inCite: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association
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inCite: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association Authors beginning with E ...
Easton, Russell --- "From IT professional to Librarian" [2018] inCiteALIA 16; (2018) 39(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Ebsworth, Helen --- "TIK blog 2: Freedom of Information" [2019] inCiteALIA 28; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Ecclestone, Jacqui; Flores, Alan A --- "Letters" [1988] inCiteALIA 224; (1988) 9(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Ecclestone, Jacqui; Horton, Warren --- "Robert Sharman Retires" [1988] inCiteALIA 191; (1988) 9(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Edinger, Jane --- "Library and Information Week in the west" [2001] inCiteALIA 174; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- " @ your library in Queensland" [2005] inCiteALIA 264; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "#SCRAPtheCAP" [2013] inCiteALIA 197; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "$1,000 grants for copyright projects" [1994] inCiteALIA 236; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "$1000 up for grabs" [1999] inCiteALIA 218; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "$150,000 win should not be taken for granted" [1994] inCiteALIA 234; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "$41,000 of good news" [1994] inCiteALIA 262; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "... Bad news for Victoria" [1980] inCiteALIA 246; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "0055 25021 - JOBLINE" [1993] inCiteALIA 96; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "10 Ways Health Library and Information Services Power the Health Sector pull out" [2018] inCiteALIA 31; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "10th Asia Pacific Special, Health and Law Librarians' Conference" [2003] inCiteALIA 225; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "10th Asia Pacific Specials, Health and Law Librarians conference" [2003] inCiteALIA 54; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "15 fun things to do in Adelaide" [2016] inCiteALIA 84; (2016) 37(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "1937-1997: A retrospective" [1997] inCiteALIA 4; (1997) 18(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "1981 Children's Book Week" [1981] inCiteALIA 144; (1981) 2(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "1983 Conference to be Held in Perth" [1982] inCiteALIA 186; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "1985 International Children's Book Day 'Living Together, Reading Together'" [1985] inCiteALIA 11; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "1986 Awards Announced" [1986] inCiteALIA 170; (1986) 7(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "1987 Continuing Education Acitivities - Tenders & Approved Activities" [1986] inCiteALIA 276; (1986) 7(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "1987 Exchange Visits" [1986] inCiteALIA 207; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "1988 Study Grants Awarded" [1988] inCiteALIA 61; (1988) 9(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "1989 Hans Christian Andersen Dinner" [1989] inCiteALIA 59; (1989) 10(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "1990 Conference" [1990] inCiteALIA 146; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "1990 Library Technician of the Year" [1991] inCiteALIA 66; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "1990 NZLA Conference" [1989] inCiteALIA 270; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "1992 Children's Book of The Year" [1992] inCiteALIA 247; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "1992 Nancy Booker Ledure/Vonnie Young Award" [1993] inCiteALIA 52; (1993) 14(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "1992 NSW State Awards" [1992] inCiteALIA 249; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "1993 International Year for the World's Indigenous Peoples" [1993] inCiteALIA 32; (1993) 14(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "1993 Meckler Catalogue new available" [1992] inCiteALIA 307; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "1994-the Year of the Family" [1994] inCiteALIA 66; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "1995 TDK Australian audio book award" [1995] inCiteALIA 128; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "1996: The year ahead" [1996] inCiteALIA 12; (1996) 17(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "1999 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards shortlist" [1999] inCiteALIA 245; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "200 Years of War Tunes in National Library" [1983] inCiteALIA 116; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "2001 AustraliaSCAN report" [2001] inCiteALIA 246; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "2001 National Policy Congress" [2002] inCiteALIA 22; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 50
Editors --- "2001 strategic directions" [2001] inCiteALIA 87; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "2004 ALIA National Policy Congress" [2004] inCiteALIA 259; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "2005 ALIA Ray Choate Scholarship Award" [2006] inCiteALIA 47; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "2005 Metcalfe Award winner - Kate Sinclair" [2005] inCiteALIA 109; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "2006 Hans Christian Andersen Awards" [2006] inCiteALIA 281; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "2008 ACOC Seminar" [2008] inCiteALIA 199; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "2009 @ ALIA National Office" [2009] inCiteALIA 364; (2009) 30(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "2010-2011 Reading Guide: Summer Reading" [2010] inCiteALIA 313; (2010) 31(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "2011 ALIA Training Calendar" [2011] inCiteALIA 49; (2011) 32(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "2011 Results: AGM" [2012] inCiteALIA 131; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "2012 Election of ALIA Vice-president and three Directors" [2011] inCiteALIA 304; (2011) 32(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "2012 Election of ALIA Vice-president and three Directors" [2011] inCiteALIA 336; (2011) 32(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "2013 Annual General Meeting" [2013] inCiteALIA 120; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "2017 Membership Survey results" [2018] inCiteALIA 30; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "20th century colonial'" [1981] inCiteALIA 121; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "25 years of collaboration for Australian libraries" [2006] inCiteALIA 300; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "32nd Meeting of AACOBS National Council" [1985] inCiteALIA 212; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "3rd International Evidence Based Librarianship Conference" [2005] inCiteALIA 97; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "50,000 Books to China" [1981] inCiteALIA 201; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "5th ALIA Top End Symposium - Registrations Now Open" [2007] inCiteALIA 223; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "5th National Library Technicians Conference" [1989] inCiteALIA 72; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "5th National Library Technicians Conference" [1989] inCiteALIA 117; (1989) 10(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "60 Minutes" [1987] inCiteALIA 73; (1987) 8(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "6th International Feminist Book Fair" [1993] inCiteALIA 151; (1993) 14(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "6th National Library Technicians Conference" [1990] inCiteALIA 212; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "75th ALIA Your National Office and what we do for you" [2012] inCiteALIA 18; (2012) 33(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "80th Birthday Honour" [1985] inCiteALIA 217; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "979-prefixed ISBNs to appear early in 2008" [2007] inCiteALIA 140; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "99 400 000 visits to public libraries" [2001] inCiteALIA 239; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "9th Australian Library History Conference" [2008] inCiteALIA 197; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "@ your library" [2007] inCiteALIA 181; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "A $38m boost for writers and publishers" [2000] inCiteALIA 236; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "A Bibliography of Australian Judaica" [1986] inCiteALIA 18; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "A Birthday Gift for Everyone" [1985] inCiteALIA 241; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "A breakdown of ALIA's income and expenses" [2018] inCiteALIA 47; (2018) 39(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "A Brighter Future for Library Technicians" [1989] inCiteALIA 190; (1989) 10(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "A busy year for CAL" [1993] inCiteALIA 260; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "A busy year for cataloguers" [1996] inCiteALIA 332; (1996) 17(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "A chook fest" [2002] inCiteALIA 254; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "A collective voice for the collections industry" [2004] inCiteALIA 230; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "A comparative snapshot" [1995] inCiteALIA 129; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "A conference: Libraries, books and ideology during WWII" [1996] inCiteALIA 106; (1996) 17(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A day in the life of a university library" [2013] inCiteALIA 43; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A deserving promotion" [1998] inCiteALIA 302; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "A double honour" [1998] inCiteALIA 216; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "A first for Alzheimer's Australia" [2004] inCiteALIA 201; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "A First for State Library (NSW)" [1985] inCiteALIA 226; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "A first for Victoria" [1997] inCiteALIA 296; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "A fresh new look" [2003] inCiteALIA 87; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "A friendly RAISS" [1993] inCiteALIA 61; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "A fun and productive week" [2001] inCiteALIA 186; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "A fun way to connect with the community" [2009] inCiteALIA 93; (2009) 30(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "A General Council Meeting" [1984] inCiteALIA 127; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "A Golden Opportunity" [1989] inCiteALIA 130; (1989) 10(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "A Good Read" [1986] inCiteALIA 51; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "A Great Librarian: Phyllis Mander-Jones, MBE" [1984] inCiteALIA 128; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "A great read for auto buffs" [1992] inCiteALIA 88; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "A Helping Hand for History" [1985] inCiteALIA 369; (1985) 6(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "A Helping Hand to Adelaide" [1982] inCiteALIA 168; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "A knowledge culture?" [2001] inCiteALIA 204; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "A librarian is again the University Medallist at Charles Sturt University" [1992] inCiteALIA 117; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A library writ Marion" [2002] inCiteALIA 10; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A life to crow about: Arthur Mortimer" [2011] inCiteALIA 238; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "A little recognition goes a long way" [2001] inCiteALIA 13; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "A lobby for Libraries" [1996] inCiteALIA 51; (1996) 17(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "A lot of children's bed-time reading" [1994] inCiteALIA 235; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "A magical event at the South Australian Parliamentary Research Library" [2019] inCiteALIA 115; (2019) 40(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "A Man of Vision and Persistence" [1984] inCiteALIA 7; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "A Man, a Library, a Collection and a Quest" [1987] inCiteALIA 78; (1987) 8(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "A memorial to Margaret Trask, AM" [2004] inCiteALIA 107; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "A model for the future" [1998] inCiteALIA 32; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "A most deserving Fellow" [2003] inCiteALIA 181; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "A Moving Experience" [1987] inCiteALIA 162; (1987) 8(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "A musical offering" [1992] inCiteALIA 195; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "A National Book Day for Australia" [1994] inCiteALIA 332; (1994) 15(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "A new AGPS style guide" [1994] inCiteALIA 48; (1994) 15(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "A new approach to industrial relations" [1996] inCiteALIA 172; (1996) 17(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "A new Direction for ALIA" [1990] inCiteALIA 277; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "A new electronic bulletin for public libraries" [2003] inCiteALIA 227; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "A new era for information services" [2000] inCiteALIA 88; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "A new name?" [1998] inCiteALIA 151; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A new state library for Sarawak" [1997] inCiteALIA 245; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "A new way to grow a library" [2012] inCiteALIA 291; (2012) 33(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A new way to value libraries?" [2015] inCiteALIA 85; (2015) 36(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "A new, light-filled library in Melbourne's south-east attracts crowds" [2018] inCiteALIA 19; (2018) 39(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "A novel, two million dollars and the professor" [1997] inCiteALIA 323; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "A part for Warren Horton" [1999] inCiteALIA 140; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "A perfect setting for Challenging Ideas" [2003] inCiteALIA 249; (2003) 24(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "A pianissimo budget" [1999] inCiteALIA 123; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "A place of congregation and communion'" [2005] inCiteALIA 241; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "a point of reference" [2007] inCiteALIA 183; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "A Prisoner of Conscience" [1982] inCiteALIA 167; (1982) 3(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "A question of standards" [1990] inCiteALIA 72; (1990) 11(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "A range of library programs" [1998] inCiteALIA 276; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "A recruitment and career development strategy" [1994] inCiteALIA 306; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "A regional picture" [2013] inCiteALIA 110; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "A review of members' engagement and participation in ALIA" [2003] inCiteALIA 258; (2003) 24(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "A Roving Report Top Library Brass Go Troppo" [1981] inCiteALIA 226; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "A Royal Beginning" [1983] inCiteALIA 174; (1983) 4(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "A royal visit at the State Library of WA" [2016] inCiteALIA 19; (2016) 37(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "A Run Down on Jogging" [1985] inCiteALIA 373; (1985) 6(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "A self-reflection and evaluation tool for school libraries" [2015] inCiteALIA 130; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A special case for collaboration" [2003] inCiteALIA 226; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "A Special Message from IBBY Australia" [1985] inCiteALIA 194; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "A star is born" [1996] inCiteALIA 93; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "A statewide community-based lending service" [2003] inCiteALIA 8; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "A step forward for Archives Centre - at least" [2001] inCiteALIA 55; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "A taste for romance" [2014] inCiteALIA 17; (2014) 35(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "A Taste of 1788" [1988] inCiteALIA 1; (1988) 9(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "A third woman vice-chancellor" [1996] inCiteALIA 250; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "A top architecture prize to SLV" [2005] inCiteALIA 307; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "A Unique Children's Library" [1989] inCiteALIA 173; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "A uniquely Australian thesaurus" [2005] inCiteALIA 58; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "A united future" [1998] inCiteALIA 6; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "A very important message to users of the ALIAnet website" [1999] inCiteALIA 349; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "A very productive couple of days " [1996] inCiteALIA 226; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "A vision for the future " [1998] inCiteALIA 4; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "A Walk in the White Forest" [1987] inCiteALIA 175; (1987) 8(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "A web-based training resource for library staff working with the disabled" [2007] inCiteALIA 7; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "A week in the life of an ALIA branch president" [1996] inCiteALIA 53; (1996) 17(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "A week in the life of the conference" [1992] inCiteALIA 191; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "A word from Australia's first Children's Laureates" [2013] inCiteALIA 175; (2013) 34(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "A Word from the President" [1983] inCiteALIA 193; (1983) 4(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "A word in your ear from the Editor" [1993] inCiteALIA 28; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "A worthy bunch" [2001] inCiteALIA 11; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A Writer's Life" [1986] inCiteALIA 142; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "A year in Cambodia" [2006] inCiteALIA 265; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "A&R's New Owner" [1981] inCiteALIA 173; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "A-A-ACHILIS!" [1982] inCiteALIA 188; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "AACOBS to Hold NIP Seminar" [1983] inCiteALIA 204; (1983) 4(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "AAIA, ALIATec, AFALIA " [2004] inCiteALIA 239; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "AARNet and CWIS laid bare" [1993] inCiteALIA 287; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "AARNET and Open Learning" [1992] inCiteALIA 252; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ABA Library Supply Groups" [1986] inCiteALIA 15; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ABC Audio releases unabridged library collection" [2002] inCiteALIA 117; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ABC to digitise significant media archive" [2003] inCiteALIA 182; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "ABLEDATA - New Service for Disabled People" [1983] inCiteALIA 279; (1983) 4(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ABN - Why not? A round-table for managers and cataloguers from public countries" [1995] inCiteALIA 5; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "ABN Committees" [1982] inCiteALIA 41; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ABN Gets Under Way" [1982] inCiteALIA 130; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ABN is ten!" [1992] inCiteALIA 11; (1992) 13(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ABN Passes Three Million Mark" [1984] inCiteALIA 152; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ABN Reaches Out " [1984] inCiteALIA 242; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ABN subcommittee formed" [1983] inCiteALIA 139; (1983) 4(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts policy brochure available" [1999] inCiteALIA 108; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Aboriginal consultation a success" [1994] inCiteALIA 308; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "About ACCESS" [1982] inCiteALIA 290; (1982) 3(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "About ACPAD" [1985] inCiteALIA 119; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "About COHO" [1984] inCiteALIA 247; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "About IFLA" [1984] inCiteALIA 109; (1984) 5(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "About LAA 22" [1982] inCiteALIA 74; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "About the logo" [1996] inCiteALIA 134; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "ABS National Survey on Volunteering in Australia" [2007] inCiteALIA 254; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ABS Public Libraries Survey 2003-4" [2004] inCiteALIA 205; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Academic: University of Queensland Library Cyberschool" [2001] inCiteALIA 281; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Academics could 'Show your librarian some love'" [2006] inCiteALIA 280; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Accepting request and declaration forms by e-mail" [2000] inCiteALIA 158; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Access and equity inquiry" [1993] inCiteALIA 229; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Access One and AUSINET support Reading the future" [1996] inCiteALIA 192; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Access or ownership?" [1994] inCiteALIA 150; (1994) 15(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Access point library: media - information -culture" [2003] inCiteALIA 229; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Access points for information" [1995] inCiteALIA 201; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Access Problem at State Library" [1981] inCiteALIA 82; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Access to a world of information" [1995] inCiteALIA 122; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Access to ABN" [1982] inCiteALIA 91; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Access to Australian government publications" [2004] inCiteALIA 63; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Access to Drug Information" [1987] inCiteALIA 22; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Access to Learning Award" [2005] inCiteALIA 314; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Access to library services make no exception" [1990] inCiteALIA 153; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Access: at what cost?" [1999] inCiteALIA 18; (1999) 20(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Achieving excellence" [1990] inCiteALIA 270; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Achieving excellence" [1991] inCiteALIA 90; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Achieving excellence" [1993] inCiteALIA 185; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ACHILIS is one " [1983] inCiteALIA 67; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ACHLIS Gets New Manager" [1989] inCiteALIA 77; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ACHLIS Goes Interstate" [1984] inCiteALIA 155; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ACHPIRST is a Winner!" [1982] inCiteALIA 149; (1982) 3(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ACI A Major Sponsor of Specials Law Conference" [1984] inCiteALIA 310; (1984) 5(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "ACI Appointment" [1985] inCiteALIA 64; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ACI Branches Into Microcomputer Library Software" [1985] inCiteALIA 141; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ACI Computer Services Adds CADRE to its Public Database List" [1985] inCiteALIA 145; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ACI Computer Services Markets New Library Software" [1986] inCiteALIA 197; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ACI into Orbit" [1981] inCiteALIA 154; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ACICS Expands Information Services" [1984] inCiteALIA 157; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ACLIS Task Force Targets Remote Users" [1989] inCiteALIA 81; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "ACLIS to Study Interlibrary Loan Patterns" [1989] inCiteALIA 67; (1989) 10(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ACOC Seminar" [2007] inCiteALIA 173; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Acquisitions basis" [1993] inCiteALIA 198; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Acquisitions faster, simpler" [1994] inCiteALIA 305; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Acquisitions Seminar" [1980] inCiteALIA 273; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Acronyms and Abbreviations" [1981] inCiteALIA 200; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "ACT ALIA Prize winner announced" [2014] inCiteALIA 110; (2014) 35(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "ACT Group: Seminar on Automated Management of Serials" [1985] inCiteALIA 118; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ACT Information Technology Week" [1983] inCiteALIA 282; (1983) 4(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ACT Public Library supports East Timor libraries" [2004] inCiteALIA 144; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ACT Reference Library Threatened" [1989] inCiteALIA 224; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Action Soon On Computer Software" [1984] inCiteALIA 125; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Actor Richard Roxburgh on what libraries mean to him" [2017] inCiteALIA 10; (2017) 38(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Adding Qualified Value" [1989] inCiteALIA 268; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Additional Places at RMIT" [1989] inCiteALIA 320; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Addressing the big issues" [1999] inCiteALIA 47; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Adelaide 98: Pathways to knowledge" [1997] inCiteALIA 227; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Adelaide 98: Pathways to knowledge" [1998] inCiteALIA 142; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Adelaide secrets - from those who know!" [1998] inCiteALIA 234; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ADLIB for Victoria College" [1985] inCiteALIA 376; (1985) 6(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ADLUG Founded" [1989] inCiteALIA 281; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Adopt a library-school project" [1996] inCiteALIA 304; (1996) 17(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Adult learners week 1995" [1995] inCiteALIA 94; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Advance notice" [1997] inCiteALIA 157; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Advancing towards on-line library automation" [1992] inCiteALIA 122; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Advancing your career" [1990] inCiteALIA 245; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Advocacy on the road" [2014] inCiteALIA 9; (2014) 35(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Advocating - What it is and how to do it" [2016] inCiteALIA 37; (2016) 37(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Advocating for libraries is for everyone - not just extroverts" [2018] inCiteALIA 12; (2018) 39(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "AEI Shindig" [1987] inCiteALIA 304; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "AESIS boosts AusGeoRef" [2008] inCiteALIA 129; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Affirmative Action Awards" [1989] inCiteALIA 255; (1989) 10(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "AFR Stays with ACI" [1986] inCiteALIA 218; (1986) 7(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "AFRIS Achievement" [1983] inCiteALIA 56; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "AFTRS - Looking Outward" [1987] inCiteALIA 305; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "AGLIN 2nd Annual Conference" [2005] inCiteALIA 118; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "AGPS goes for GOLD" [1992] inCiteALIA 215; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "AGPS Under Threat" [1981] inCiteALIA 138; (1981) 2(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Aid to South Pacific" [1981] inCiteALIA 156; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "AIDAB invites new projects" [1992] inCiteALIA 295; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "AIMA Institutes Held" [1986] inCiteALIA 86; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "AIMA to move to Canberra" [1992] inCiteALIA 157; (1992) 13(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "AJCP Project to Continue" [1982] inCiteALIA 49; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Al Grassby Launches NSW CAPL Campaigns" [1986] inCiteALIA 368; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Alan Bundy retires from the University of South Australia" [2005] inCiteALIA 90; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Albury/Wodonga ALIA Conference has top social program" [1992] inCiteALIA 192; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALEPH 500 software" [2001] inCiteALIA 61; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Alex Byrne new state librarian NSW" [2011] inCiteALIA 198; (2011) 32(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Alex Byrne wins IFLA presidential election" [2003] inCiteALIA 147; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Alf Mappin honoured" [1994] inCiteALIA 68; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "ALIA '92 Conference 27 Sept - 2 Oct" [1992] inCiteALIA 102; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ALIA 10th National Cataloguing Conference '93" [1992] inCiteALIA 321; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA 1990 Conference obituary" [1990] inCiteALIA 266; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ALIA 1990 Conference post script" [1990] inCiteALIA 268; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "ALIA 1990 Conference Tours" [1989] inCiteALIA 229; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ALIA 2004 Biennial Conference" [2004] inCiteALIA 121; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "ALIA 2004 conference update" [2004] inCiteALIA 29; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 55
Editors --- "ALIA 2008 Biennial Conference - Call for papers" [2007] inCiteALIA 261; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "ALIA 80th anniversary celebrations" [2016] inCiteALIA 122; (2016) 37(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA 92" [1993] inCiteALIA 81; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "ALIA accredited LIS course resource now online" [2019] inCiteALIA 6; (2019) 40(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA activities" [2002] inCiteALIA 219; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ALIA Alert" [1989] inCiteALIA 142; (1989) 10(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "ALIA Alert" [1989] inCiteALIA 326; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association - liftout
Editors --- "ALIA and ACLIS Get Together" [1989] inCiteALIA 112; (1989) 10(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ALIA and ACLIS open the door" [1991] inCiteALIA 4; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "ALIA and CAVAL announce new direction for LIS training in 2010" [2010] inCiteALIA 39; (2010) 31(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA and education policy" [2005] inCiteALIA 217; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "ALIA and public libraries" [2009] inCiteALIA 21; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA and the Australian Libraries Summit" [1989] inCiteALIA 305; (1989) 10(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA and the Australian Libraries Summit" [1989] inCiteALIA 321; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA appoints executive staff" [2012] inCiteALIA 186; (2012) 33(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA appoints new Professional Development Officer" [2007] inCiteALIA 166; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA at IYPS 2001" [2001] inCiteALIA 325; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA award winner" [1999] inCiteALIA 191; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ALIA award: Letter of Recognition" [2005] inCiteALIA 309; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA Awards for Innovation go national!" [2000] inCiteALIA 54; (2000) 21(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALIA awards for innovation in Victoria" [1996] inCiteALIA 193; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "ALIA Awards review complete" [2012] inCiteALIA 46; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "ALIA Board 2018 elections" [2018] inCiteALIA 23; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA Board election - vote now!" [2015] inCiteALIA 37; (2015) 36(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA Board Election 2016" [2016] inCiteALIA 46; (2016) 37(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "ALIA Board election results" [2018] inCiteALIA 42; (2018) 39(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA Board Election" [2017] inCiteALIA 26; (2017) 38(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA Board election: the candidates have their say" [2014] inCiteALIA 27; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA Board Elections 2019" [2019] inCiteALIA 51; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "ALIA Board Elections" [2007] inCiteALIA 283; (2007) 28(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA Board Elections" [2013] inCiteALIA 34; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA Board nominations are coming up again" [2018] inCiteALIA 109; (2018) 39(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA Board of Directors December Meeting in a nut-shell" [2002] inCiteALIA 21; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 49
Editors --- "ALIA Board: nominate now!" [2014] inCiteALIA 192; (2014) 35(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ALIA builds a continuing professional development program for members" [2003] inCiteALIA 171; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA campaign - lobbying and collaborating for copyright reform" [2012] inCiteALIA 263; (2012) 33(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "ALIA campaigns for you" [2019] inCiteALIA 118; (2019) 40(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "ALIA can help you optimise your career opportunities" [2004] inCiteALIA 171; (2004) 25(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "ALIA certified practitioners: recognition within the profession" [2006] inCiteALIA 274; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "ALIA Children's and Youth Services Section (NSW)" [1993] inCiteALIA 184; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA congratulates Yasmin Birchall" [2013] inCiteALIA 125; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA Continuing Professional Development Scheme" [2003] inCiteALIA 184; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "ALIA CPD scheme audit 3 - the final audit for the original CPD scheme" [2004] inCiteALIA 140; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA early literacy framework launched" [2014] inCiteALIA 35; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "ALIA election results" [2005] inCiteALIA 73; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2013] inCiteALIA 240; (2013) 34(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "ALIA Events" [2014] inCiteALIA 14; (2014) 35(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2014] inCiteALIA 45; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2014] inCiteALIA 69; (2014) 35(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2014] inCiteALIA 93; (2014) 35(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "ALIA Events" [2014] inCiteALIA 119; (2014) 35(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2014] inCiteALIA 207; (2014) 35(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2014] inCiteALIA 166; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "ALIA Events" [2014] inCiteALIA 142; (2014) 35(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2014] inCiteALIA 97; (2014) 35(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2015] inCiteALIA 4; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA Events" [2015] inCiteALIA 27; (2015) 36(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA events" [2015] inCiteALIA 50; (2015) 36(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA Events" [2015] inCiteALIA 122; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA Events/News" [2015] inCiteALIA 146; (2015) 36(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA Excellence Award - Natasha Griggs" [2005] inCiteALIA 140; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA federal budget analysis" [2003] inCiteALIA 106; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA Federal Election advocacy" [2007] inCiteALIA 235; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA Fellows gather at University of Sydney" [2000] inCiteALIA 6; (2000) 21(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA Fellowships awarded" [2008] inCiteALIA 336; (2008) 29(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA Fellowships" [1996] inCiteALIA 144; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "ALIA Forum on Purchasing Agreements and Licensing" [2003] inCiteALIA 233; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA Forum on Purchasing Agreements and Licensing" [2004] inCiteALIA 279; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA General Council: working for you" [1997] inCiteALIA 124; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA Government Publications Expert Group" [2000] inCiteALIA 31; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA has a new Executive Director" [1993] inCiteALIA 225; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA has a new Industrial Information Officer" [1993] inCiteALIA 6; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA Health Libraries Australia - Swets Professional Envoy Award" [2004] inCiteALIA 68; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA House news" [2015] inCiteALIA 141; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "ALIA in Hong Kong" [2005] inCiteALIA 165; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ALIA in the community" [2012] inCiteALIA 214; (2012) 33(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA Information Literacy Forum newsletter" [2004] inCiteALIA 65; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA Information Online 2013" [2012] inCiteALIA 237; (2012) 33(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA Information Online 2013" [2012] inCiteALIA 259; (2012) 33(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "ALIA Information Online 2013" [2012] inCiteALIA 285; (2012) 33(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference Keynote Siva Vaidhyanathan" [2015] inCiteALIA 6; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference: At the Edge" [2015] inCiteALIA 30; (2015) 36(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA Information Online 2019 ALIA NEWS" [2019] inCiteALIA 32; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "ALIA Information Online wrap up in pictures" [2013] inCiteALIA 50; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA Interlibrary loan voucher scheme to end" [2011] inCiteALIA 337; (2011) 32(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "ALIA introduces a new approach to CPD" [1999] inCiteALIA 285; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA is pleased to announce our 2012 award winners" [2013] inCiteALIA 10; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALIA launches FAIR advocacy campaign" [2015] inCiteALIA 5; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ALIA Leadership & Innovation Forum roundup" [2018] inCiteALIA 117; (2018) 39(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA Library Technician Section" [1993] inCiteALIA 43; (1993) 14(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALIA lobbies STS Review Group" [1997] inCiteALIA 87; (1997) 18(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ALIA Local Liaison Officer Appointed in SA" [2007] inCiteALIA 158; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA local liaison officers" [2004] inCiteALIA 20; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 47
Editors --- "ALIA Looks Ahead 500 Years" [1989] inCiteALIA 158; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ALIA Manager of the Year" [1996] inCiteALIA 303; (1996) 17(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "ALIA Member 25 Year Club - SA Presentation" [2015] inCiteALIA 19; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ALIA Members' Choice Library Design Award" [2019] inCiteALIA 23; (2019) 40(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "ALIA membership a winner" [1998] inCiteALIA 39; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "ALIA memories & messages" [2012] inCiteALIA 17; (2012) 33(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ALIA Mentoring Scheme" [2015] inCiteALIA 200; (2015) 36(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ALIA Merit Award" [1996] inCiteALIA 210; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "ALIA Movements" [2013] inCiteALIA 9; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ALIA movements" [2013] inCiteALIA 64; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA movements" [2013] inCiteALIA 104; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA movements" [2013] inCiteALIA 117; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA moves on purchasing agreements" [2002] inCiteALIA 298; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ALIA National Advisory Congress 2012 summary" [2013] inCiteALIA 35; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA National Headquarters" [1989] inCiteALIA 88; (1989) 10(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ALIA National Library & Information Technicians Conference 2007" [2007] inCiteALIA 221; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "ALIA National Office activities" [1997] inCiteALIA 86; (1997) 18(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ALIA National Office News (ANON)" [2001] inCiteALIA 57; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "ALIA national office staff" [1990] inCiteALIA 39; (1990) 11(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ALIA National Policy Congress 2003" [2003] inCiteALIA 152; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "ALIA New Graduates Group" [2006] inCiteALIA 204; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA news" [2012] inCiteALIA 202; (2012) 33(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "ALIA news" [2013] inCiteALIA 168; (2013) 34(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ALIA News" [2015] inCiteALIA 26; (2015) 36(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA News" [2015] inCiteALIA 23; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "ALIA on the Net" [1995] inCiteALIA 21; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA on the net" [1995] inCiteALIA 64; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA on the Net" [1995] inCiteALIA 88; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA or AALIA?" [1989] inCiteALIA 36; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "ALIA poster wins at IFLA" [2014] inCiteALIA 180; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "ALIA president honoured with a Fellowship" [1998] inCiteALIA 287; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA president joins Labor taskforce on the Knowledge Nation" [2001] inCiteALIA 21; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "ALIA President PhD" [1990] inCiteALIA 184; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "ALIA Press Board report" [1990] inCiteALIA 45; (1990) 11(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "ALIA professional development recordkeeping" [2005] inCiteALIA 168; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA protests closure of NTIS" [1999] inCiteALIA 345; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "ALIA provides an update on the Marrakesh Treaty Forum" [2018] inCiteALIA 7; (2018) 39(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ALIA Public Libraries Summit - Senator Ursula Stephens to open" [2009] inCiteALIA 8; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ALIA Public Library Ambassador program" [2009] inCiteALIA 41; (2009) 30(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA rates well in national work/life survey" [2001] inCiteALIA 129; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "ALIA recognises achievement and excellence" [2004] inCiteALIA 10; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALIA recognises outstanding achievement" [2005] inCiteALIA 29; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA recognising excellence" [2012] inCiteALIA 81; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA Research Awards" [2007] inCiteALIA 19; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA Research Fund" [2007] inCiteALIA 179; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ALIA Research Fund" [2007] inCiteALIA 242; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA Research Grant" [2015] inCiteALIA 190; (2015) 36(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "ALIA research grants and awards now open" [2012] inCiteALIA 106; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "ALIA schools milestones" [2017] inCiteALIA 121; (2017) 38(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "ALIA Sector Watch" [2004] inCiteALIA 261; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA seeks an Executive Director" [1993] inCiteALIA 89; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA Study Grant Award" [1992] inCiteALIA 113; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA Study Grant Award" [1996] inCiteALIA 173; (1996) 17(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "ALIA Sustainable libraries group" [2012] inCiteALIA 68; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA Symposium" [2005] inCiteALIA 229; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ALIA TAFE Section NSW Branch" [1995] inCiteALIA 207; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "ALIA teacher-librarian student of the year award" [1995] inCiteALIA 62; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALIA Team - out and about" [2013] inCiteALIA 57; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "ALIA Team - out and about" [2013] inCiteALIA 76; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA Team - out and about" [2013] inCiteALIA 101; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA Team - out and about" [2013] inCiteALIA 150; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "ALIA Team - out and about" [2013] inCiteALIA 166; (2013) 34(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "ALIA Thorpe joins forces" [1991] inCiteALIA 209; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ALIA Top End is liberated" [2006] inCiteALIA 299; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ALIA Top End Symposium 2007" [2007] inCiteALIA 172; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA Training - save these dates!" [2014] inCiteALIA 21; (2014) 35(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "ALIA Training programs: book now!" [2014] inCiteALIA 34; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2011] inCiteALIA 96; (2011) 32(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2012] inCiteALIA 43; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2012] inCiteALIA 82; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2012] inCiteALIA 110; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALIA Training" [2012] inCiteALIA 133; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2012] inCiteALIA 153; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2012] inCiteALIA 199; (2012) 33(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2012] inCiteALIA 224; (2012) 33(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2012] inCiteALIA 248; (2012) 33(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2013] inCiteALIA 12; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2013] inCiteALIA 39; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2013] inCiteALIA 70; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2013] inCiteALIA 149; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2013] inCiteALIA 167; (2013) 34(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ALIA training" [2013] inCiteALIA 198; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "ALIA Training: Book now!" [2014] inCiteALIA 125; (2014) 35(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "ALIA turns 80" [2017] inCiteALIA 77; (2017) 38(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ALIA wants you Join ALIA's PD scheme now" [2006] inCiteALIA 119; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA wants you join the CPD scheme now!" [2004] inCiteALIA 60; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA wards innovation " [2001] inCiteALIA 280; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "ALIA welcomes Technicians in Tas" [1995] inCiteALIA 193; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA wins 'best practice' recognition" [2005] inCiteALIA 117; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "ALIA's 2004 National Policy Congress" [2004] inCiteALIA 139; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALIA's 70th Anniversary Life Membership Deal" [2007] inCiteALIA 90; (2007) 28(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "ALIA's Building Project Manager" [1989] inCiteALIA 115; (1989) 10(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "ALIA's delegate to the International Young Professionals Summit" [2001] inCiteALIA 260; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "ALIA's employment assistance" [2007] inCiteALIA 282; (2007) 28(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA's first Certified Practitioners" [2004] inCiteALIA 123; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "ALIA's highest honour recognises one of Australia's Library Leaders" [2016] inCiteALIA 97; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA's member services" [1994] inCiteALIA 100; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "ALIA's National Advisory Congress" [2006] inCiteALIA 264; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ALIA's National Headquarters" [1989] inCiteALIA 5; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "ALIA's new advocacy campaign, Truth, Integrity, Knowledge" [2018] inCiteALIA 118; (2018) 39(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ALIA's role in education" [2007] inCiteALIA 170; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA's Royal Charter" [1989] inCiteALIA 13; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA's Strategic Plan 1993-97" [1992] inCiteALIA 300; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ALIA's submission quoted in telecommunications report" [1997] inCiteALIA 51; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "ALIA's submission to the Senate Select Committee on a New Tax System" [1999] inCiteALIA 37; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ALIA's vision for the future" [1997] inCiteALIA 123; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ALIA/NZLIA Joint Conference" [1993] inCiteALIA 63; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "ALIA/OPAI project takes off!" [1998] inCiteALIA 41; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ALIA/Thorpe book launched" [1992] inCiteALIA 185; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ALIA2000 Fringe: Beyond the square" [2000] inCiteALIA 233; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA2000 in Bangkok" [1999] inCiteALIA 239; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALIA2000 uncensored!" [2000] inCiteALIA 113; (2000) 21(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "ALIA2000: a snapshot" [2000] inCiteALIA 283; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALIA2000: Capitalising on knowledge - the information professional in the 21st century" [2000] inCiteALIA 87; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ALIA: making the difference" [2002] inCiteALIA 255; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "ALIA: The Face of LIS for 75 years" [2012] inCiteALIA 16; (2012) 33(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "ALIAnet: growing daily" [1996] inCiteALIA 264; (1996) 17(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "ALIAVic: who? What? Why?" [2003] inCiteALIA 208; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Alice in Libraryland" [1981] inCiteALIA 114; (1981) 2(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Alice Springs farewells first librarian" [1997] inCiteALIA 291; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Alison Crook Business Woman of the Year" [1992] inCiteALIA 299; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ALJ: An invitation to contribute" [2002] inCiteALIA 13; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "All About the Middle East" [1981] inCiteALIA 103; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "All change" [2012] inCiteALIA 32; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "All day, every day" [1996] inCiteALIA 9; (1996) 17(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "All in a day's