, but does not otherwise  apply.   The  effect
of this provision is that the estate in fee simple, held by the Director  of
National Parks in the land subject to a deed of grant  delivered  under  new
subsections 12(1AB) or (1AD), will cease to exist at the time  the  relevant
deed of grant takes effect.  Any other estates  or  interests  held  by  the
Director of National Parks in the land (for example,  subleases  granted  by
the Jabiru Town Development Authority in relation to the Jabiru  town  land)
are excluded from the operation of subsection 12(2A).

Item 18 - After subsection 12(2A)

Item  18   inserts   a   further   new   subsection   within   section   12.
New subsection 12(2AB) provides that, if a deed of  grant  is  delivered  to
the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust under subsection  12(1AD)  in  relation  to
the Jabiru town land, then, at the time the deed of grant takes effect,  the
lease of that land by the Director of National  Parks  to  the  Jabiru  Town
Development Authority ceases to exist.

Item 19 - After subsection 12A(1)

Item 19 inserts a new subsection within section 12A of the Land Rights  Act.
 New subsection 12A(1A) provides that subsection 12A(1) does  not  apply  to
an estate or interest of the Director of National Parks  in  land  described
under the heading 'JABIRU' in Part 4 of Schedule 1 (see the  explanation  of
item 27 below).  The effect of new subsection 12A(1A) is  that  section  12A
will not entitle the Director of National  Parks  to  continue  his  or  her
occupation of the land for the purposes of the EPBC Act in relation  to  the
current estate in fee simple once it ceases  (see  the  explanation  of  new
subsection 12(1AI) in relation to item 17 above).

However, section 12A(1) will otherwise apply  (where  relevant)  to  provide
that the Director of National Parks is  entitled  to  continue  his  or  her
occupation of the land for the purposes of the EPBC Act in relation  to  any
other estates or interests held in relation to the  land  (for  example,  in
relation to subleases granted by the Jabiru Town  Development  Authority  in
relation to the Jabiru town land).

Item 20 - Subsection 19(1)

Item 20 repeals subsection 19(1) of the Land Rights Act  and  substitutes  a
new subsection 19(1).  New subsection 19(1) provides that a Land Trust  must
not deal with or dispose of, or agree to deal with or  dispose  of,  certain
estates, interests or land except as provided by section 19, 19A or 20.

New paragraph 19(1)(a) provides that a Land Trust  must  not  deal  with  or
dispose of, or agree to deal with or dispose of, any estate or  interest  in
land vested in it except as provided by section 19, 19A or 20.

To avoid any doubt, new paragraph 19(1)(b) clarifies that a Land Trust  must
not deal with or dispose of, or agree to deal with or dispose of,  the  land
described under the heading 'JABIRU' in  Part  4  of  Schedule  1  (see  the
explanation of item 27 below) except as provided by section 19, 19A or 20.

The effect of new paragraph 19(1)(b) is that it will be possible for a  Land
Trust to deal with that land before it is vested in that Land  Trust.   This
will enable the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust to grant the  lease  variations
and enter into the leases, as  discussed  in  the  explanation  of  item  21
below, if the section 19 leasing model is adopted  in  relation  to  Jabiru.
In  the  alternative,  this  new  paragraph  will  also  enable  the  Kakadu
Aboriginal Land Trust to grant the lease, as discussed  in  the  explanation
of item 23 below, if the section 19A leasing model is  adopted  in  relation
to Jabiru.

Item 21 - After subsection 19(3C)

Item 21 inserts a number  of  new  subsections  within  section  19  of  the
Land Rights Act to provide for the leaseback arrangements to be granted  and
entered into by the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust if the section  19  leasing
model is adopted in relation to Jabiru.

New subsection 19(3D) provides for a lease variation under section 19 to  be
granted by the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust  to  the  Director  of  National
Parks to cover the land described  in  paragraphs  (a)  and  (c)  under  the
heading 'JABIRU' in Part 4 of Schedule 1 (see the  explanation  of  item  27
below).  The variation may be granted despite the  relevant  deed  of  grant
not having been delivered (see the explanation of items 16  and  17  above).
The variation must be expressed to take effect on the date that such a  deed
of grant is delivered.

