Commonwealth of Australia Explanatory Memoranda

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       The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia

                         The Senate

                Archives Amendment Bill 2006

 Explanatory Memorandum relating to amendments to be moved
by Senator Andrew Murray on behalf of the Australian Democrats

                 Circulated by Senator Murray

These amendments add to the Archives Amendment Bill 2006 further amendments of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 to overcome the difficulty arising from a recent judgment of the High Court, and to make other improvements to the review jurisdiction of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal recommended by the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Administrative Review Council. The amendments will preserve the higher level of protection for documents relating to national security and cabinet documents, while facilitating review of decisions relating to documents concerning relations with the states, executive council documents and internal working documents. Subsection 58(5) of the Freedom of Information Act provides: Where application is or has been made to the Tribunal for the review of a decision refusing to grant access to a document in accordance with a request, being a document that is claimed to be an exempt document under section 36 and in respect of which a certificate is in force under that section, the Tribunal shall, in a case where it is satisfied that the document is a document to which paragraph 36(1)(a) applies, if the applicant so requests, determine the question whether there exist reasonable grounds for the claim that the disclosure of the document would be contrary to the public interest. Section 36 of the Act relates to internal working documents. In McKinnon v Secretary, Department of Treasury [2006] HCA 45, a majority of the High Court held on 6 September 2006 that this provision entitles the Administrative Review Tribunal to determine only whether reasonable grounds for the withholding of documents exist, and does not allow the tribunal to balance the competing grounds to determine whether a document should be disclosed, so that "if one reasonable ground for the claim of contrariety to the public interest exists, even though there may be reasonable grounds the other way, the conclusiveness [of the decision that the document should not be disclosed] will be beyond review." The principal amendment, amendment (7), adding item 73K to Schedule 1 of the Bill, repeals this subsection, so that, under section 58, the Tribunal will be able to determine the reasonableness of the grounds for withholding internal working documents. The amendments would preserve the high level of protection and the limited capacity of the Tribunal to review decisions in relation to documents concerning national security and cabinet documents. The effect of the other amendments are set out in tabular form below. Amendment Subject Relevant provision - Item no. no. principal Act (1) Removing the Subsection 54(1) 73A application fee. (2) Removing limitations Subsection 55(2) and (3) 73B on review by the Tribunal.

(3) Consequential to Paragraph 55(4)(a) 73C removing the time Paragraph 55(4)(b) 73D limit for applications to the Tribunal after receiving a response from the Ombudsman. (4) Removing the time Paragraph 55(4)(c) 73E limit for applications to the Tribunal after receiving a response from the Ombudsman. (5) Reduction of waiting Paragraph 56(1)(b) 73F period. Paragraph 56(1A)(b) 73G (6) Removing limitations Subsection 58(3) 73H on review by the Subsection 58(3) 73I Tribunal. Subsection 58(4) 73J (7) Removing limitation Subsection 58(5) 73K on review by the Tribunal in relation to internal working documents. (8) Removing limitations Subsection 58(5A) 73L on review by the Tribunal. (9) Consequential to (7). Subsection 58A(1) 73M (10) Removing limitations Paragraph 58A(2)(b) 73N on review by the Subsection 58A(5) 73O Tribunal. Subsection 58A(6) 73P (11) Consequential to (7). Subsection 58B(1) 73Q (12) Changing provisions Subparagraph 58C(2)(a)(iv) 73R for hearings in private in relation to classes of documents. (13) Changing provisions Subparagraph 58C(2)(a)(v) 73S for hearings in private in relation to classes of documents. (14) Changing provisions Subparagraph 58C(2)(a)(vi) 73T for hearings in Subsection 58C (2A) 73U private in relation to Subsection 58E(1) 73V classes of documents.

(15) Consequential to (7). Subsection 58E(2) 73W Paragraph 60(c) 73X (16) Lodging of Subsection 64(1) 73Y documents with the Subsection 64(1) 73Z Tribunal by an agency or Minister. (17) Consequential to (7). Subsection 64(3) 73AA (18) Removing limitations Paragraph 64(3)(a) 73AB on review by the Paragraph 64(3)(b) 73AC Tribunal. Subsection 64(4) 73AD (19) Protection by the Subsection 64(6) 73AE Tribunal of documents claimed to be exempt documents. (20) Removing limitations Section 65 73AF on review by the Tribunal. (21) Discretion of the Paragraph 66(2) 73AG Tribunal to determine Subsection 66(3) 73AH payment of costs.

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