work" [1992] inCiteALIA 228; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "All loved up: Library Lovers' Day 2015" [2015] inCiteALIA 52; (2015) 36(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "All You Need to Know About Patents" [1981] inCiteALIA 261; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Allan Horton honoured by UNSW" [1992] inCiteALIA 168; (1992) 13(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Almost here!" [1982] inCiteALIA 126; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "ALPC's Public Relations Awards" [1981] inCiteALIA 243; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Alumni and Prizes at RMIT" [1986] inCiteALIA 37; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Alumni Association" [1981] inCiteALIA 109; (1981) 2(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "ALW 1994 - Destination information" [1994] inCiteALIA 297; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "ALW has them rolling in the aisles" [1999] inCiteALIA 161; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "ALW in New South Wales" [1996] inCiteALIA 198; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "ALW returns to St George College" [2000] inCiteALIA 146; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Amendments to Copyright Act" [1984] inCiteALIA 139; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Amendments to the Copyright Law" [1981] inCiteALIA 202; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "American Embassy Research Center: a world away - in Canberra" [2001] inCiteALIA 291; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "American expert visits the National Library of Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 79; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Ameritech acquires Dynix Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 90; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "AMIC - It's Short for Something Big" [1984] inCiteALIA 45; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "AMOL receives international recognition" [2002] inCiteALIA 125; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "An Aerodynamic Library?" [1988] inCiteALIA 249; (1988) 9(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "An After-effect of the 1983 IFLA Council and General Conference Held in Munich" [1985] inCiteALIA 181; (1985) 6(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "An English Librarian in the State of Victoria" [1983] inCiteALIA 46; (1983) 4(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "An exhibition of greatness" [2000] inCiteALIA 197; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "An exhibition that dares to share" [2001] inCiteALIA 144; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "An information odyssey a long and eventful journey" [2001] inCiteALIA 200; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "An insight into the future of libraries" [1997] inCiteALIA 164; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "An Internet overview" [1995] inCiteALIA 20; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "An interview with the incoming editor of ALJ" [1996] inCiteALIA 28; (1996) 17(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "An interview with the incoming IFLA President" [2019] inCiteALIA 85; (2019) 40(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "An Invitation From Across the Tasman: NZLA Conference 1987" [1986] inCiteALIA 285; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "An Open Letter to the President" [1984] inCiteALIA 299; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "An update on Online Australia Day" [1998] inCiteALIA 272; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "An update on the ALIA TIK campaign" [2019] inCiteALIA 110; (2019) 40(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Analysis shows impact of Australian Library Week" [1996] inCiteALIA 231; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Anatomy of a Disaster" [1987] inCiteALIA 157; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "And for the social butterflies " [2000] inCiteALIA 228; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "And Now for Something Completely Different " [1986] inCiteALIA 35; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "And the books to listen are " [1998] inCiteALIA 40; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "And the mayor was there" [2003] inCiteALIA 212; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "And the Minister came too!" [1994] inCiteALIA 18; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "And the winner is " [2000] inCiteALIA 263; (2000) 21(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "And the winner is the 2015 ABIA Awards" [2015] inCiteALIA 101; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "And the winner says" [2011] inCiteALIA 269; (2011) 32(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "And the winners are " [1997] inCiteALIA 198; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "And the winners are " [2011] inCiteALIA 307; (2011) 32(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "And the winners are .." [2001] inCiteALIA 348; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "And when will the ACT get its own reference library?" [1996] inCiteALIA 187; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "ANL Assists Asian Countries" [1984] inCiteALIA 182; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Anne Harrison award winner 1995" [1995] inCiteALIA 272; (1995) 16(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Anne Harrison, 1923-1992" [1992] inCiteALIA 65; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Anne Pellowski to Visit Australia" [1983] inCiteALIA 26; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Anne-Marie Schwirtlich" [2011] inCiteALIA 98; (2011) 32(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Announcement" [1985] inCiteALIA 125; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Announcing Library and Information Week 2002" [2001] inCiteALIA 221; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Annual General Meeting" [1985] inCiteALIA 219; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Annual General Meeting" [1990] inCiteALIA 119; (1990) 11(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ANON" [2001] inCiteALIA 359; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "ANON" [2002] inCiteALIA 163; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Another Jewel in the Crown" [1988] inCiteALIA 223; (1988) 9(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Another Language?" [1981] inCiteALIA 45; (1981) 2(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Another Link with China" [1985] inCiteALIA 335; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Another NBC Success" [1984] inCiteALIA 302; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Another successful year" [1995] inCiteALIA 69; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Another travelling sweatshirt" [1996] inCiteALIA 237; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Antarctic journeys exhibition" [1996] inCiteALIA 240; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Anthropological literature on CD" [1994] inCiteALIA 311; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Antipodean Extravaganza" [1987] inCiteALIA 249; (1987) 8(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "ANU Librarian" [1980] inCiteALIA 274; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ANU library joins Pacific Rim information network" [1998] inCiteALIA 42; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Any ideas for the 1982 Conference?" [1980] inCiteALIA 131; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Any time, any place: virtual information services" [2000] inCiteALIA 235; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ANZAC Fellowships" [1980] inCiteALIA 152; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ANZAC Fellowshops" [1981] inCiteALIA 186; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Apartheid and Censorship" [1986] inCiteALIA 355; (1986) 7(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "APLA Achievements 2010 - 2015" [2015] inCiteALIA 127; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Apology to Queensland and Tasmania" [1982] inCiteALIA 337; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Apology" [1982] inCiteALIA 85; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Appeal for donations" [1998] inCiteALIA 214; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Applications open for 2008 heritage grants" [2008] inCiteALIA 161; (2008) 29(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Apply now! Anne Harison Award for health librarianship" [1999] inCiteALIA 72; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Appointment of Temporary Industrial Officer" [1989] inCiteALIA 132; (1989) 10(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Approval Given for Revised Course" [1989] inCiteALIA 202; (1989) 10(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "APSIG lunchtime seminar: Preserving Asia's cultural heritage" [2003] inCiteALIA 85; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Architecture Databases Up on AUSINET" [1985] inCiteALIA 59; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Archive Film Centre" [1981] inCiteALIA 130; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Archive re-born" [1999] inCiteALIA 183; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Archives on tour" [1997] inCiteALIA 96; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Archiving web resources: issues for cultural heritage institutions" [2004] inCiteALIA 149; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Archiving web resources: issues for cultural heritage institutions" [2004] inCiteALIA 193; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Are Books Revolting?" [1983] inCiteALIA 64; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Are we resistant to change?" [1996] inCiteALIA 200; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Are you a good librarian?" [2000] inCiteALIA 70; (2000) 21(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Are you a librarian doing something else?" [1992] inCiteALIA 108; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Are you being competent?" [1996] inCiteALIA 90; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Are you keeping secrets?" [2014] inCiteALIA 15; (2014) 35(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" [1983] inCiteALIA 69; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Are you offering a quality service?" [1995] inCiteALIA 110; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Are you ready for something completely different?" [2001] inCiteALIA 261; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Are you under 35? Do you have something to contribute?" [2001] inCiteALIA 205; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Areta McCulloch Retires" [1982] inCiteALIA 209; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ARLAC news" [2004] inCiteALIA 120; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Artist Voyagers to Australia" [1981] inCiteALIA 285; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ArtsInfo where arts, culture and industry meet" [1997] inCiteALIA 231; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "As more graphic novels appear in US libraries, so do challenges" [2007] inCiteALIA 69; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "As others see us " [1992] inCiteALIA 52; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "ASCIS and TASCIS" [1982] inCiteALIA 339; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "ASCIS Software Reviews" [1988] inCiteALIA 172; (1988) 9(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Assessing member needs" [1998] inCiteALIA 131; (1998) 19(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "ASSIG committee meets in Melbourne" [2000] inCiteALIA 121; (2000) 21(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Assistance to University Libraries Overseas" [1984] inCiteALIA 55; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Associate Fellow membership" [2004] inCiteALIA 66; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Association News" [2011] inCiteALIA 88; (2011) 32(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Association News" [2011] inCiteALIA 242; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "At ALIA's 1992 AGM" [1992] inCiteALIA 274; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "At Harry Bryan's Party " [1985] inCiteALIA 198; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "At Last! Brisbane Gets a City Librarian" [1986] inCiteALIA 382; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "At the President's Party" [1988] inCiteALIA 219; (1988) 9(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "At Work and Play" [1989] inCiteALIA 175; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "At Your Local Library" [1988] inCiteALIA 237; (1988) 9(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "At Your Service!" [1986] inCiteALIA 151; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Athletic Queensland" [2000] inCiteALIA 202; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Attention, South Australian members!" [2003] inCiteALIA 211; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Au Revoi Jo-anne" [1989] inCiteALIA 318; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Audio-visual Committee News" [1983] inCiteALIA 121; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Audiovisual Travelling Workshop" [1981] inCiteALIA 238; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Aurora 2007 applications now open" [2006] inCiteALIA 184; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Aurora Foundation established" [2001] inCiteALIA 337; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Aurora Leadership Institute 2004" [2003] inCiteALIA 207; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Aurora Leadership Institute participants selected" [1995] inCiteALIA 252; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Aurora news" [2004] inCiteALIA 206; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Aus Delegation to China" [1987] inCiteALIA 330; (1987) 8(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "AUSINET - Executive Service and World Reporter" [1985] inCiteALIA 323; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Ausloan II" [1985] inCiteALIA 284; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Ausloan Launched at LAA 22" [1982] inCiteALIA 294; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Aust book fair" [1980] inCiteALIA 68; (1980) 1(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Aust Library Week" [1980] inCiteALIA 197; (1980) 1(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Aust Representative at International Film Conference" [1981] inCiteALIA 118; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "AustLII free legal database in crisis" [2007] inCiteALIA 182; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Austlit on CD-ROM" [1992] inCiteALIA 119; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Australia as an information society" [1990] inCiteALIA 254; (1990) 11(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australia Dancing - making dance more accessible" [2002] inCiteALIA 95; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Australia Day honours for librarians" [1991] inCiteALIA 63; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Australia Day honours for libraries" [1991] inCiteALIA 14; (1991) 12(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australia Day Honours" [1987] inCiteALIA 54; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Australia Day honours" [2013] inCiteALIA 18; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Australia Day honours: Dedication to library services honoured" [2002] inCiteALIA 39; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Australia facing a critical shortage of health librarians" [2016] inCiteALIA 111; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Australia funds internet solutions in Asia-Pacific" [2006] inCiteALIA 151; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Australia Gets the Honours!" [1986] inCiteALIA 123; (1986) 7(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Australia has quality access to information " [2001] inCiteALIA 170; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Australia Post Commemorates Children's Book Week" [1985] inCiteALIA 209; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Australia Post to abolish registered publications" [1991] inCiteALIA 220; (1991) 12(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australia Ripe for Videodisc but Rotten at Marketing" [1988] inCiteALIA 32; (1988) 9(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Australia Sponsors IBBY's Big Day" [1988] inCiteALIA 29; (1988) 9(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Australia's favourite librarian" [2013] inCiteALIA 99; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Australia's favourite librarian' the results are in!" [2013] inCiteALIA 126; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Australia's Favourite Library revealed" [2014] inCiteALIA 106; (2014) 35(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Australia's information future" [1999] inCiteALIA 101; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Australia's IT&T future: a strategic analysis report 1 July 1998" [1998] inCiteALIA 199; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Australia's most enduring story revealed in an exhibition" [2002] inCiteALIA 46; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Australia's new Interlibrary Resource Sharing Code" [2006] inCiteALIA 116; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Australia's Oldest Sound Recording" [1983] inCiteALIA 88; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australia's smallest library?" [2007] inCiteALIA 298; (2007) 28(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Australia's Statistical History on Microfiche" [1989] inCiteALIA 310; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australia, Take a Bow!" [1986] inCiteALIA 226; (1986) 7(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australia, the Multi-Cultural Society Fact or Fiction?" [1982] inCiteALIA 293; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australian Academic and Research Libraries" [1995] inCiteALIA 206; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Australian authors help celebrate Children's Book Week 1992" [1992] inCiteALIA 177; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Australian Book Trade Video" [1986] inCiteALIA 109; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Australian Book Week October 14-21: Short, Squat Enigmatic" [1983] inCiteALIA 269; (1983) 4(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Australian Bureau of Statistics" [2007] inCiteALIA 131; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Australian Children's Literature Digital Resources Project" [2008] inCiteALIA 194; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Australian Databases: a National Policy?" [1983] inCiteALIA 50; (1983) 4(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Australian Federal Libraries Committee" [1985] inCiteALIA 86; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Australian folklore revealed" [1993] inCiteALIA 40; (1993) 14(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Australian Government launches new cybercrime initiative" [2015] inCiteALIA 107; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Australian IBBY welcomes a new president" [2001] inCiteALIA 232; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Australian in Indianapolis" [1998] inCiteALIA 211; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Australian Information Industry Comes of Age" [1983] inCiteALIA 222; (1983) 4(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Australian innovation awarded" [2001] inCiteALIA 14; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Australian Interlibrary Resource Sharing Code amended" [2004] inCiteALIA 23; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 49
Editors --- "Australian Joint Copying Project" [1981] inCiteALIA 30; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Australian Law on CD-ROM" [1994] inCiteALIA 154; (1994) 15(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Australian legislation" [1995] inCiteALIA 194; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Australian librarians in East Timor" [2000] inCiteALIA 259; (2000) 21(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Australian Libraries and Information Council: A Paper Tiger?" [1981] inCiteALIA 72; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australian libraries page" [1995] inCiteALIA 36; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Australian Libraries Summit" [1988] inCiteALIA 15; (1988) 9(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Australian Libraries Summit" [1988] inCiteALIA 182; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Australian Libraries Summit" [1988] inCiteALIA 204; (1988) 9(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Australian Library and Information Research Register (ALIR)" [1993] inCiteALIA 77; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Australian library celebrated in the USA" [2009] inCiteALIA 26; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Australian Library Collections Task Force" [1999] inCiteALIA 77; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Australian Library Fair" [1994] inCiteALIA 89; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Australian Library Journal's New Buildings Issue" [1980] inCiteALIA 89; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Australian Library Promotion Council Awards" [1980] inCiteALIA 247; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Australian Library Publishers' Society" [1999] inCiteALIA 111; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Australian Library Week 17-24 October" [1986] inCiteALIA 326; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Australian Library Week 1983 - National Opening" [1983] inCiteALIA 243; (1983) 4(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Australian Library Week in Blacktown TAFE" [1997] inCiteALIA 224; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Australian Library Week" [1980] inCiteALIA 118; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Australian Library Week" [1981] inCiteALIA 185; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Australian Library Week" [1992] inCiteALIA 139; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Australian Library Week" [1994] inCiteALIA 266; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Australian library workers: who are they?" [1998] inCiteALIA 88; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Australian nationally shared system for Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages" [1993] inCiteALIA 91; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Australian OMS Institutes 1984" [1984] inCiteALIA 84; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Australian Public Library Network: have your say " [2001] inCiteALIA 293; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Australian rural libraries a model of engagement" [2012] inCiteALIA 53; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Australian sacrifices in Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement" [2004] inCiteALIA 82; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Australian skies for all" [1994] inCiteALIA 25; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Australian Society of Authors Announce New Literary Award for Fiction" [2007] inCiteALIA 154; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Australian Society of Indexers Medal Award 1992" [1992] inCiteALIA 311; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Australian Studies Discussion Group" [1988] inCiteALIA 260; (1988) 9(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Australian Tender Wins!" [1987] inCiteALIA 37; (1987) 8(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Australian Trade Committee News" [1987] inCiteALIA 259; (1987) 8(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Australian Views on EFT Adopted" [1984] inCiteALIA 198; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Australian winner of major international award" [1997] inCiteALIA 313; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Australian wins international award" [1997] inCiteALIA 41; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Australian writing awards calendar" [2015] inCiteALIA 81; (2015) 36(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Australian Young Writers' Project" [1985] inCiteALIA 191; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Australiana Special" [1989] inCiteALIA 249; (1989) 10(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Australians and their heritage" [1992] inCiteALIA 24; (1992) 13(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Australians on the International stage" [2010] inCiteALIA 299; (2010) 31(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Author Ivan Southall Wins 2003 Dromkeen Medal" [2004] inCiteALIA 42; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Author Rights Pilot from Routledge/Taylor & Francis" [2017] inCiteALIA 18; (2017) 38(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Author! Author!" [1992] inCiteALIA 138; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Author, choir and artists " [1999] inCiteALIA 153; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Automation Bits" [1988] inCiteALIA 145; (1988) 9(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Automation Conference" [1981] inCiteALIA 36; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "AV and Copyright" [1981] inCiteALIA 215; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "AV Collection at Nedlands" [1981] inCiteALIA 61; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "AV Materials: A Computer Based Catalogue" [1980] inCiteALIA 4; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "AV Researcher's Workshop and Guide" [1984] inCiteALIA 195; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Averill Edwards" [1999] inCiteALIA 59; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Averill Gets the Numbers" [1987] inCiteALIA 332; (1987) 8(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "AWA Aids AIDS Fight" [1985] inCiteALIA 314; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "AWA URICA Prizewinners" [1984] inCiteALIA 282; (1984) 5(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Award caps off big year for university librarian" [2001] inCiteALIA 9; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Award for academic achievement" [1995] inCiteALIA 93; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Award for Ena Noel" [1984] inCiteALIA 189; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Award for outstanding student" [2014] inCiteALIA 183; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Award to Honour Marshal McLuhan" [1983] inCiteALIA 102; (1983) 4(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Award winners announced" [2001] inCiteALIA 50; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Award Winners for 1982" [1982] inCiteALIA 245; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Award winners honoured" [2000] inCiteALIA 