New subsection 19(3E) provides for a lease variation under section 19 to  be
granted by the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust  to  the  Director  of  National
Parks to cover the category A Jabiru land (see the explanation  of  items  1
and 10 above).  The variation may be granted despite the  relevant  deed  of
grant not having been delivered (see the explanation  of  items  16  and  17
above).  The variation must be expressed to take effect  on  the  date  that
such a deed of grant is delivered.

New subsection 19(3F) provides that, with the consent of  the  Minister  and
at the direction of the relevant Land Council, the  Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land
Trust may grant a  lease  to  the  Aboriginal  and  Torres  Strait  Islander
corporation, nominated in writing by  the  relevant  Land  Council,  of  the
category B Jabiru land (see the explanation of items 2 and 10 above).

New subsection 19(3G) provides that the Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land  Trust  may
grant a lease mentioned in new subsection 19(3F) despite the  relevant  deed
of grant not having been delivered (see the explanation of items 16  and  17
above).  The lease must be expressed to take effect on the date that such  a
deed of grant is delivered.

New subsection 19(3H) provides that, with the consent of  the  Minister  and
at the direction of the relevant Land Council, the  Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land
Trust may grant a lease to the Northern Territory of the category  C  Jabiru
land (see the explanation of items 3 and 10 above).

New subsection 19(3J) provides that the Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land  Trust  may
grant a lease mentioned in new subsection 19(3H) despite the  relevant  deed
of grant not having been delivered (see the explanation of items 16  and  17
above).  The lease must be expressed to take effect on the date that such  a
deed of grant is delivered.

New subsection 19(3K) provides that the Minister must not give consent to  a
lease under new subsections 19(3F) or  (3H)  unless  two  preconditions  are
satisfied.  Firstly, the term of the lease  must  be  99  years.   Secondly,
the Minister administering the EPBC Act must be  satisfied  that  the  terms
and conditions of the lease are consistent with the protection of the  world
heritage values, and other natural and cultural values, of  Kakadu  National

New subsection 19(3L) provides for the treatment of  certain  categories  of
rights, titles or interests, or any thing, if a lease is  varied  under  new
subsection  19(3E)  or  granted  under  new  subsections  19(3F)  or   (3H).
The expression  'applicable  land'  is  defined  for  the  purposes  of  new
subsection 19(3L) in new subsection 19(3M).

The purpose of new  subsection  19(3L)  is  not  just  to  preserve  certain
existing rights, titles or interests in relation to  the  applicable  Jabiru
town land.  The new subsection is  also  drafted  to  give  effect  to  such
rights, titles or interests with full force and effect,  even  if  they  are
currently limited or invalid  (and  are  therefore  just  purported  rights,
titles or interests) (see the explanation  in  relation  to  new  subsection
19(3Q) below).

New paragraph 19(3L)(a)  provides,  subject  to  two  exceptions,  that  any
right, title or interest, or any thing, that was registered under  the  Land
Title Act (NT) in relation to the applicable  land  immediately  before  the
time the variation or new lease takes effect has full force  and  effect  in
accordance with its terms at and after that time.   The  two  exceptions  to
the general rule in new paragraph 19(3L)(a) are the estate in fee simple  in
the applicable land held by the Director of National Parks  and  any  right,
title or interest, or  any  thing,  held  by  the  Jabiru  Town  Development
Authority in relation to the applicable land.

Under  new  paragraph  19(3L)(a),  for  example,  all  registered  subleases
granted by the Jabiru Town Development Authority in relation to  the  Jabiru
town land will have full  force  and  effect  at  and  after  the  time  the
variation or new lease takes effect.  In  addition,  the  term  'any  right,
title  or  interest,  or  any  thing,  that  was  registered'  includes  any
purported right, title or interest, or any thing, which was registered  (see
the explanation in relation to new subsection 19(3Q) below).

New paragraph 19(3L)(b) provides that certain further categories of  rights,
titles or  interests  in  relation  to  the  applicable  land  that  existed
immediately before the time the variation or  new  lease  takes  effect  has
full force and effect in accordance with its terms at and after that time.

The first additional category  to  which  new  paragraph  19(3L)(b)  applies
(subparagraph 19(3L)(b)(i)) is to any right, title or interest  in  relation
to the applicable land that was granted under any right, title or  interest,
or any  thing,  covered  by  new  paragraph  19(3L)(a).   For  example,  any
interest granted under a registered sublease in relation to the Jabiru  town
land will have full force and effect at and after the time the variation  or
new lease takes effect under this new subparagraph.

