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2010 THE PARLIAMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA SENATE AIRPORTS AMENDMENT BILL 2010 CORRECTION TO THE EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM (Circulated by authority of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport the Honourable Anthony Albanese, MP) Page 4, line 7, after "is" omit "a". Page 10, line 26, omit "community", insert "community". Clause 66 Page 26, line 7, omit "paragraph 89(1)(b)", insert "paragraph 89(1)(ba)". Clause 103 Page 32, line 8, omit "qqueries", insert "queries". Clause 108 Page 32, lines 33 and 36, omit "major development plan", insert "variation of the plan". Clause 109 Page 32, line 37, omit "qqueries", insert "queries". Clause 121 Page 34, line 12, omit "Airport,(if", insert "Airport, (if".Index] [Search] [Download] [Bill] [Help]