9; (2000) 21(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Award-winning library in the city" [1994] inCiteALIA 72; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Award-winning library" [1997] inCiteALIA 284; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Awards at the Conference" [1995] inCiteALIA 223; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Awards at UTS" [1994] inCiteALIA 176; (1994) 15(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Awards Conferred" [1982] inCiteALIA 23; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Awards for audio book producers" [1990] inCiteALIA 188; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Awards for innovation" [1996] inCiteALIA 34; (1996) 17(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Awards for outstanding ALIA members" [2000] inCiteALIA 104; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "Awards from General Council" [1986] inCiteALIA 295; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Awards presented in Perth" [1980] inCiteALIA 88; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Awards" [1992] inCiteALIA 211; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Awards" [1993] inCiteALIA 199; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Awards" [1996] inCiteALIA 120; (1996) 17(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Back to the Future" [1987] inCiteALIA 268; (1987) 8(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Back-to-basics libraries" [2001] inCiteALIA 95; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Balnaves, Edmund" [2012] inCiteALIA 289; (2012) 33(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Barr Smith Library celebrates with style" [1999] inCiteALIA 131; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Barr Smith Library Closes: Librarians' Strike" [1981] inCiteALIA 313; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Baudy Bits .. Column of Online News" [1980] inCiteALIA 124; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Baudy Bits Column of On Line News" [1980] inCiteALIA 146; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Baudy Bits Column of Online News" [1980] inCiteALIA 79; (1980) 1(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Baudy Bits Column of Online News" [1980] inCiteALIA 107; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Baudy Bits Column of Online News" [1980] inCiteALIA 202; (1980) 1(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Baudy Bits Column of Online News" [1980] inCiteALIA 227; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Baudy Bits Column of Online News" [1980] inCiteALIA 267; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Baudy Bits Column of Online News" [1981] inCiteALIA 9; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "BBN's Special Issue" [1988] inCiteALIA 171; (1988) 9(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Be an earlybird for NT conference" [1994] inCiteALIA 263; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Be Careful What You Say " [1985] inCiteALIA 291; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Be enriched and read (BEAR)" [1994] inCiteALIA 215; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Be part of the fun!" [2002] inCiteALIA 176; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Be WARM this June on the Sunshine Coast" [2007] inCiteALIA 50; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Become a mentor or a mentee" [2018] inCiteALIA 6; (2018) 39(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Befriend a KOALA" [1990] inCiteALIA 17; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Belonging opens in Melbourne" [2001] inCiteALIA 156; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Benchmarking for competitive advantage" [1994] inCiteALIA 250; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Bending without breaking" [1995] inCiteALIA 147; (1995) 16(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Bequests" [2015] inCiteALIA 125; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Bess Thomas Award 2006" [2006] inCiteALIA 216; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Best of friends " [2001] inCiteALIA 206; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Best Paper Award" [1989] inCiteALIA 282; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Best practice: the NT approach" [1994] inCiteALIA 233; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Best practices observed" [2010] inCiteALIA 226; (2010) 31(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Better for business" [1990] inCiteALIA 157; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts " [1980] inCiteALIA 179; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Beyond skill shortage slogans" [2006] inCiteALIA 52; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Beyond the limits of space and time" [1995] inCiteALIA 245; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Beyond the OPAC: future directions for web-based catalogues" [2006] inCiteALIA 158; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Beyond user satisfaction: a qualitative model for evaluating reference service" [2000] inCiteALIA 13; (2000) 21(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Beyond words" [1996] inCiteALIA 236; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "BIALL in Auld Reekie" [1992] inCiteALIA 324; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Bibliofile Prize at Darwin" [1986] inCiteALIA 208; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Bibliography Launch" [1987] inCiteALIA 158; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Bibliography on Women and Gender" [1985] inCiteALIA 400; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Big ALIA 92 Trade Exhibition" [1992] inCiteALIA 107; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Big Move for Bankstown" [2014] inCiteALIA 88; (2014) 35(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Big Night Out in Adelaide" [2005] inCiteALIA 116; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Big pay win for NSW health members" [2004] inCiteALIA 50; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Biggest Library Computer Network in Australia" [1984] inCiteALIA 18; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Access to Learning Award" [2006] inCiteALIA 273; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "BIOSIS Camapign" [1983] inCiteALIA 131; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Birds on a CD-ROM" [1994] inCiteALIA 23; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Blackwell's CONNECT to be launched at ALIA '92" [1992] inCiteALIA 210; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Blight of the Bounty Sails Again!" [1983] inCiteALIA 100; (1983) 4(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Board of Directors focus on education for the profession" [2001] inCiteALIA 265; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Board of Directors meeting 17 March 2004" [2004] inCiteALIA 103; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Board of Directors meeting" [2001] inCiteALIA 320; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Board of Directors meeting" [2003] inCiteALIA 69; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Board of Education Draft Statements" [1981] inCiteALIA 131; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Board of Education meets at ALIA House" [1990] inCiteALIA 277; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Board of Education Report" [1987] inCiteALIA 331; (1987) 8(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Board of Education report" [2000] inCiteALIA 155; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Board of Education" [1988] inCiteALIA 207; (1988) 9(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Board of Education" [1991] inCiteALIA 168; (1991) 12(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Board of Education: Draft Policy Statements" [1981] inCiteALIA 60; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bold new bookshelf for Curtin Uni" [2013] inCiteALIA 182; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Bon Voyage, Jenny!" [1985] inCiteALIA 385; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Bon Voyage, Mary!" [1983] inCiteALIA 136; (1983) 4(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Book Bites" [2015] inCiteALIA 123; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Book bites: Great reads for Christmas" [2015] inCiteALIA 207; (2015) 36(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Book bites: Page-turning thrillers" [2016] inCiteALIA 24; (2016) 37(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Book bites: What's new out in October" [2015] inCiteALIA 181; (2015) 36(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Book bounty to continue" [1993] inCiteALIA 200; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Book briefs" [1994] inCiteALIA 252; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Book briefs" [1994] inCiteALIA 277; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Book Design Award Goes to New Publisher" [1983] inCiteALIA 124; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Book Ends!" [1982] inCiteALIA 104; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Book Fair" [1982] inCiteALIA 275; (1982) 3(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Book Indexing Course" [1987] inCiteALIA 266; (1987) 8(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Book News" [2016] inCiteALIA 117; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Book Now for 1982-83 Courses in Gt Britain" [1982] inCiteALIA 105; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Book Postage Charges" [1985] inCiteALIA 28; (1985) 6(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Book review" [2008] inCiteALIA 15; (2008) 29(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Book review" [2008] inCiteALIA 33; (2008) 29(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Book review" [2008] inCiteALIA 118; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Book Reviews - by Children" [1984] inCiteALIA 166; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2008] inCiteALIA 188; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2008] inCiteALIA 220; (2008) 29(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Book Reviews" [2008] inCiteALIA 259; (2008) 29(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2008] inCiteALIA 285; (2008) 29(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2008] inCiteALIA 315; (2008) 29(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2008] inCiteALIA 335; (2008) 29(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 23; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 58; (2009) 30(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 95; (2009) 30(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 137; (2009) 30(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 162; (2009) 30(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 196; (2009) 30(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 234; (2009) 30(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 279; (2009) 30(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 306; (2009) 30(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 333; (2009) 30(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2009] inCiteALIA 362; (2009) 30(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2010] inCiteALIA 29; (2010) 31(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2010] inCiteALIA 58; (2010) 31(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2010] inCiteALIA 86; (2010) 31(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2010] inCiteALIA 166; (2010) 31(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2010] inCiteALIA 209; (2010) 31(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2010] inCiteALIA 236; (2010) 31(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Book reviews" [2010] inCiteALIA 274; (2010) 31(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Book Week Safari" [2009] inCiteALIA 311; (2009) 30(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Book your place at the Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference" [2018] inCiteALIA 66; (2018) 39(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Bookmark '80" [1980] inCiteALIA 29; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "BOOKNET in Frankfurt" [1986] inCiteALIA 33; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "BOOKNET Launched" [1985] inCiteALIA 286; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Books Alive - the way forward" [2002] inCiteALIA 142; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Books Alive builds on last year's results" [2004] inCiteALIA 278; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Books Alive!" [2001] inCiteALIA 41; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Books Alive!" [2004] inCiteALIA 41; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Books banned around the world" [2002] inCiteALIA 193; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Books Bridge Gaps" [1983] inCiteALIA 191; (1983) 4(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Books by the Balls" [1990] inCiteALIA 86; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Books for the Booker" [1993] inCiteALIA 66; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Books in a Land of Paradox" [1988] inCiteALIA 88; (1988) 9(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Books librarians love" [2016] inCiteALIA 105; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Books on Demand" [1982] inCiteALIA 142; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Books received " [1992] inCiteALIA 147; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Books received" [1992] inCiteALIA 183; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Books received" [1993] inCiteALIA 16; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Books received" [1993] inCiteALIA 187; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Books received" [1993] inCiteALIA 220; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Books received..." [1993] inCiteALIA 252; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Books Still the Major Means of Communication" [1982] inCiteALIA 354; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Bookworms Become Sissies'" [1981] inCiteALIA 250; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Borrow a Plant" [1981] inCiteALIA 208; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Bowe, Lori" [2007] inCiteALIA 301; (2007) 28(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "BPDC - Where the Living is Easy" [1987] inCiteALIA 72; (1987) 8(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Braille and Talking Book Library awards" [1998] inCiteALIA 180; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Braille and Talking Book Literary Awards" [1997] inCiteALIA 348; (1997) 18(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Braille Catalogue" [1986] inCiteALIA 313; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Breaking barriers: reaching users in a digital world" [2003] inCiteALIA 81; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Breaking barriers: reaching users in a digital world" [2003] inCiteALIA 146; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Brian, Toohey, keynote speaker" [1994] inCiteALIA 196; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Bridge walk again a great success" [2001] inCiteALIA 175; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Bridging the Digital Divide" [2001] inCiteALIA 318; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Bright and Funky in December!" [2002] inCiteALIA 274; (2002) 23(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Bright Ideas - Get involved in 2017" [2016] inCiteALIA 119; (2016) 37(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bright Ideas - Get involved in 2017" [2017] inCiteALIA 72; (2017) 38(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bright ideas - get involved in 2017" [2017] inCiteALIA 92; (2017) 38(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bright ideas - get involved in 2018" [2017] inCiteALIA 113; (2017) 38(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bright ideas - get involved in 2018" [2018] inCiteALIA 2; (2018) 39(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bright ideas for 2016" [2015] inCiteALIA 184; (2015) 36(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bright Ideas for 2016" [2016] inCiteALIA 2; (2016) 37(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Bright Ideas July/August" [2016] inCiteALIA 50; (2016) 37(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Bright Ideas May/June" [2016] inCiteALIA 32; (2016) 37(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Brimbank at the cutting edge" [2005] inCiteALIA 175; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Bring Trees Into Your Library" [1982] inCiteALIA 201; (1982) 3(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Bringing the big picture home" [2002] inCiteALIA 3; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Brisbane Access 2010 - seen heard - and tweeted" [2010] inCiteALIA 282; (2010) 31(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Brisbane libraries meet e-learning demand with Monash LearningFast" [2002] inCiteALIA 128; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Brisbane NZLA: Conference News" [1983] inCiteALIA 288; (1983) 4(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "British Council presentation" [1995] inCiteALIA 31; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Buddy wins VALA award" [1999] inCiteALIA 103; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Budget support of libraries" [1993] inCiteALIA 257; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Build renovate or detonate: The future of public library buildings" [2000] inCiteALIA 91; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Building a service that they want" [2005] inCiteALIA 270; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Building Advisory Service in Demand" [1989] inCiteALIA 284; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Building information literate communities" [2003] inCiteALIA 97; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Building information literature communities" [2003] inCiteALIA 111; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Building on the Bookends Scenarios" [2015] inCiteALIA 201; (2015) 36(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Building Review 1982 & 1983" [1984] inCiteALIA 69; (1984) 5(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Building smarter communities" [2001] inCiteALIA 20; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Bullet LAN service fired at lawyers" [1993] inCiteALIA 237; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Burning for learning" [2001] inCiteALIA 231; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Business information in public libraries" [1998] inCiteALIA 155; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Busting Out All Over" [1983] inCiteALIA 221; (1983) 4(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Busy meeting in May" [1997] inCiteALIA 211; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Busy meeting in October" [2000] inCiteALIA 276; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Busy time for LISEKA Working Group" [2003] inCiteALIA 18; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "C E Charivari" [1982] inCiteALIA 343; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "C H Currey Memorial Fellowship Award 1994" [1993] inCiteALIA 128; (1993) 14(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Cable Television - Submission" [1980] inCiteALIA 265; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "CAE Amalgamations" [1982] inCiteALIA 119; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "CAL Inspections Begin" [1986] inCiteALIA 179; (1986) 7(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "CAL says business as usual, only better" [2006] inCiteALIA 140; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Call for applications for first Kay Poustie Fellowship" [2012] inCiteALIA 87; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Call for expressions of interest" [2004] inCiteALIA 92; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Call for expressions of interest" [2007] inCiteALIA 111; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Call for motions NSW Branch AGM" [1996] inCiteALIA 6; (1996) 17(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Call for nominations" [1996] inCiteALIA 312; (1996) 17(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Call for nominations" [1999] inCiteALIA 280; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Call for nominations" [2012] inCiteALIA 281; (2012) 33(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Call for Papers - IFLA 88" [1987] inCiteALIA 197; (1987) 8(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Call for papers" [1994] inCiteALIA 186; (1994) 15(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Call for papers" [1999] inCiteALIA 216; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Call for papers" [2004] inCiteALIA 146; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Call for papers" [2004] inCiteALIA 243; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Call for papers" [2013] inCiteALIA 7; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Call for participation" [2000] inCiteALIA 285; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Call for presentations for MyLanguage conference" [2012] inCiteALIA 111; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Call for speakers!" [1992] inCiteALIA 263; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Calling all ALIA members" [2007] inCiteALIA 160; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Calling all Database Producers!" [1985] inCiteALIA 254; (1985) 6(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Calling all editors" [2003] inCiteALIA 117; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Calling all librarians" [2005] inCiteALIA 142; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Calling all one-person library workers" [1997] inCiteALIA 233; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Calling outstanding specials" [2002] inCiteALIA 253; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Calling Western Australian writers" [1998] inCiteALIA 204; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Calls for emergency protection to save Iraq's treasures" [2003] inCiteALIA 77; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Campaign Against Sales Tax" [1981] inCiteALIA 263; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Can You Help?" [1987] inCiteALIA 89; (1987) 8(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Can you help?" [1997] inCiteALIA 53; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Canada Comes to Box Hill" [1989] inCiteALIA 18; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Canadian Awards" [1982] inCiteALIA 187; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Canadian Technology On View" [1986] inCiteALIA 31; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Canberra Building: Looking to our Future" [1988] inCiteALIA 71; (1988) 9(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Canberra Public Library Service" [1985] inCiteALIA 299; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Canberra: more than just Parliament house" [2000] inCiteALIA 232; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Cange of ORBIT in October" [1982] inCiteALIA 287; (1982) 3(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "CAPL Progress" [1986] inCiteALIA 36; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Captions for ABC Children's Programmes" [1986] inCiteALIA 244; (1986) 7(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Cards Out, Fiche In" [1981] inCiteALIA 223; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Career change leads to new career and state medal" [2001] inCiteALIA 268; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Career training in the information industry" [1996] inCiteALIA 298; (1996) 17(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Career-long education" [2002] inCiteALIA 83; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Careers Display" [1981] inCiteALIA 10; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Caring for the delicate monster" [1998] inCiteALIA 185; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Carnegie Medal for New Zealander" [1983] inCiteALIA 192; (1983) 4(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Carnivale 2004 at Willoughby City Library" [2004] inCiteALIA 288; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Carol Mills has retired" [2000] inCiteALIA 39; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Carolyn Burke: 2006 winner of the Marjorie Cotton Award" [2006] inCiteALIA 214; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Cartography for Connoisseurs" [1983] inCiteALIA 74; (1983) 4(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Casual jobs and the rise of employment agencies" [1998] inCiteALIA 17; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Catalogue Conversion" [1984] inCiteALIA 250; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Catalogue for all Australian Schools: Too Many 'Standards'?" [1981] inCiteALIA 213; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Catalogue for Handicapped" [1981] inCiteALIA 91; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Catalogue of Commonwealth Electoral Maps" [1983] inCiteALIA 164; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Catalogue of PNG theses" [1992] inCiteALIA 327; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Cataloguing foreign language collections" [2004] inCiteALIA 255; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Cataloguing rules" [1995] inCiteALIA 200; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Cataloguing System at Kuring-gai: Online Teaching" [1981] inCiteALIA 291; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Cataloguing System" [1982] inCiteALIA 236; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Cataloguing: it's all Greek to " [1990] inCiteALIA 156; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Catterns launches Copyright Kit" [1981] inCiteALIA 270; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "CAUL Achievement Award for 2005" [2006] inCiteALIA 21; (2006) 27(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 45