The second additional category to  which  new  paragraph  19(3L)(b)  applies
(subparagraph 19(3L)(b)(ii)) is to any right, title or interest in  relation
to the applicable land that was granted under any right, title or  interest,
or any thing, held by the Jabiru Town Development Authority in  relation  to
the applicable land.  For example, any  unregistered  interests  granted  by
the Jabiru Town Development Authority in relation to the  Jabiru  town  land
will have full force and effect at and after the time the variation  or  new
lease takes effect.

New paragraph 19(3L)(c) applies to any right, title or interest in  relation
to a facility (within the meaning of the Telecommunications Act  1997)  that
is on, over or under the applicable land and  is  owned  or  operated  by  a
carrier (within the meaning of that Act).   In  this  circumstance,  if  the
right, title or interest existed immediately before  the  variation  or  new
lease takes effect, it has full force and  effect  in  accordance  with  its
terms at and after that time.  This paragraph is  intended  to  ensure  that
certain interests identified by Telstra Corporation Limited, and  any  other
relevant interests owned or operated by any other carrier  in  Jabiru,  have
full force and effect at and after the  time  the  variation  or  new  lease
takes effect.

New paragraph 19(3L)(d) applies to any right, title or interest in  relation
to the trust assets (as defined under new subsection  19(3N))  that  existed
immediately before the time the variation or new  lease  takes  effect.   In
this circumstance, the right, title or interest has full  force  and  effect
in accordance with its terms at and after  that  time.   This  paragraph  is
intended to ensure that the legal  and  beneficial  interests  held  by  the
Jabiru Town Development Authority, the Commonwealth, the Northern  Territory
and Energy Resources of Australia Limited  under  the  Jabiru  Cost  Sharing
Agreement have full force and effect at and after the time the variation  or
new lease takes effect.

New paragraph 19(3L)(e) provides that any right, title or interest,  or  any
thing, in relation to  the  applicable  land,  specified  in  a  legislative
instrument made by the Minister under this paragraph,  has  full  force  and
effect in accordance with its terms at and after the time the  variation  or
new lease takes effect.

The Commonwealth is not aware of any further rights,  titles,  interests  or
things that should be specifically given effect at and after  the  time  the
variation or new lease takes  effect  and  would  not  be  captured  by  new
paragraphs 19(3L)(a) to (d).  However, if any such  right,  title,  interest
or thing is identified, this power would enable it to have  full  force  and
effect in accordance with its terms.

New subsection 19(3M) provides a definition of the phrase 'applicable  land'
for the purposes of new subsection 19(3L).  For a lease variation under  new
subsection 19(3E), the applicable land is the category A Jabiru  land.   For
a lease under new subsection 19(3F), the applicable land is the  category  B
Jabiru land.  For a lease under new subsection 19(3H), the  applicable  land
is the category C Jabiru land.

New subsection 19(3N) provides a definition of  the  phrase  'trust  assets'
for the purposes of new paragraph 19(3L)(d).   'Trust  assets'  means  Trust
Assets within the meaning of subclause  1(1)  of  the  Jabiru  Cost  Sharing
Agreement  between  the  Jabiru Town  Development   Authority   and   Energy
Resources of Australia Limited made on 23 August 1985.

New subsection 19(3P) provides that new paragraphs 19(3L)(a) to (d)  do  not
limit  the  scope  of  the  instrument-making  power  provided   under   new
paragraph 19(3L)(e).

New subsection 19(3Q) provides that any right, title  or  interest,  or  any
thing, to which new subsection 19(3L) applies has full force and  effect  at
and after the time the variation  or  new  lease  takes  effect.   To  avoid
doubt, this provision explicitly confirms that this will be  the  case  even
if the right, title, interest or thing did not have full  force  and  effect
immediately before that time.

New subsection 19(3R)  provides  further  requirements  that  apply  if  new
subsection 19(3L) applies in relation to a right, title, interest  or  thing
granted by the Jabiru Town Development Authority.   If  this  is  the  case,
then, at and after the variation or  new  lease  takes  effect,  the  right,
title, interest or thing has full force and effect as if it were granted  by
the Director of National Parks (for a  lease  varied  under  new  subsection
19(3E)), the nominated Aboriginal and  Torres  Strait  Islander  corporation
(for a lease under new subsection 19(3F)) or by the Northern Territory  (for
a lease under new subsection 19(3H)).  This provision  does  not  mean,  for
instance,  that  any  sublease  granted  by  the  Jabiru  Town   Development
Authority in relation to the Jabiru town land operates as if it  is  granted
afresh by the relevant new lessor at  the  time  the  deed  of  grant  takes
effect.  Rather, it is just the balance of the term that operates  with  the
new lessor.