Editors --- "CAUL Achievement Award" [2007] inCiteALIA 42; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Cause for cautious optimism" [1997] inCiteALIA 118; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "CAVAL and ABN Have Joined Fources" [1982] inCiteALIA 218; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "CAVAL Launches Diaster Plan" [1988] inCiteALIA 258; (1988) 9(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "CAVAL to open up membership to institutions" [2004] inCiteALIA 231; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "CAVAL Workshops in Australian Government Publications" [1986] inCiteALIA 175; (1986) 7(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "CAVAL" [1981] inCiteALIA 71; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Cavala in Carlton - CAVAL and VALA Get Together" [1989] inCiteALIA 23; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "CD Initiative in NSW TAFE Library Services" [1989] inCiteALIA 167; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "CD-ROM access for a Territory community" [1995] inCiteALIA 79; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "CD-ROM and multimedia publishing in 1993" [1993] inCiteALIA 132; (1993) 14(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "CD-ROM user education" [1993] inCiteALIA 269; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "CD-ROMs for libraries" [1991] inCiteALIA 51; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Celebrate the future" [2002] inCiteALIA 239; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Celebrate the future" [2003] inCiteALIA 108; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Celebrate with Snugglepot and Cuddlepot" [1989] inCiteALIA 254; (1989) 10(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Celebrate with us!" [2003] inCiteALIA 167; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Celebrating 30 years of library technicians" [2009] inCiteALIA 178; (2009) 30(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Celebrating 60 years of Presidents" [1997] inCiteALIA 5; (1997) 18(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Celebrating 60 years" [1997] inCiteALIA 37; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Celebrating 70 years" [2007] inCiteALIA 169; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Celebrating a learning society" [1997] inCiteALIA 167; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Celebrating Adult Learners' Week" [2008] inCiteALIA 193; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Celebrating great Australian Writing" [2013] inCiteALIA 13; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Celebrating libraries" [2001] inCiteALIA 169; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Celebrating Library and Information Week 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 141; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Celebrating Library and Information Week in style" [2001] inCiteALIA 190; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Celebrating our society!" [1990] inCiteALIA 242; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Celebrating success " [2003] inCiteALIA 273; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Celebrating success" [2003] inCiteALIA 237; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Celebrating success" [2003] inCiteALIA 240; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Celebrating success" [2004] inCiteALIA 32; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 57
Editors --- "Celebrating the Australian Reading Hour" [2017] inCiteALIA 118; (2017) 38(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Celebrating twenty years" [1998] inCiteALIA 301; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Celebrating" [2003] inCiteALIA 122; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Censorship and classification the Australian way" [1994] inCiteALIA 269; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Censorship in Schools!" [1985] inCiteALIA 208; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Census for libraries" [1998] inCiteALIA 18; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Certified professional health specialisation launch" [2013] inCiteALIA 119; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "CH Currey Memorial Fellowship" [1994] inCiteALIA 69; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Challenge and Response'" [1981] inCiteALIA 314; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Challenges keep rolling in" [1999] inCiteALIA 9; (1999) 20(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Challenging ideas" [2002] inCiteALIA 103; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Challenging ideas" [2003] inCiteALIA 197; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Challenging ideas" [2003] inCiteALIA 270; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Challenging the stereotypes" [1999] inCiteALIA 192; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Champion of intellectual freedom" [2001] inCiteALIA 332; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Chancellor's medal for library technician" [1994] inCiteALIA 230; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Change of Name" [1981] inCiteALIA 187; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Change of Name" [1985] inCiteALIA 309; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Change of name" [1993] inCiteALIA 210; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Changes to employment conditions" [1997] inCiteALIA 50; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Changes to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Library" [2004] inCiteALIA 101; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Changes to the National Policy Congress" [2005] inCiteALIA 28; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Changes to Victorian Workers Compensation Legislation" [1985] inCiteALIA 296; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Changing places" [2003] inCiteALIA 210; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Changing research practices" [2002] inCiteALIA 180; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Changing the culture and the mindset" [1994] inCiteALIA 64; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Channel 9 Library Profile. Adrenaline rush: when users need information, they need it now!" [2013] inCiteALIA 44; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Charges for document supply to libraries outside New Zealand" [1996] inCiteALIA 273; (1996) 17(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Charter of Renewal" [1998] inCiteALIA 286; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Charting the information universe" [1998] inCiteALIA 263; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Chasing the sun " [2005] inCiteALIA 6; (2005) 26(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Cheaper books and computer software" [2001] inCiteALIA 83; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Check Your Ergonomics" [1984] inCiteALIA 153; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Chief Public Librarians" [1993] inCiteALIA 140; (1993) 14(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Child's play" [2001] inCiteALIA 51; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Children and libraries: a winning combination" [1992] inCiteALIA 212; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Children Choose Books for Award" [1980] inCiteALIA 105; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Children have a right to culture, say laureates" [2012] inCiteALIA 86; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Children's and teacher-librarians take note" [1990] inCiteALIA 163; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Children's Book Award Finalists" [1984] inCiteALIA 165; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Children's Book Awards - Short List" [1985] inCiteALIA 71; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Children's book catalogue" [1995] inCiteALIA 131; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Children's Book of the Year Award" [1980] inCiteALIA 159; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Children's Book of the Year" [1981] inCiteALIA 207; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Children's Book Week - Library Roundup" [1987] inCiteALIA 218; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Children's Book Week in WA" [1982] inCiteALIA 229; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Children's book week" [2010] inCiteALIA 294; (2010) 31(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Children's librarians recognised at conference" [1998] inCiteALIA 265; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Children's librarians to be rewarded" [1995] inCiteALIA 195; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Children's Librarians" [1992] inCiteALIA 57; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Children's Library Services in Tasmnia" [1987] inCiteALIA 102; (1987) 8(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Children's Literature Experts Coming to Australia" [1985] inCiteALIA 97; (1985) 6(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Children's Literature Research Collection for NSW" [1982] inCiteALIA 219; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Children's Literature Specialist for LAA 22" [1981] inCiteALIA 293; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Children's Peace Literature Award 2005" [2006] inCiteALIA 14; (2006) 27(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Children's Video Collection" [1985] inCiteALIA 144; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Childrens Book of the Year Award" [1983] inCiteALIA 210; (1983) 4(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "China revealed through National Library's Asian collection" [2004] inCiteALIA 179; (2004) 25(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "China's information sources" [1994] inCiteALIA 203; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Chinese Bibliography" [1982] inCiteALIA 166; (1982) 3(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Chinese Influence" [1982] inCiteALIA 60; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Chinese library on the net" [1995] inCiteALIA 285; (1995) 16(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Chisholm's Year" [1986] inCiteALIA 219; (1986) 7(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Chopping around the world" [1992] inCiteALIA 293; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Chrissie Swan and The Reading Hour" [2015] inCiteALIA 150; (2015) 36(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Christchurch - it worked and played" [1981] inCiteALIA 38; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Christmas reading " [1992] inCiteALIA 326; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "CIIM at CSU" [1991] inCiteALIA 234; (1991) 12(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "CIRCIT - a focus for research on communication and information" [1990] inCiteALIA 210; (1990) 11(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Circulation Systems" [1980] inCiteALIA 53; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "CIT signs reciprocal library agreement with DET" [2007] inCiteALIA 40; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Citywide book club for Brisbane" [2005] inCiteALIA 162; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "CLANN CD-CAT released" [1993] inCiteALIA 202; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Clare Burton Memorial Lecture 2001" [2001] inCiteALIA 225; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Claremont library helps to teach children about safety" [1998] inCiteALIA 63; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Class of 2011: Welcome to the new board members" [2011] inCiteALIA 146; (2011) 32(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Classic Australian works" [2004] inCiteALIA 13; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Classic readers blog" [2013] inCiteALIA 38; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Classic skills" [2012] inCiteALIA 96; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Classification Research" [1981] inCiteALIA 23; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Classification Review Board decision determines two Islamic books are 'Refused Classification'" [2006] inCiteALIA 230; (2006) 27(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Clearing House for Library Research Reports" [1982] inCiteALIA 177; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "CLICK06: Create, Lead, Innovate, Connect, Knowledge" [2006] inCiteALIA 45; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Clip art for teacher-librarians goes electronic" [1996] inCiteALIA 71; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Closing Date Extended" [1983] inCiteALIA 111; (1983) 4(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Coalition announces $11.4 million for public libraries" [1996] inCiteALIA 50; (1996) 17(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Coalition expresses concern over information industry merger" [2001] inCiteALIA 226; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Coburg Goes Online" [1985] inCiteALIA 267; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Colin Steele in Taiwan" [1991] inCiteALIA 116; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Colin Thiele Launches 'Friends of the Library'" [1989] inCiteALIA 3; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Colin Thiele Retires" [1981] inCiteALIA 11; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Collection guides" [1998] inCiteALIA 156; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Collections Council of Australia Ltd launched" [2005] inCiteALIA 285; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "College Moves to Boost Archives" [1980] inCiteALIA 101; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Colonial Start to Library Week" [1987] inCiteALIA 298; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Comat project" [1991] inCiteALIA 174; (1991) 12(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Come Into the Lab " [1987] inCiteALIA 118; (1987) 8(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "COMLA Jamaican HQ links information professionals" [1998] inCiteALIA 257; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Comment on AACR2" [1982] inCiteALIA 200; (1982) 3(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Commercial focus needed by public libraries" [1997] inCiteALIA 130; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Committee appointments" [2004] inCiteALIA 217; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 43
Editors --- "Committee on Cataloguing" [1992] inCiteALIA 84; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Commonwealth Assistance for Public Libraries Campaign" [1985] inCiteALIA 257; (1985) 6(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Commonwealth Assistance to Public Libraries Campaign" [1985] inCiteALIA 189; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Communications 1983" [1983] inCiteALIA 92; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Communities and Memories - a Global Perspective" [2007] inCiteALIA 267; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Community heritage grants preserve future" [1998] inCiteALIA 25; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Community input to library design services" [1997] inCiteALIA 244; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Community Language Audio Books" [1987] inCiteALIA 155; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Community networking conference" [1999] inCiteALIA 189; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Community networking" [1998] inCiteALIA 13; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Community website launched" [1998] inCiteALIA 113; (1998) 19(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Comparing Religions" [1981] inCiteALIA 170; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Competency standards workshops" [1995] inCiteALIA 190; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Competency standards" [1994] inCiteALIA 2; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Competency workshops in Alice" [1997] inCiteALIA 346; (1997) 18(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Competition" [1982] inCiteALIA 309; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Competitions: Win two stellar new releases" [2015] inCiteALIA 149; (2015) 36(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Computer Information Online" [1985] inCiteALIA 396; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Computer Software Library Services" [1984] inCiteALIA 298; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Computer User Needs" [1980] inCiteALIA 47; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Computers choose books" [1998] inCiteALIA 176; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Computers for librarians" [1998] inCiteALIA 269; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Computers in Libraries - Latest ACS - Initiative" [1986] inCiteALIA 194; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conference Accommodation" [1984] inCiteALIA 117; (1984) 5(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Conference Causes Council Consternation" [1984] inCiteALIA 167; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Conference News" [1984] inCiteALIA 8; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Conference News" [1984] inCiteALIA 54; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conference News: Profile on Denis Richardson" [1984] inCiteALIA 81; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Conference News: Profile on Monica Hissink" [1984] inCiteALIA 126; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Conference News: Profile on Patricia Battin" [1983] inCiteALIA 183; (1983) 4(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Conference News: Profile on Peggy Sullivan" [1983] inCiteALIA 209; (1983) 4(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Conference News: Profile on Richard Landon" [1983] inCiteALIA 172; (1983) 4(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Conference News: Profile on Rodney Gilbert" [1984] inCiteALIA 174; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conference on Drugs" [1983] inCiteALIA 53; (1983) 4(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conference reminder last chance to register" [1997] inCiteALIA 225; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Conference report" [2008] inCiteALIA 69; (2008) 29(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conference Roundup" [1987] inCiteALIA 99; (1987) 8(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conference Speaker Previews" [1988] inCiteALIA 160; (1988) 9(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Conference sponsorship" [1997] inCiteALIA 293; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Conference Success" [1988] inCiteALIA 2; (1988) 9(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Conference theme announced and the call for papers goes out" [2002] inCiteALIA 293; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Conference update" [2004] inCiteALIA 53; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Conference: Latest News: Trade Exhibit Sold Out" [1984] inCiteALIA 101; (1984) 5(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1986] inCiteALIA 13; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1986] inCiteALIA 57; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1986] inCiteALIA 112; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1986] inCiteALIA 144; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1986] inCiteALIA 209; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1986] inCiteALIA 265; (1986) 7(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1986] inCiteALIA 324; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1987] inCiteALIA 25; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1987] inCiteALIA 59; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1987] inCiteALIA 140; (1987) 8(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences Coming Up" [1987] inCiteALIA 223; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Conferences" [1980] inCiteALIA 73; (1980) 1(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 6; (2008) 29(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 40; (2008) 29(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 68; (2008) 29(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 98; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 140; (2008) 29(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 169; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 209; (2008) 29(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 243; (2008) 29(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 277; (2008) 29(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2008] inCiteALIA 298; (2008) 29(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2009] inCiteALIA 73; (2009) 30(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2009] inCiteALIA 111; (2009) 30(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2009] inCiteALIA 145; (2009) 30(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2009] inCiteALIA 249; (2009) 30(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conferences" [2009] inCiteALIA 289; (2009) 30(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conferences" [2009] inCiteALIA 319; (2009) 30(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conferences" [2009] inCiteALIA 341; (2009) 30(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 5; (2010) 31(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 42; (2010) 31(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 68; (2010) 31(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 97; (2010) 31(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 120; (2010) 31(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 152; (2010) 31(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 177; (2010) 31(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 217; (2010) 31(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 244; (2010) 31(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Conferences" [2010] inCiteALIA 321; (2010) 31(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Conferences" [2011] inCiteALIA 26; (2011) 32(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Conferences" [2011] inCiteALIA 54; (2011) 32(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Conferences" [2011] inCiteALIA 89; (2011) 32(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Conferences" [2011] inCiteALIA 122; (2011) 32(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Conferences" [2011] inCiteALIA 144; (2011) 32(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Conferences" [2011] inCiteALIA 172; (2011) 32(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Confidentiality of LAA Membership Records" [1985] inCiteALIA 83; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Congrats, Alex" [1997] inCiteALIA 39; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Congratulations Bill" [1998] inCiteALIA 107; (1998) 19(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Congratulations Dr Patricia Milne" [2010] inCiteALIA 245; (2010) 31(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Congratulations Elizabeth" [1997] inCiteALIA 230; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Congratulations Kathy Sharrad" [2000] inCiteALIA 211; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Congratulations Maxine" [1997] inCiteALIA 349; (1997) 18(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Congratulations Michelle Alcock" [2001] inCiteALIA 240; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Congratulations Professor Jean Whyte AM" [1988] inCiteALIA 36; (1988) 9(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Congratulations Tricia - a very special librarian" [1998] inCiteALIA 241; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Congratulations!" [2009] inCiteALIA 28; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Congratulations" [1982] inCiteALIA 310; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Congratulations" [2002] inCiteALIA 152; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Congratulations" [2006] inCiteALIA 72; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Congratulations, Anastasia!" [2006] inCiteALIA 149; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Congratulations, Elizabeth Barron AFALIATec (CP)" [2004] inCiteALIA 240; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Congratulations, Eric" [1997] inCiteALIA 176; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Congress Papers" [1982] inCiteALIA 137; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Connecting Australians" [2001] inCiteALIA 316; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Connecting up" [2012] inCiteALIA 274; (2012) 33(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Conservation on the Move" [1986] inCiteALIA 366; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Conservation on the Move: Onward to 2001" [1989] inCiteALIA 204; (1989) 10(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Consultant contracted for industry review" [1997] inCiteALIA 26; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Consultant, librarian, indexer, teacher" [1995] inCiteALIA 269; (1995) 16(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Contemporary Australia celebrated in ambitious new exhibition" [2004] inCiteALIA 295; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Content regulation and libraries" [2000] inCiteALIA 108; (2000) 21(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Contest for the Best Student Essay on AGRIS" [1984] inCiteALIA 89; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Controversy in Perth" [1999] inCiteALIA 146; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Converging technologies - diverging applications" [1992] inCiteALIA 106; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Cooking for copyright" [2015] inCiteALIA 158; (2015) 36(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Coordinating Korean collecting" [1996] inCiteALIA 126; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Coping with Copyright" [1992] inCiteALIA 98; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Copyright Amendment Act" [1981] inCiteALIA 214; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Copyright Amendments" [1981] inCiteALIA 191; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Copyright and cultural institutions" [2004] inCiteALIA 15; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 43
Editors --- "Copyright and intellectual property news" [2001] inCiteALIA 227; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Copyright at IFLA" [2013] inCiteALIA 220; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Copyright changes coming" [1980] inCiteALIA 232; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Copyright Committee" [1984] inCiteALIA 221; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Copyright FAQs" [2000] inCiteALIA 95; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Copyright issues paper" [2012] inCiteALIA 251; (2012) 33(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Copyright news update" [2000] inCiteALIA 80; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Copyright update" [1999] inCiteALIA 46; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Copyright: the professional challenge" [2001] inCiteALIA 113; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Core values: All in a day's work for libraries" [2014] inCiteALIA 174; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Cornel Theunissen (1947-1993)" [1993] inCiteALIA 153; (1993) 14(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Corporate Plan and Review" [1985] inCiteALIA 313; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Corporate Plan and Review" [1986] inCiteALIA 48; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Correction" [1981] inCiteALIA 273; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Corrections" [1990] inCiteALIA 280; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Correspondence between Barry Cohen and Maxine Rochester re the National Film and Sound Archive" [1984] inCiteALIA 269; (1984) 5(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Councillors-at-Large" [1982] inCiteALIA 93; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Countdown to NZLIA/ALIA 1994 Joint Conference" [1994] inCiteALIA 244; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Countdown to Techs conference" [1995] inCiteALIA 152; (1995) 16(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Counter jumping" [2012] inCiteALIA 123; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Court ditches paper to go digital" [2015] inCiteALIA 175; (2015) 36(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Courting Diaster" [1987] inCiteALIA 35; (1987) 8(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Cover Story: Together We Are Stronger" [2014] inCiteALIA 120; (2014) 35(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "CPD - become master of your destiny" [2000] inCiteALIA 214; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "CPD as a career strategy [What does our profession need to learn?]" [1997] inCiteALIA 210; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "CPD made easier" [2004] inCiteALIA 44; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "CPD presented" [1995] inCiteALIA 238; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "CPD to become PD" [2005] inCiteALIA 120; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Creating our future" [1993] inCiteALIA 145; (1993) 14(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Creating partnerships for mutual benefit" [2002] inCiteALIA 73; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Creative fellowships to explore library collections" [2003] inCiteALIA 58; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Credit transfer arrangements in library and information studies" [1993] inCiteALIA 296; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Credit transfer arrangements in Library and Information Studies" [1995] inCiteALIA 8; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Criminal justice abstracts on CD" [1994] inCiteALIA 312; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Crisis for children's books" [1996] inCiteALIA 238; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Crow's Eggshortation!" [1980] inCiteALIA 248; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Crown copyright under review" [2004] inCiteALIA 62; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Crystal Ball Gazing" [1980] inCiteALIA 109; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Crystal ball gazing: repurposing a 40 year old building to meet future demand" [2013] inCiteALIA 136; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "CSIRO - End of an Era?" [1988] inCiteALIA 143; (1988) 9(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "CSIRO becomes the first Australian site for Web of Science" [1998] inCiteALIA 220; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "CSIRO Libraries Conference 5-7 June 1989" [1989] inCiteALIA 165; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "CSIRO Library in Global System" [1984] inCiteALIA 210; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "CSIRO Review" [1988] inCiteALIA 148; (1988) 9(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "CSIRO Signs with GEAC" [1986] inCiteALIA 83; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "CSIRO/NLA Team Up" [1981] inCiteALIA 155; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "CSU celebrates the 30th anniversary of its library education programs" [2006] inCiteALIA 67; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "CSU library extensions" [1995] inCiteALIA 42; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "CSU's outstanding graduates are recognised for their achievements" [2017] inCiteALIA 30; (2017) 38(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Cuban librarians convicted of being 'dangerous'" [2005] inCiteALIA 128; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Cultivating the creative commons" [2004] inCiteALIA 263; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Cultural activities planned " [1999] inCiteALIA 55; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Cultural heritage boost" [1997] inCiteALIA 354; (1997) 18(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Cultural Ministers' Council: Focus on libraries" [1995] inCiteALIA 2; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Cultural statement looks favourably on libraries" [1995] inCiteALIA 240; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Cultural survival: cultural revival" [2001] inCiteALIA 7; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Cumberford, John" [2006] inCiteALIA 115; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Current ALIA accredited courses" [2012] inCiteALIA 162; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Current contents on CD-ROM" [1994] inCiteALIA 210; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Curtin introduces podcasts" [2006] inCiteALIA 82; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Curtin signs with DRA" [1994] inCiteALIA 209; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Cyber Security ambassadors announced" [2012] inCiteALIA 140; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Cyber-safety update" [2008] inCiteALIA 322; (2008) 29(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Cybersmart information pack distributed to public libraries" [2008] inCiteALIA 244; (2008) 29(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "CYSS Group Committee update" [2016] inCiteALIA 3; (2016) 37(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "CYSS looking for Alibrandi" [1995] inCiteALIA 90; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "DA celebrates its 50th anniversary" [2001] inCiteALIA 17; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Dad's the word!" [1986] inCiteALIA 340; (1986) 7(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "DAPL, DAAL and DASL" [1986] inCiteALIA 373; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Dark side of the Light?" [1980] inCiteALIA 65; (1980) 1(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Darwin" [1986] inCiteALIA 186; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "DASL number eight is now available" [1992] inCiteALIA 141; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "DASL update" [1995] inCiteALIA 141; (1995) 16(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Data Network Problems" [1986] inCiteALIA 328; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Data Publishing" [1985] inCiteALIA 216; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Database proposal" [1985] inCiteALIA 174; (1985) 6(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Database Update" [1985] inCiteALIA 332; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Dates for Meetings 1983" [1983] inCiteALIA 11; (1983) 4(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "David Scott Mitchell: the man and the library" [2011] inCiteALIA 178; (2011) 32(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "David Williamson's Gift" [1989] inCiteALIA 298; (1989) 10(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Davies, Claudia" [2007] inCiteALIA 119; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Days Gone By" [1982] inCiteALIA 77; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "de bono in the classroom" [1998] inCiteALIA 36; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Deaf Aids" [1986] inCiteALIA 58; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Dealing with politicians" [1996] inCiteALIA 52; (1996) 17(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Dear Max I would like to introduce 'Ern'" [1998] inCiteALIA 275; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Death of a Library Benefactor" [1983] inCiteALIA 244; (1983) 4(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Death of a Princess' or death of the right to know?" [1980] inCiteALIA 98; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Defining a profession" [1997] inCiteALIA 133; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Delays on Orders for MARC Records" [1985] inCiteALIA 399; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Demand on the rise for distance MBA programs" [2004] inCiteALIA 141; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Demystifying Language" [1989] inCiteALIA 315; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Denis Richardson retires" [1991] inCiteALIA 62; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Denis Richardson's contribution" [1991] inCiteALIA 155; (1991) 12(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Derek Whitehead presented with Robert D Williamson Award" [2000] inCiteALIA 247; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Designing your CPD roadmap - what skills do you need in your professional toolkit" [2004] inCiteALIA 45; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Destressing the community by placing books on buses" [2019] inCiteALIA 119; (2019) 40(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "DETYA award for Kerry Tanner" [2000] inCiteALIA 40; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Developing future leaders" [1998] inCiteALIA 278; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Development Continues in SA Libraries" [1981] inCiteALIA 19; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Development in Kinetica to benefit small libraries" [2001] inCiteALIA 300; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Development of portfolios for General Council" [1994] inCiteALIA 94; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Developments in the library labour market" [1998] inCiteALIA 110; (1998) 19(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Dialog awards program " [2002] inCiteALIA 65; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "DIALOG Change" [1981] inCiteALIA 221; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Dialog-sponsored award honors medical librarian" [2006] inCiteALIA 161; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Dialogues between" [1995] inCiteALIA 60; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Diane Costello appointed as Executive Officer of CAUL" [1995] inCiteALIA 157; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Dianella Shows How It's Done" [1981] inCiteALIA 70; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Did the difference matter?" [2002] inCiteALIA 256; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "Did you get two ORANAs?" [1992] inCiteALIA 90; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Did you hear?" [2008] inCiteALIA 163; (2008) 29(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Did you know ?" [2002] inCiteALIA 188; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Did you know.." [2003] inCiteALIA 24; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 44
Editors --- "Did you know?" [2008] inCiteALIA 7; (2008) 29(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Did you know?" [2008] inCiteALIA 219; (2008) 29(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Dietrich Boarchardt Honoured" [1986] inCiteALIA 188; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Dietrich Hans Borchardt 14 April 1916 - 6 June 1997" [1997] inCiteALIA 234; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Digital Agenda bill available for public comment" [1999] inCiteALIA 70; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Digital continuity or digital discontinuity" [2001] inCiteALIA 331; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Digital dancing" [2000] inCiteALIA 279; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Digital developments" [2012] inCiteALIA 67; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Digital hubs the focus for new ALIA group" [2013] inCiteALIA 189; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Digital talking book format from Vision Australia" [2007] inCiteALIA 8; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Dinner for Ali Sharr" [1991] inCiteALIA 69; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Dinner with Margaret Haines" [1998] inCiteALIA 215; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Directline" [1990] inCiteALIA 102; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Directline" [1994] inCiteALIA 1; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Directline" [1997] inCiteALIA 270; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Directline: ALIA Board sets the pace" [2001] inCiteALIA 69; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Directline: General Election" [2013] inCiteALIA 202; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Directline: Government publications" [2003] inCiteALIA 144; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Directline: Libraries and life-long learning" [1999] inCiteALIA 88; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Directline: LIW Forum" [2004] inCiteALIA 129; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Directline: Regulation and the Internet" [1996] inCiteALIA 176; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Directline: Report of Board meeting" [2003] inCiteALIA 280; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Directline: Report of the March Board of Directors meeting" [2005] inCiteALIA 68; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Directline: The Federal election outcome" [2004] inCiteALIA 301; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Directline: The GST and you " [1999] inCiteALIA 200; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Director-General Retires" [1980] inCiteALIA 102; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Directory Launched" [1986] inCiteALIA 9; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Directory of Collection Strengths in Victorian Libraries" [1986] inCiteALIA 297; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Directory of Government Publications Librarians" [1987] inCiteALIA 20; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Directory of Special Libraries Update" [1983] inCiteALIA 289; (1983) 4(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Directory of Special Libraries" [1986] inCiteALIA 96; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "DIS Turns Ten" [1987] inCiteALIA 63; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Disaster for inCite 5" [1991] inCiteALIA 95; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Disaster recovery" [1997] inCiteALIA 113; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Discovering democracy in libraries" [1998] inCiteALIA 244; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Dissertations" [1982] inCiteALIA 51; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Distance education for library technician students iN NSW" [1990] inCiteALIA 217; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Distance education student wins University Medal" [1994] inCiteALIA 123; (1994) 15(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Distant Students and the On-Line Catalogue" [1984] inCiteALIA 281; (1984) 5(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Distinguished member" [1990] inCiteALIA 1; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Divisional Publications on Sale Now!" [1987] inCiteALIA 238; (1987) 8(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "DLIS Retirement Dinner" [1985] inCiteALIA 192; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "DLL Takes Off - A New Service from ABN" [1989] inCiteALIA 7; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Do we judge a book by its cover?" [1998] inCiteALIA 105; (1998) 19(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Do you deserve recognition?" [2002] inCiteALIA 81; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Do you have what it takes?" [1998] inCiteALIA 297; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Do You Know Your Australian Sources" [1981] inCiteALIA 12; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Do you want to share and have you got the time?" [1997] inCiteALIA 252; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Documenting Multicultural Australia" [1988] inCiteALIA 180; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Does the corporate library have a future?" [1995] inCiteALIA 112; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Does the Government need assistance?" [1980] inCiteALIA 60; (1980) 1(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Doing it for the kids: ALIA Children's and Youth Services Group" [2013] inCiteALIA 242; (2013) 34(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Domestic Satellite, who will control it?" [1980] inCiteALIA 171; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Don Shauder honoured by Monash and ALIA" [2007] inCiteALIA 136; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Don't Panic - It Only Seems that Long" [1981] inCiteALIA 160; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Don't Tax Books" [1985] inCiteALIA 308; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Don't Tax Books' Campaign" [1985] inCiteALIA 159; (1985) 6(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Donkeys and camels deliver remote-area library services" [2002] inCiteALIA 71; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Donor program for Altona" [1993] inCiteALIA 255; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Doug Down's Darwin Ditty" [1986] inCiteALIA 245; (1986) 7(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Down and loaded. The right information @ the right time!" [2004] inCiteALIA 40; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Down and loaded: the right information @ the right time" [2004] inCiteALIA 67; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Down and loaded: the right information at the right time" [2004] inCiteALIA 80; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Down Under is Tops" [1986] inCiteALIA 430; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Dr David J Jones retires" [2008] inCiteALIA 126; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Dr Doyle by M r Gill" [1993] inCiteALIA 186; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Dr Lois O'Donoghue to present ALW 98 oration" [1998] inCiteALIA 86; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Draft Budget for the 1988 IFLA Conference" [1986] inCiteALIA 45; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Draft competency standards for the library and information services released for verification" [1994] inCiteALIA 268; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Draft General Council Agenda" [1984] inCiteALIA 56; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Draft General Council Agenda" [1985] inCiteALIA 368; (1985) 6(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Dromkeen winners announced" [2015] inCiteALIA 10; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Drug and alcohol libraries get 'hooked'" [1994] inCiteALIA 85; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Drug Dependence Group" [1981] inCiteALIA 206; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Dual prize winner in NSW" [1994] inCiteALIA 174; (1994) 15(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Dunn & Wilson Scholarship 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 249; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Dunn & Wilson sponsor national scholarship" [1990] inCiteALIA 211; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Duplicate maps" [1992] inCiteALIA 312; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Duty to provide information': The Dunn Affair" [1980] inCiteALIA 84; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Dymocks Wagga Wagga book store and Wagga Wagga city library sponsorship deal" [1994] inCiteALIA 90; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "E-connections BFFs: who and what we love" [2011] inCiteALIA 15; (2011) 32(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "E-deluge as 300 e-delegates e-mbrace ALIA 2002 Issues Forum" [2002] inCiteALIA 60; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "e-FOLIOz: Introduction to e-learning' ALIA/ScHARR - online training" [2007] inCiteALIA 224; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "E-learning investments prove positive" [2007] inCiteALIA 66; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Earlier Completion Date Likely for NZ National Library" [1984] inCiteALIA 149; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Early Aust collection given to NLA" [1980] inCiteALIA 160; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Early Birds" [1982] inCiteALIA 84; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Early days in Australian librarianship" [1994] inCiteALIA 97; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Earth Day Network collects 500 million 'Acts of Green'" [2012] inCiteALIA 74; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "East Timor libraries study tour" [2004] inCiteALIA 203; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "East Timor: urgent assistance needed" [2005] inCiteALIA 209; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "EBooks and elending - is it fair?" [2013] inCiteALIA 65; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "EBooks and elending - where we are now" [2013] inCiteALIA 162; (2013) 34(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "EBSCO proudly sponsoring the NZLIA/ALIA 1994 Joint Conference" [1994] inCiteALIA 197; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "ED Takes Out Library Manager Award" [1987] inCiteALIA 284; (1987) 8(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Edith Cowan University farewells Marie Wilson" [1996] inCiteALIA 248; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Editor's welcome" [2018] inCiteALIA 64; (2018) 39(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Education & Research" [2007] inCiteALIA 265; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Education a key to success" [1996] inCiteALIA 107; (1996) 17(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Education and employment - the LIS sector works and learns" [2016] inCiteALIA 130; (2016) 37(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Education and employment: The report is in" [2014] inCiteALIA 185; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Education and training community shape Australia's biggest learning technology exhibition" [2002] inCiteALIA 105; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Education for change: grasping the vision" [1991] inCiteALIA 89; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Education for Library Technicians in NSW" [1985] inCiteALIA 102; (1985) 6(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Education Working Group formed" [2012] inCiteALIA 161; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Education, Economics and TAFE Libraries" [1989] inCiteALIA 178; (1989) 10(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Edutech 95" [1995] inCiteALIA 58; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Edward at the zoo" [2001] inCiteALIA 196; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Election results" [2004] inCiteALIA 104; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Election results" [2013] inCiteALIA 93; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Election results, ALIA Board of Directors 2007" [2007] inCiteALIA 109; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Election results, ALIA directors 2006" [2006] inCiteALIA 160; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Electronic document delivery seminar at IO & OD 95" [1994] inCiteALIA 330; (1994) 15(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Electronic Games in Libraries Imminent?" [1981] inCiteALIA 86; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Electronic Information Service" [1984] inCiteALIA 123; (1984) 5(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Electronic journals, lists and newsletters" [1994] inCiteALIA 253; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Electronic Mail Network" [1983] inCiteALIA 288; (1983) 4(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Electronic publishing venture at Monash" [2005] inCiteALIA 87; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Electronic Technology and the Book Trade" [1984] inCiteALIA 51; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Elegant offering from the National Library" [1994] inCiteALIA 47; (1994) 15(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "eLEP launched" [2002] inCiteALIA 64; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Elinor Archer Award 1989" [1990] inCiteALIA 92; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Emagazine service at Drummoyne" [2014] inCiteALIA 68; (2014) 35(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Emoh Ruo? Dunroamin'? No, it's LAA House!" [1983] inCiteALIA 1; (1983) 4(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "employLT - facilitating employment in Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 347; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Encouraging access: library and information week in posters" [2013] inCiteALIA 186; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Encouraging cross-sectoral co-operation" [1998] inCiteALIA 243; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Encyclopaedia Britannica standard edition released" [1998] inCiteALIA 222; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "End of an Era at Macquarie University" [1989] inCiteALIA 32; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Endangered Documents on Australian Women in History" [1985] inCiteALIA 342; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Endangered places program" [1998] inCiteALIA 206; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Energise >> Enthuse >> Inspire wants YOU!" [2007] inCiteALIA 96; (2007) 28(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Energise >> Enthuse >> Inspire wants YOU!" [2008] inCiteALIA 262; (2008) 29(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Energise >> Enthuse >> Inspire" [2010] inCiteALIA 88; (2010) 31(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Energy Program Reports Available" [1983] inCiteALIA 41; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Enhance your AV collection" [2007] inCiteALIA 144; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Enhance your network - become and ALIA 2002 conference ambassador" [2002] inCiteALIA 4; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Enhanced access to Australia's colourful corporate history" [2001] inCiteALIA 271; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Enhanced by which bank?" [1990] inCiteALIA 121; (1990) 11(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Enhancing education" [2004] inCiteALIA 39; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Enhancing the commuter experience" [2007] inCiteALIA 128; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Enterprise, employment, education" [1995] inCiteALIA 34; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Enthusiastic response to new readers' advisers' course 'Rewarding reading'" [2005] inCiteALIA 13; (2005) 26(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Entry level opportunities" [2012] inCiteALIA 165; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Ephemera at the National Library" [1989] inCiteALIA 162; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "epixtech wins export award" [2000] inCiteALIA 265; (2000) 21(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "ERA