New  subsection  19(3S)  applies  if  new  subsection  19(3L)  applies  and,
immediately before the variation or lease takes effect,  the  right,  title,
interest or thing is contingent on the existence of the lease of the  Jabiru
town land by the Director of National Parks to the Jabiru  Town  Development
Authority.  This new subsection provides that, at the time the variation  or
lease takes effect, the terms of the right, title,  interest  or  thing  are
taken to have been modified so that it is contingent  on  the  existence  of
the varied lease or new lease.

New subsection 19(3T) provides that, before making a legislative  instrument
under  paragraph  19(3L)(e),  the  Minister  must   consult   the   relevant
Land Council.  The  Minister  may  also  consult  other  persons  or  bodies
(for example,  the  Northern  Territory  Government  and  the  Director   of
National Parks) and this new subsection also does not  limit  the  operation
of  the  Legislative Instruments  Act  2003  in  relation  to   consultation

New subsection 19(3U) provides that, if the  Minister  makes  a  legislative
instrument under new paragraph 19(3L)(e), he or she must give a copy to  the
relevant Land Council.

Item 22 - Subsections 19(8A) and (8B)

Item 22  amends  subsections  19(8A)  and  (8B)  of  the  Land  Rights  Act.
References  to  new  subsections  19(3F)  and   (3H)   are   inserted   into
subsections 19(8A) and (8B).  This will ensure that  certain  provisions  in
section 19 of the Land Rights Act in relation to the transfer  or  grant  of
certain interests by the relevant grantee will apply to the  leases  granted
by the  Kakadu  Aboriginal  Land  Trust  to  the  nominated  Aboriginal  and
Torres Strait Islander corporation and the Northern Territory.

Item 23 - After subsection 19A(1A)

Item 23 inserts new subsections 19A(1B) and (1C) into the Land Rights Act.

New subsection 19A(1B) provides that the Kakadu Aboriginal  Land  Trust  may
grant a lease of the  Jabiru  town  land  to  the  Commonwealth  before  the
delivery of the relevant deed of grant to that Land Trust (if  the  Minister
consents  to  the  granting  of   the   lease   as   provided   by   current
subsection 19A(1)).

New subsection 19A(1C) provides that the Minister must not  give  a  consent
under current subsection  19A(1)  in  relation  to  the  grant  of  a  lease
mentioned in new subsection 19A(1B) unless the  term  of  the  lease  is  99
years and the Minister administering the EPBC  Act  is  satisfied  with  the
terms and conditions of the lease (in order to protect the  world  heritage,
natural and cultural values of Kakadu National Park).

Item 24 - After subsection 19A(11)

Item 24 amends section 19A of the Land Rights Act by inserting a  number  of
new subsections (subsections 19A(11A) to (11J)).

New subsection 19A(11A) provides that the general rule  for  preserving  any
existing right, title or other interest in  land  the  subject  of  a  lease
granted under section 19A (in subsections 19A(10) and (11)) does  not  apply
to a lease mentioned  in  new  subsection  19A(1B).   This  means  that  the
general preservation rule does not apply to a lease of the Jabiru town  land
granted by the Kakadu Aboriginal Land  Trust  to  the  Commonwealth  if  the
section 19A leasing model is adopted in relation to Jabiru.

New subsection 19A(11B) provides for the treatment of certain categories  of
rights, titles or interests, or any thing, if a lease is granted  under  new
subsection 19A(1B).

The purpose of new subsection 19A(11B)  is  not  just  to  preserve  certain
existing rights, titles or interests in relation to  the  applicable  Jabiru
town land.  The new subsection is  also  drafted  to  give  effect  to  such
rights, titles or interests with full force and effect,  even  if  they  are
currently limited or invalid  (and  are  therefore  just  purported  rights,
titles or interests) (see the explanation  in  relation  to  new  subsection
19A(11E) below).

New paragraph 19A(11B)(a) provides, subject  to  two  exceptions,  that  any
right, title or interest, or any thing, that was registered under  the  Land
Title Act (NT) in relation to the relevant land immediately before the  time
the lease takes effect has full force and  effect  in  accordance  with  its
terms at and after that time.  The two exceptions to  the  general  rule  in
new paragraph 19A(11B)(a) are the estate in fee simple in the relevant  land
held by the Director of National Parks and any right, title or interest,  or
any thing, held by the Jabiru Town Development Authority in relation to  the
relevant land.

Under new paragraph  19A(11B)(a),  for  example,  all  registered  subleases
granted by the Jabiru Town Development Authority in relation to  the  Jabiru
town land will have full force and effect at and after the  time  the  lease
takes effect.  In addition, the term 'any right, title or interest,  or  any
thing,  that  was  registered'  includes  any  purported  right,  title   or
interest, or  any  thing  which  was  registered  (see  the  explanation  in
relation to new subsection 19A(11E) below).

New paragraph  19A(11B)(b)  provides  that  certain  further  categories  of
rights, titles or interests in relation to the relevant  land  that  existed
immediately before the time the lease  takes  effect  have  full  force  and
effect in accordance with its terms at and after that time.

The first additional category to which  new  paragraph  19A(11B)(b)  applies
(subparagraph  19A(11B)(b)(i))  is  to  any  right,  title  or  interest  in
relation to the relevant land that was granted under  any  right,  title  or
interest, or any thing, covered by new paragraph 19A(11B)(a).  For  example,
any interest granted under a registered sublease in relation to  the  Jabiru
town land will have full force and effect at and after the  time  the  lease
takes effect under this new subparagraph.

The second additional category to which new  paragraph  19A(11B)(b)  applies
(subparagraph 19A(11B)(b)(ii))  is  to  any  right,  title  or  interest  in
relation to the relevant land that was granted under  any  right,  title  or
interest, or any thing, held by the Jabiru  Town  Development  Authority  in
relation to the relevant land.   For  example,  any  unregistered  interests
granted by the Jabiru Town Development Authority in relation to  the  Jabiru
town land will have full force and effect at and after the  time  the  lease
takes effect.

New paragraph 19A(11B)(c)  applies  to  any  right,  title  or  interest  in
relation to a facility (within the meaning  of  the  Telecommunications  Act
1997) that is on, over or under the relevant land and is owned  or  operated
by a carrier (within the meaning of that Act).   In  this  circumstance,  if
the right, title or interest existed  immediately  before  the  lease  takes
effect, it has full force and effect in accordance with  its  terms  at  and
after that  time.   This  paragraph  is  intended  to  ensure  that  certain
interests identified by Telstra Corporation Limited, and any other  relevant
interests owned or operated by any other carrier in Jabiru, have full  force
and effect at and after the time the lease takes effect.

New paragraph 19A(11B)(d)  applies  to  any  right,  title  or  interest  in
relation to the trust assets (as  defined  under  new  subsection  19A(11C))
that existed immediately before the time the lease takes  effect.   In  this
circumstance, the right, title or interest has  full  force  and  effect  in
accordance with its terms  at  and  after  that  time.   This  paragraph  is
intended to ensure that the legal  and  beneficial  interests  held  by  the
Jabiru Town Development Authority, the Commonwealth, the Northern  Territory
and Energy Resources of Australia Limited  under  the  Jabiru  Cost  Sharing
Agreement have full force and effect at and after the time the  lease  takes

New paragraph 19A(11B)(e) provides that any right,  title  or  interest,  or
any thing, in relation to the relevant  land,  specified  in  a  legislative
instrument made by the Minister under this paragraph,  has  full  force  and
effect in accordance with its terms at and after the time  the  lease  takes
effect.  The Commonwealth is  not  aware  of  any  further  rights,  titles,
interests or things that should be given effect at and after  the  time  the
lease takes effect and would not be captured by new  paragraphs  19A(11B)(a)
to  (d).   However,  if any  such  right,  title,  interest  or   thing   is
identified, this power would enable it to have  full  force  and  effect  in
accordance with its terms.

New subsection 19A(11C) provides a definition for the phrase 'trust  assets'
for the  purposes  of  new  paragraph  19A(11B)(d).   'Trust  assets'  means
Trust Assets within the  meaning  of  subclause  1(1)  of  the  Jabiru  Cost
Sharing  Agreement  between  the  Jabiru  Town  Development  Authority   and
Energy Resources of Australia Limited made on 23 August 1985.

New subsection 19A(11D) provides that new paragraphs 19A(11B)(a) to  (d)  do
not limit the scope  of  the  instrument-making  power  provided  under  new
paragraph 19A(11B)(e).

New subsection 19A(11E) provides that  any  right,  title  or  interest,  or
thing, to which new subsection 19A(11B) applies has full  force  and  effect
at and after the  time  the  lease  takes  effect.   To  avoid  doubt,  this
provision explicitly confirms that this will be the case even if the  right,
title, interest or thing did not have  full  force  and  effect  immediately
before that time.

New  subsection  19A(11F)  provides  that,  if  a  lease  mentioned  in  new
subsection 19A(1B)  is  granted  and  new  subsection  19A(11B)  applies  in
relation to a right, title, interest or thing granted  by  the  Jabiru  Town
Development Authority, the right, title, interest or thing  has  full  force
and effect in accordance with its  terms  as  if  it  were  granted  by  the
Commonwealth.   This  provision  does  not  mean,  for  instance,  that  any
sublease granted by the Jabiru Town Development  Authority  in  relation  to
the  Jabiru  town  land  operates  as  if  it  is  granted  afresh  by   the
Commonwealth at the time the deed of grant  takes  effect.   Rather,  it  is
just the balance of the term that operates with the Commonwealth as lessor.

New subsection 19A(11G) applies  if  new  subsection  19(11B)  applies  and,
immediately before the lease takes effect, the  right,  title,  interest  or
thing is contingent on the existence of the lease of the  Jabiru  town  land
by the Director of National Parks to the Jabiru Town Development  Authority.
   New subsection 19A(11G)   provides    that,    from    the    time    the
subsection 19A(1B) lease takes  effect,  the  terms  of  the  right,  title,
interest or thing are taken to have been modified so that it  is  contingent
on the existence of the lease.

New  subsection  19A(11H)  provides  that,  before  making   a   legislative
instrument under  paragraph  19A(11B)(e),  the  Minister  must  consult  the
relevant Land Council.  The Minister  may  also  consult  other  persons  or
bodies (for example, the Northern Territory Government and the  Director  of
National Parks), and this new subsection also does not limit  the  operation
of  the  Legislative  Instruments  Act  2003  in  relation  to  consultation

New subsection 19A(11J) provides that, if the Minister makes  a  legislative
instrument under new paragraph 19A(11B)(e), he or she must give  a  copy  to
the relevant Land Council.

Item 25 - Paragraph 19A(12)(a)

Item 25 amends paragraph  19A(12)(a)  of  the  Land  Rights  Act  by  adding
'or (11F)' after 'subsection (11)'.  The effect of this amendment,  and  the
amendments provided by item 26 below, is that,  if  new  subsection 19A(11F)
applies in relation to a right, title,  interest  or  thing  and  paragraphs
19A(12)(b) and (c) are also  satisfied,  then,  at  that  time,  the  right,
title, interest or thing has effect as if it were granted by the  transferee
on the same terms and conditions as existed immediately before that time.

Item 26 - Subsection 19A(12)

Item 26 amends subsection 19A(12) to omit  the  words  'or  other  interest'
(wherever occurring) and substitute the words ', interest or  thing'.   This
is  a  technical  consequential  amendment  to  align  with  new  subsection

Item 27 - Part 4 of Schedule 1 (after the item relating to INNESVALE)

Item 27 inserts the Jabiru town land and two adjacent non-township  portions
(Northern Territory Portions 7126 and 7127) into Part 4  of  Schedule  1  to
the Land Rights Act (after the item relating to INNESVALE).

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Item 28 - After subsection 345A(2)

Item  28  inserts  subsection  345A(2A)  to  provide  an  exception  to  the
operation of subsection 345A(2), which provides that,  if  the  Commonwealth
acquires a usage  right  relating  to  land  or  seabed  in  a  Commonwealth
reserve, the usage right automatically vests in  the  Director  of  National

The exception will apply to a usage right acquired by the Commonwealth  that
is a lease of the Jabiru town land to the Commonwealth under section 19A  of
the Land Rights Act, as discussed above  in  the  explanation  of  item  23.
The amendments providing for the description of the  Jabiru  town  land  are
discussed above in the explanation of items 5, 10 and 27.

The exception will further apply to  any  usage  rights  prescribed  by  the
regulations to address other possible cases  where  the  Commonwealth  could
acquire a usage right in a Commonwealth reserve.

Item 29 - Subsection 388(1)

Item 29 inserts further words into  subsection  388(1)  to  provide  that  a
person may use as well as develop a township in a  part  of  a  Commonwealth
reserve in certain circumstances.

Item 30 - Subparagraph 388(1)(b)(i)

Item 30  is  a  technical  amendment  to  omit  a  subsection  reference  in
subparagraph 388(1)(b)(i) to subsection  388(3),  which  is  required  as  a
consequence of item 31.

Item 31 - Subsections 388(2), (3) and (4)

Item 31 repeals subsections 388(2), (3) and (4) and  replaces  them  with  a
new subsection 388(2).

The new subsection provides that  a  person  (other  than  the  Director  of
National Parks) may use or develop a township only on land the person  holds
under lease or sublease from the  Commonwealth,  the  Director  of  National
Parks, the Kakadu Aboriginal Land  Trust,  the  Northern  Territory  or  the
nominated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation referred  to  in
new subsection 19(3F) of the Land Rights Act,  as  discussed  above  in  the
explanation of item 21.

Item 32 - Subsections 389(1) and (2)

Item  32  repeals  subsections  389(1)  and  (2)  and  substitutes  two  new
subsections because the present wording of section 389 is out  of  date  and
does not reflect current circumstances.

New subsection 389(1) provides that the provisions of a management plan  for
a Commonwealth reserve that relate to a  township  must  include  provisions
for and in relation to the use and development of the township, as  provided
by the amendments to subsection 388(1), discussed above at item 29.

New  subsection  389(2)  provides  that  a  town  plan  must  make  detailed
provision in relation to  the  use  and  development  of  the  township,  as
provided by the amendments to subsection 388(1),  discussed  above  at  item
29.  In particular,  the  town  plan  must  include  detailed  provision  in
relation to any matters specified by the management plan  for  the  relevant
Commonwealth reserve or the regulations.

Item 33 - Paragraph 389(3)(a)

Item 33 amends paragraph  389(3)(a)  to  omit  the  words  'that  would  not
otherwise apply in relation to the township'.

Item 34 - Subsection 389(4)

Item 34 repeals subsection 389(4), which relates to  town  plans  not  being
inconsistent  with   other   instruments,   because   this   subsection   is

Item 35 - Saving - management plans and town plans

Item 35 is a savings provision  to  ensure  that  the  amendments  discussed
above at item 32 do not affect the validity of a management plan, or a  town
plan, in force immediately before the commencement of that item.

Part 2 - Compensation for acquisition of property

Item 36 - Compensation for acquisition of property

Item 36 provides that compensation is payable when there is  an  acquisition
of property, due to the operation of Schedule 1 to the Bill or an  act  done
under a provision of the Land Rights  Act  inserted  by  that  Schedule,  as
provided in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Australian Constitution.

Subitem 36(1) provides that, if there  is  an  acquisition  of  property  to
which paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution applies,  and  the  acquisition
was otherwise than on just terms,  the  Commonwealth  is  liable  to  pay  a
reasonable  amount  of  compensation  to  the  person  whose  property   was

Subitem 36(2) provides that, where an amount of compensation is  not  agreed
upon by the Commonwealth and the person whose property  has  been  acquired,
that person may institute proceedings in a court of  competent  jurisdiction
for the recovery of a reasonable  amount  of  compensation,  as  that  court

Subitem 36(3) provides that acquisition of property and just terms have  the
same meaning as provided for in paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution.
                        Schedule 2 - Other amendments


This  Schedule  adds  a  further  parcel  of  land  to  Schedule  1  to  the
Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 (the Land Rights Act).


This Schedule adds a further parcel of Northern Territory land  to  Schedule
1 to the Land Rights Act.  This will  allow  the  land  in  question  to  be
granted to the relevant Aboriginal Land Trust under sections 10  and  12  of
the Land Rights Act.

The Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs  and  Other
Legislation Amendment (2009 Measures) Act 2010  inserted  five  portions  of
land, known as Patta in the Northern Territory, into Part 4  of  Schedule  1
to the Land Rights Act.  This Schedule adds an additional portion  of  land,
Northern Territory Portion 7021, to the description of Patta in  Schedule  1
to the Land Rights Act.

Northern Territory Portion 7021 is currently subject to  Perpetual  Pastoral
Lease 1142.  The holders of this lease have indicated their  willingness  to
surrender Northern Territory  Portion  7021  to  make  it  available  to  be
granted as Aboriginal land.   The  Northern  Territory  Government  and  the
Central Land Council are supportive of the additional scheduling.

                         Explanation of the changes

Item 1 - Part 4 of Schedule 1 (at the end of the item relating to PATTA)

Item 1 amends Part 4 of Schedule 1 to the Land Rights  Act  by  inserting  a
reference to an additional portion of land (Northern Territory Portion  7021
delineated  on  Survey  Plan   S2009/1A)   near   Tennant   Creek   in   the
Northern Territory known as Patta as land to be granted as Aboriginal land.

                Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights

           Prepared in accordance with Part 3 of the Human Rights
                      (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011

      Aboriginal Land Rights and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013

This Bill is compatible with the human rights  and  freedoms  recognised  or
declared in the  international  instruments  listed  in  section  3  of  the
Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011.

Overview of the Bill

This Bill adds the  Jabiru  town  land  and  certain  adjacent  portions  of
Northern Territory  land  to  Schedule  1  to  the  Aboriginal  Land  Rights
(Northern Territory)  Act  1976  to  enable  the  land  to  be  granted   as
Aboriginal land to the Kakadu Aboriginal Land Trust.

This Bill also provides that the land will  not  be  granted  as  Aboriginal
land until leaseback arrangements for the Jabiru town land and for  the  two
adjacent non-township portions are put in place.

This Bill  makes  related  amendments  to  the  Environment  Protection  and
Biodiversity Conservation Act  1999  to  ensure  that  the  world  heritage,
natural and cultural values of  Kakadu  National  Park  are  preserved,  and
amends certain management plan and town planning  requirements  in  relation
to Commonwealth reserves.

These amendments arise from an agreement to resolve the Jabiru native  title
claim.  The intention of this measure is to give effect  to  the  settlement
agreement reached between the parties to the native title claim.  This  Bill
recognises the traditional ownership of Jabiru of  the  Mirarr  people.   It
ensures that the land will remain within Kakadu National Park, and that  its
World Heritage listing status is not disrupted.

This Bill also adds a further parcel of land for Patta to Schedule 1 to  the
Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 to enable the  land  to
be granted to the relevant Aboriginal Land Trust.   The  Families,  Housing,
Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and  Other  Legislation  Amendment
(2009 Measures) Act 2010 previously inserted five portions  of  land,  known
as Patta in the Northern Territory, into Schedule 1 to the  Aboriginal  Land
Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976.

Human rights implications

The long title of the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory)  Act  1976
is 'An Act providing for the granting of Traditional Aboriginal Land in  the
Northern Territory for the benefit of Aboriginals, and for other purposes'.

The Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976  is  discriminatory
in nature as it confers rights and privileges upon  Aboriginal  Australians,
which  are  discriminatory  as  against  non-Aboriginal  Australians.   That
discrimination is the essence of the Act; it is the foundation on  which  it
is structured.   However,  the  beneficial  nature  of  this  discrimination
enables the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act  1976  and  this
Bill to be each classified as a 'special  measure'  within  the  meaning  of
paragraph 4 of article 1 of the International Convention on the  Elimination
of All Forms of Racial Discrimination  (the  CERD)  (and subsection 8(1)  of
the Racial Discrimination Act 1975).

The  CERD  provides  that  special   measures   are   deemed   not   to   be
discrimination.  Special measures are designed to 'secure  to  disadvantaged
groups the  full  and  equal  enjoyment  of  human  rights  and  fundamental

This Bill advances and engages the following rights:

    . the right to  self-determination  (recognised  in  article  1  of  the
      International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR));

    . rights to equality and non-discrimination (recognised in article 2  of
      the CERD, and article 26 of the ICCPR); and

    . the right to enjoy and benefit from culture (recognised in article  27
      of the ICCPR).

This Bill is necessary to recognise  and  ensure  that  relevant  Aboriginal
people have the right  to  own  and  control  their  traditional  Aboriginal
lands.  The limitation  on  the  rights  of  non-Aboriginal  Australians  is
reasonable, necessary and proportionate to the policy desire to promote  the
equal enjoyment of the engaged rights by Aboriginal Australians.


This Bill is compatible with human rights.

Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs,
Minister for Disability Reform, the Hon Jenny Macklin MP

Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
the Hon Tony Burke MP
[1] Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, General
Recommendation No. 32:  The Meaning and Scope of Special Measures in the
International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
(August 2009), at paragraph [11].

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