review results on the way" [2012] inCiteALIA 112; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Ergnomoics Interest Group" [1984] inCiteALIA 193; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Eric Flynn Memorial Award for Library Services to Older Adults" [2007] inCiteALIA 249; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "eSmart first for Hume Libraries" [2014] inCiteALIA 197; (2014) 35(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "eSmart libraries update" [2015] inCiteALIA 88; (2015) 36(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Essential connections: connecting school and public library professionals" [2002] inCiteALIA 245; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ESSO scholarships" [1992] inCiteALIA 323; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Esso scholarships" [1993] inCiteALIA 253; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "ESSO Winner!" [1987] inCiteALIA 60; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Esther Elizabeth Austin Leslie 1917-1997" [1998] inCiteALIA 29; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 21; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 42; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 58; (1989) 10(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 71; (1989) 10(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 87; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 97; (1989) 10(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 109; (1989) 10(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 126; (1989) 10(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 139; (1989) 10(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 157; (1989) 10(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 176; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 189; (1989) 10(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 203; (1989) 10(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 220; (1989) 10(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 241; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 256; (1989) 10(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 273; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 289; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 306; (1989) 10(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1989] inCiteALIA 324; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 21; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 33; (1990) 11(2) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 49; (1990) 11(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 67; (1990) 11(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 76; (1990) 11(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 90; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 114; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 133; (1990) 11(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 152; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 165; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 180; (1990) 11(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 199; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 209; (1990) 11(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 227; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 252; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 241; (1990) 11(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 262; (1990) 11(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 278; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 285; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1990] inCiteALIA 297; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 13; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 40; (1991) 12(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 57; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 72; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 84; (1991) 12(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 98; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 108; (1991) 12(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 123; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 138; (1991) 12(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 150; (1991) 12(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 161; (1991) 12(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 178; (1991) 12(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 189; (1991) 12(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 199; (1991) 12(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 208; (1991) 12(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 219; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 228; (1991) 12(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 241; (1991) 12(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 253; (1991) 12(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Events" [1991] inCiteALIA 22; (1991) 12(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 17; (1992) 13(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 42; (1992) 13(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 67; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 100; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 125; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 153; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 172; (1992) 13(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 199; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 235; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 261; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 290; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Events" [1992] inCiteALIA 329; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 26; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 50; (1993) 14(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 82; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 110; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 141; (1993) 14(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 160; (1993) 14(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 191; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 217; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 240; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 272; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 302; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [1993] inCiteALIA 329; (1993) 14(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Events" [2007] inCiteALIA 228; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Events" [2007] inCiteALIA 272; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 43
Editors --- "Events" [2007] inCiteALIA 314; (2007) 28(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "Events" [2007] inCiteALIA 344; (2007) 28(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 62; (2008) 29(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 94; (2008) 29(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 133; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 164; (2008) 29(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 202; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 239; (2008) 29(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 273; (2008) 29(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 293; (2008) 29(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Events" [2008] inCiteALIA 321; (2008) 29(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 35; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 44
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 68; (2009) 30(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 105; (2009) 30(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 142; (2009) 30(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 173; (2009) 30(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 209; (2009) 30(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 244; (2009) 30(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 285; (2009) 30(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 315; (2009) 30(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Events" [2009] inCiteALIA 338; (2009) 30(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 34; (2010) 31(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 64; (2010) 31(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 92; (2010) 31(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 115; (2010) 31(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 147; (2010) 31(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 173; (2010) 31(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 213; (2010) 31(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 241; (2010) 31(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 277; (2010) 31(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Events" [2010] inCiteALIA 295; (2010) 31(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 6; (2011) 32(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 38; (2011) 32(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 70; (2011) 32(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 128; (2011) 32(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 174; (2011) 32(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 203; (2011) 32(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 241; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 267; (2011) 32(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 309; (2011) 32(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Events" [2011] inCiteALIA 328; (2011) 32(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 20; (2012) 33(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 57; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 80; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 104; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 120; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 175; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 226; (2012) 33(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 252; (2012) 33(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 277; (2012) 33(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Events" [2012] inCiteALIA 301; (2012) 33(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [2013] inCiteALIA 29; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Events" [2013] inCiteALIA 59; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Events" [2013] inCiteALIA 89; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Events" [2013] inCiteALIA 105; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Events" [2013] inCiteALIA 151; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Events" [2013] inCiteALIA 173; (2013) 34(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Events" [2013] inCiteALIA 196; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Events" [2015] inCiteALIA 74; (2015) 36(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Events" [2015] inCiteALIA 96; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Events" [2015] inCiteALIA 166; (2015) 36(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Events" [2015] inCiteALIA 185; (2015) 36(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Everyone's a winner" [2012] inCiteALIA 174; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Everything you ever wanted to know about metadata" [1999] inCiteALIA 169; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Examining the future for library technicians" [1999] inCiteALIA 25; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Excellence in records management" [2001] inCiteALIA 16; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Excess of Success': Open Week at State Library" [1980] inCiteALIA 19; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Exchange Requested" [1989] inCiteALIA 293; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Exchange Wanted!" [1983] inCiteALIA 158; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Excitement, travel, opportunity" [1993] inCiteALIA 305; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Exciting new learning took at University of Queensland" [1995] inCiteALIA 212; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Exhibition of Children's Book Illustrations" [1982] inCiteALIA 210; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Exhibitor workshops" [2000] inCiteALIA 230; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Exhibitors" [1999] inCiteALIA 273; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Exhibitors" [2002] inCiteALIA 91; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Exhibitors' list" [1999] inCiteALIA 178; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Expect the Unexpected" [1992] inCiteALIA 66; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Experience required': Volunteers and new graduate walk a hard road" [2001] inCiteALIA 212; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Experimedia - the future of libraries?" [2003] inCiteALIA 193; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Exploit Interactive" [2000] inCiteALIA 35; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Exploring reference issues" [1999] inCiteALIA 24; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Expressions of interest called for ALIA advisory groups" [2004] inCiteALIA 131; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Expressions of interest for IALC" [2004] inCiteALIA 292; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Expressions of interest" [1996] inCiteALIA 336; (1996) 17(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "External Study for Library Media" [1985] inCiteALIA 266; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Extraordinary Priorities'" [1981] inCiteALIA 303; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Facing the future" [2013] inCiteALIA 192; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Facsimile Transfer: Can Libraries Afford It?" [1981] inCiteALIA 177; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "FAIR at the National Library" [2015] inCiteALIA 97; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "FAIR campaign update" [2015] inCiteALIA 66; (2015) 36(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Fair dealing " [2000] inCiteALIA 157; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Fairfax and Murdoch news update" [2004] inCiteALIA 209; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Faith, hope and construction" [1994] inCiteALIA 38; (1994) 15(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Family literacy: the Gosford City Library program" [1999] inCiteALIA 93; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Fantastic Futures" [1983] inCiteALIA 241; (1983) 4(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Fantastic futures" [1994] inCiteALIA 321; (1994) 15(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Fantastic futures" [1995] inCiteALIA 10; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Fantastic futures: virtual, and in the flesh" [1994] inCiteALIA 191; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Farewell David Barron, ACTLS 1977-93" [1993] inCiteALIA 290; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Farewell Peter Judge" [1994] inCiteALIA 201; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Farewell, Angela Bridgland" [2004] inCiteALIA 151; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Farewell, but not Goodbye" [1984] inCiteALIA 91; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Fast Track Issues (FTI)" [1992] inCiteALIA 82; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Father, son and " [1986] inCiteALIA 365; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Feasibility study underway" [1996] inCiteALIA 274; (1996) 17(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Federal Budget 2000" [2000] inCiteALIA 119; (2000) 21(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Federal Budget 2002 analysis" [2002] inCiteALIA 112; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Federal Funding for Public Libraries Campaign" [1985] inCiteALIA 117; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Fee based services" [1980] inCiteALIA 49; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Feedback" [1989] inCiteALIA 33; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Feedback" [1989] inCiteALIA 64; (1989) 10(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 13; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 30; (1990) 11(2) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 84; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 109; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 127; (1990) 11(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 142; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 158; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 172; (1990) 11(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 196; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 208; (1990) 11(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 224; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 250; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 240; (1990) 11(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 260; (1990) 11(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 276; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 282; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Feedback" [1990] inCiteALIA 291; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 7; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 31; (1991) 12(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 48; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 80; (1991) 12(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 93; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 104; (1991) 12(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 118; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 133; (1991) 12(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 143; (1991) 12(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 157; (1991) 12(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 171; (1991) 12(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 187; (1991) 12(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 195; (1991) 12(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 202; (1991) 12(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 215; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 223; (1991) 12(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 237; (1991) 12(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Feedback" [1991] inCiteALIA 19; (1991) 12(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Feeling a bit green?" [2012] inCiteALIA 64; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Fees 2002-03" [2002] inCiteALIA 102; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Feetschrift in Honour of Ira Raymond" [1983] inCiteALIA 17; (1983) 4(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Fellowship Awarded" [1983] inCiteALIA 118; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Fellowship Citation George Earle Gow BA FALIA" [1992] inCiteALIA 244; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Fellowship Citation" [1991] inCiteALIA 32; (1991) 12(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Fellowship for Frank Moorhouse" [1986] inCiteALIA 262; (1986) 7(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Fellowship to Anne Harrison" [1989] inCiteALIA 182; (1989) 10(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Fellowships to Alan Bundy and Ed Parr" [1990] inCiteALIA 288; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Film heritage damaged" [1990] inCiteALIA 11; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Film News" [1982] inCiteALIA 83; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Film Viewing Centre for Melbourne" [1981] inCiteALIA 280; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Films Available" [1985] inCiteALIA 193; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Films for the deaf" [1980] inCiteALIA 34; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Final call for submission on local studies guidelines" [1990] inCiteALIA 290; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Finally.... a New South Wales TAFE Group" [1993] inCiteALIA 122; (1993) 14(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Finance: Premier to speak" [1980] inCiteALIA 40; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Financial Review on Ausinet" [1982] inCiteALIA 237; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Find out about the ALIA Learning Team" [2016] inCiteALIA 51; (2016) 37(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Finding and Keeping Launched!" [1987] inCiteALIA 295; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Finding and Keeping" [1987] inCiteALIA 247; (1987) 8(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Finding and Keeping" [1990] inCiteALIA 91; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Finding Out Made Easy" [1987] inCiteALIA 222; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Finding the Right Person" [1982] inCiteALIA 106; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Finish preparing for Library and Information Week" [2019] inCiteALIA 65; (2019) 40(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Fire at the National Library of Australian" [1985] inCiteALIA 80; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Fire Destroys Library" [1984] inCiteALIA 144; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Fireworks' at White House Conference" [1980] inCiteALIA 1; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "First Australian bookshop on the Net" [1995] inCiteALIA 259; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "First Awards" [1989] inCiteALIA 266; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "First global reference service established" [2002] inCiteALIA 235; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "First impressions count!" [1991] inCiteALIA 188; (1991) 12(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "First impressions" [2000] inCiteALIA 22; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "First medical library in Tasmania" [1999] inCiteALIA 181; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "First National Library Promotion Forum" [1989] inCiteALIA 236; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "First the cloud, now IT-as-a-Service" [2015] inCiteALIA 103; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "First Western Librarian Working in a Chinese Library" [1985] inCiteALIA 140; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "First Woman State Librarian" [1986] inCiteALIA 39; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Fisher Library Adlibs" [1986] inCiteALIA 5; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Fisher Library Staff Trike" [1986] inCiteALIA 127; (1986) 7(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Fisher Library's Storage Building" [1984] inCiteALIA 78; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "FIT's First Honorary BA" [1984] inCiteALIA 217; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Five participants in the PD Scheme share their experiences" [2016] inCiteALIA 126; (2016) 37(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Fixed in Time" [1984] inCiteALIA 307; (1984) 5(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "FLA/LAA 1988 Conference Sponsorship" [1987] inCiteALIA 313; (1987) 8(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Flexible learning in Queensland" [1997] inCiteALIA 189; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "FLIS brings us lnfoManage" [1993] inCiteALIA 238; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "FLIS figures the recession is over!" [1995] inCiteALIA 118; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Flying kites above tall poppies" [1994] inCiteALIA 310; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Focus on Asia" [1998] inCiteALIA 221; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Focus on women's studies" [1994] inCiteALIA 276; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "FOI and Copyright" [1980] inCiteALIA 217; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Folk-rock icon boosts libraries" [2000] inCiteALIA 222; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Following the Sepik" [1985] inCiteALIA 401; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Food for thought" [1990] inCiteALIA 155; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Footscray Institute Opens Multicultural Collection" [1989] inCiteALIA 2; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "For Arts Librarians" [1980] inCiteALIA 23; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "For book lovers, borrowers and buyers" [1999] inCiteALIA 32; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "For Gentlewomen" [1981] inCiteALIA 74; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "For I will consider my cat Jeoffrey' public lecture" [2006] inCiteALIA 54; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "For Sporting Fans" [1981] inCiteALIA 48; (1981) 2(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Foreign Buyer for Angus & Roberston?" [1981] inCiteALIA 27; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Foreign Exchange" [1982] inCiteALIA 349; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Foreign Language Co-Operative" [1980] inCiteALIA 103; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Formation of Australian Database Development Asscn." [1983] inCiteALIA 23; (1983) 4(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Formation of Government Publications Group" [1985] inCiteALIA 265; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Forth Years of Microfilm" [1985] inCiteALIA 358; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Forum discusses national action plan" [2002] inCiteALIA 93; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Forum on purchasing agreements and licensing" [2005] inCiteALIA 85; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Fostering community resources" [1998] inCiteALIA 14; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Foundation Member Dies" [1982] inCiteALIA 321; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Four lessons from the university of experience" [2011] inCiteALIA 289; (2011) 32(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Four million books for loan" [1997] inCiteALIA 279; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Four new General Council positions" [1999] inCiteALIA 73; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Four thought-provoking events in WA" [2017] inCiteALIA 32; (2017) 38(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Fourth Biennial Conference" [1982] inCiteALIA 327; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Fred Paterson Story" [1980] inCiteALIA 270; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Free Chips?" [1981] inCiteALIA 174; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Free for All" [1980] inCiteALIA 74; (1980) 1(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Free Free Free !!" [1996] inCiteALIA 127; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Free from D A Books" [1992] inCiteALIA 286; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Free from the USA!" [1993] inCiteALIA 258; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Free guides from Butterworths" [1993] inCiteALIA 107; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Free in Both Senses" [1989] inCiteALIA 238; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Free IT service for members only" [1994] inCiteALIA 255; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Free public access rewarded" [2002] inCiteALIA 42; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Free Public Library Service" [1989] inCiteALIA 191; (1989) 10(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Free report, 'Chemical warfare agent (CWA) sea dumping off Australia' by Geoff Plunkett" [2002] inCiteALIA 240; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Free Sport Info" [1981] inCiteALIA 266; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Freedom of expression and access to information" [1998] inCiteALIA 59; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Freedom of Information Bill" [1980] inCiteALIA 158; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Freedom of Information for SA" [1987] inCiteALIA 46; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Freedom of Information: locking or unlocking?" [1990] inCiteALIA 200; (1990) 11(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Freedom, who cares?" [1980] inCiteALIA 231; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Fresh honour for ALIA Member" [1992] inCiteALIA 71; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Friends of Libraries Australia" [2007] inCiteALIA 243; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Friends of the Library" [1984] inCiteALIA 75; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "From colonies to Commonwealth" [2001] inCiteALIA 52; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "From General Council to Board of Directors" [1999] inCiteALIA 300; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "From little things " [2002] inCiteALIA 199; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "From Moscow with love!" [1991] inCiteALIA 200; (1991) 12(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "From Policies to Puppets" [1989] inCiteALIA 308; (1989) 10(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "From print to web to print " [1998] inCiteALIA 96; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "From rare books to Manga comics - Future Memory has it all!" [2004] inCiteALIA 125; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "From small beginnings " [2000] inCiteALIA 51; (2000) 21(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "From tablet to terminal" [1995] inCiteALIA 167; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "From the ABN Network Committee" [1982] inCiteALIA 208; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "From the American Library Association: ALAWON" [1994] inCiteALIA 204; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "From the architect" [1990] inCiteALIA 294; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "From the CEO: The hard yards" [2015] inCiteALIA 99; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "From the cork board to the cam cord" [2005] inCiteALIA 33; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Frontline business management" [2005] inCiteALIA 63; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Frontline" [1988] inCiteALIA 72; (1988) 9(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Frontline" [1989] inCiteALIA 145; (1989) 10(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Frontline" [1990] inCiteALIA 275; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Frontline" [1991] inCiteALIA 3; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Frontline" [1991] inCiteALIA 201; (1991) 12(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Frontline" [1991] inCiteALIA 210; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Frontline: Research for the future" [2007] inCiteALIA 89; (2007) 28(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Funding for College Libraries" [1985] inCiteALIA 238; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Funding Granted for 'Teleslaq'" [1983] inCiteALIA 77; (1983) 4(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Fundraising for Women's Art Register" [1985] inCiteALIA 381; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Fundraising partnership with Booktopia" [2019] inCiteALIA 66; (2019) 40(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Future challenge, future change" [1995] inCiteALIA 215; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Future Committees Report" [1984] inCiteALIA 214; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Future gazing" [2013] inCiteALIA 109; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Futures Committee Report" [1984] inCiteALIA 191; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Gail Haley Tour" [1987] inCiteALIA 148; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Gain valuable local knowledge" [2004] inCiteALIA 30; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 56
Editors --- "Galaxy of Communications" [1981] inCiteALIA 47; (1981) 2(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Gates Foundation Access to Learning award" [2008] inCiteALIA 190; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Gateway to the future" [1995] inCiteALIA 38; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Gateways to information, knowledge and culture" [2003] inCiteALIA 201; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "GCCC Library Service goes RFID" [2006] inCiteALIA 166; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "GEAC/CLANN Launch" [1987] inCiteALIA 272; (1987) 8(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Geelong libraries ranked number one for customer satisfaction" [2005] inCiteALIA 12; (2005) 26(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Gender bias in the workplace" [1991] inCiteALIA 74; (1991) 12(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "General Counc" [1986] inCiteALIA 252; (1986) 7(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "General Council - March meeting summary" [1996] inCiteALIA 118; (1996) 17(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "General Council 1985" [1985] inCiteALIA 10; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "General Council 1986" [1986] inCiteALIA 10; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "General Council Agenda" [1984] inCiteALIA 272; (1984) 5(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "General Council Agenda" [1986] inCiteALIA 200; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "General Council meeting: a summary" [1995] inCiteALIA 125; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "General Council Report" [1982] inCiteALIA 298; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "General Council Report" [1987] inCiteALIA 110; (1987) 8(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "General Councillor makes Local Council" [1995] inCiteALIA 155; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Generosity recognised" [2003] inCiteALIA 96; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "George Holman 1901-1994" [1994] inCiteALIA 98; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Geoscience Conference" [1986] inCiteALIA 29; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Geraldine Packard, 1925-1992" [1992] inCiteALIA 209; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Get booked at your library' Aust Library Week" [1981] inCiteALIA 231; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Get involved in contributing to INCITE" [2017] inCiteALIA 2; (2017) 38(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Get involved in contributing to INCITE" [2017] inCiteALIA 25; (2017) 38(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Get involved in contributing to INCITE" [2017] inCiteALIA 51; (2017) 38(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Get on Board with ALIA" [2015] inCiteALIA 205; (2015) 36(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Get ready for Reading Hour 2014" [2014] inCiteALIA 66; (2014) 35(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Get ready for the mad month of May" [2012] inCiteALIA 29; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Get ready to nominate!" [2003] inCiteALIA 172; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Get updated at the Online 97 exhibition" [1996] inCiteALIA 334; (1996) 17(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Getting into the spirit of Australian Library Week" [1997] inCiteALIA 200; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Getting Taped!" [1982] inCiteALIA 175; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Getting the good (free) stuff online" [2013] inCiteALIA 187; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Getting the most out of ALIA: ALIA library technician awards and scholarships" [2005] inCiteALIA 36; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Giant Book for National Library" [1982] inCiteALIA 278; (1982) 3(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Gietzelt, Dale" [2001] inCiteALIA 76; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Gift to ANU Library" [1983] inCiteALIA 231; (1983) 4(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Gifts of Aust Books" [1981] inCiteALIA 124; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Give us a 'Mambo' building!" [2002] inCiteALIA 264; (2002) 23(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Giving new graduates a head start" [1995] inCiteALIA 138; (1995) 16(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Giving" [2016] inCiteALIA 102; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Go and read a journal!" [1997] inCiteALIA 171; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Go orange for harmony!" [2012] inCiteALIA 56; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Gold Coast City Wire for Sight and Sound" [1987] inCiteALIA 119; (1987) 8(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Gold Coast in the picture" [2004] inCiteALIA 9; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Gold Coast librarians' network" [2002] inCiteALIA 131; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Gold for State Library of SA" [1995] inCiteALIA 153; (1995) 16(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Gold Technology Award for new knowledge management software" [1998] inCiteALIA 150; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Gone fichin'!" [1983] inCiteALIA 134; (1983) 4(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Good Home Wanted" [1982] inCiteALIA 63; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Good news for the N. Territory" [1992] inCiteALIA 190; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Good Start for New Library Supplier" [1985] inCiteALIA 349; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Google forum at NISSL" [2006] inCiteALIA 36; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Gotta get an education son, gotta get a real good one" [2012] inCiteALIA 152; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Government information on the net" [1994] inCiteALIA 316; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Government inquiries - summary of current status" [1995] inCiteALIA 181; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Government libraries seek new purchasing arrangements" [2005] inCiteALIA 56; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Government moves to include digital in NLA legal deposit" [2012] inCiteALIA 113; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Government Public Service Gazettes now available" [1993] inCiteALIA 20; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Govt Bookshops" [1982] inCiteALIA 89; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Grab a bag!" [2008] inCiteALIA 284; (2008) 29(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Graduate-level Courses - Follow Up" [1989] inCiteALIA 171; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Graduation 2001" [2002] inCiteALIA 104; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Grand Prix at the Library" [1986] inCiteALIA 299; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Granny' Herald Exposed" [1981] inCiteALIA 190; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Great reasons to book your ticket" [2016] inCiteALIA 81; (2016) 37(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Great School Libraries campaign update and getting prepared for upcoming events" [2016] inCiteALIA 31; (2016) 37(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Green light for the new State Library" [2000] inCiteALIA 280; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Group roundup" [2003] inCiteALIA 257; (2003) 24(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Groups in the spotlight: Anna-Maria Sviatko" [2008] inCiteALIA 119; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "GST rollback on books" [2001] inCiteALIA 267; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Guaranteed best-sellers" [1994] inCiteALIA 239; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Guest Speaker at VALA Conference" [1989] inCiteALIA 239; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Guidance vs censorship" [1998] inCiteALIA 149; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Guidelines for public libraries - a new approach" [1998] inCiteALIA 66; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Guidelines Launch" [1984] inCiteALIA 308; (1984) 5(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Guiding your writing style" [1991] inCiteALIA 41; (1991) 12(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Gungahlin Library Profile: a good reason to visit Canberra" [2013] inCiteALIA 15; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "H C L Anderson Award 1989" [1990] inCiteALIA 50; (1990) 11(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "H C L Anderson Award Winners" [1987] inCiteALIA 144; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Hallstrom Pacific Collection to stay in Sydney" [1998] inCiteALIA 35; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Handbook" [1994] inCiteALIA 231; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Hanging on every word" [2015] inCiteALIA 113; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 13; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 38; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 50; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 62; (1980) 1(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 71; (1980) 1(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 81; (1980) 1(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 96; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 112; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 128; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 139; (1980) 1(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 153; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 168; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 180; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 195; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 207; (1980) 1(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 215; (1980) 1(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 228; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 241; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 256; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1980] inCiteALIA 271; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 20; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 39; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 64; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 80; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 100; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 115; (1981) 2(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 132; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 146; (1981) 2(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 165; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 188; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 203; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 228; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 241; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 259; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 286; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 305; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1981] inCiteALIA 327; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 14; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 37; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 66; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 96; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 118; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 143; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 151; (1982) 3(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 162; (1982) 3(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 189; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 197; (1982) 3(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 215; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 231; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 244; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 259; (1982) 3(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 277; (1982) 3(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 289; (1982) 3(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 303; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 320; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 331; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1982] inCiteALIA 357; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 19; (1983) 4(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 42; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 51; (1983) 4(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 63; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 86; (1983) 4(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 99; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 114; (1983) 4(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 132; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 146; (1983) 4(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 167; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 179; (1983) 4(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 190; (1983) 4(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 207; (1983) 4(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 218; (1983) 4(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 230; (1983) 4(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 245; (1983) 4(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 257; (1983) 4(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 272; (1983) 4(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 290; (1983) 4(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1983] inCiteALIA 290; (1983) 4(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 17; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 28; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 40; (1984) 5(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 57; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 71; (1984) 5(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 92; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 106; (1984) 5(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 120; (1984) 5(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 137; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 163; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 185; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 207; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 220; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 239; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 256; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 270; (1984) 5(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 286; (1984) 5(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 301; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1984] inCiteALIA 329; (1984) 5(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 16; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 29; (1985) 6(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 46; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 69; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 87; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 105; (1985) 6(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 130; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 147; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 165; (1985) 6(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 179; (1985) 6(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 197; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 223; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 239; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 258; (1985) 6(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 275; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 293; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 320; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 340; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 361; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 375; (1985) 6(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1985] inCiteALIA 402; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 17; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 38; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 59; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 71; (1986) 7(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 91; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 115; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 131; (1986) 7(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 158; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 182; (1986) 7(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 206; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 222; (1986) 7(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 240; (1986) 7(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 257; (1986) 7(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 278; (1986) 7(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 301; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 327; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 352; (1986) 7(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 402; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1986] inCiteALIA 440; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 21; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 44; (1987) 8(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 64; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 77; (1987) 8(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 90; (1987) 8(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 101; (1987) 8(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 116; (1987) 8(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 132; (1987) 8(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 143; (1987) 8(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 160; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 172; (1987) 8(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 188; (1987) 8(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 201; (1987) 8(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 225; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 244; (1987) 8(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 260; (1987) 8(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 273; (1987) 8(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 289; (1987) 8(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 306; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 321; (1987) 8(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1987] inCiteALIA 337; (1987) 8(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 13; (1988) 9(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 23; (1988) 9(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 38; (1988) 9(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 51; (1988) 9(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 68; (1988) 9(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 85; (1988) 9(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 98; (1988) 9(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 108; (1988) 9(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 119; (1988) 9(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 135; (1988) 9(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 149; (1988) 9(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 158; (1988) 9(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 168; (1988) 9(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 188; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 199; (1988) 9(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 214; (1988) 9(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 227; (1988) 9(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 236; (1988) 9(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 250; (1988) 9(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 261; (1988) 9(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happenings: A Regular Diary of Meetings and Events" [1988] inCiteALIA 282; (1988) 9(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Happy (library) families" [1994] inCiteALIA 10; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Happy 100th to the Domed Reading Room" [2013] inCiteALIA 236; (2013) 34(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Harold White Fellows" [1989] inCiteALIA 292; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Harold White Fellowship" [1999] inCiteALIA 257; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Harold White Fellowships in 1988" [1987] inCiteALIA 241; (1987) 8(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Harold White Fellowships" [1991] inCiteALIA 70; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Harold White Oration" [1990] inCiteALIA 202; (1990) 11(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Have Swagmobile Will Travel" [1988] inCiteALIA 189; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Have you ever been an office bearer?" [2001] inCiteALIA 213; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "Have you got itchy feet?" [2005] inCiteALIA 281; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Have you registered yet?" [2000] inCiteALIA 205; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Have Your Say" [1985] inCiteALIA 124; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Have your say" [2002] inCiteALIA 196; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Hawkesbury District Captured" [1980] inCiteALIA 52; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Haymarket Library now open" [1992] inCiteALIA 208; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "HCL Anderson Award 1991" [1991] inCiteALIA 156; (1991) 12(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "He waka eke noa - Embarking together" [1994] inCiteALIA 109; (1994) 15(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "He waka eke noa: Embarking together" [1993] inCiteALIA 169; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Health Information Centre Opens" [1985] inCiteALIA 322; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Health librarianship award a winner" [2001] inCiteALIA 85; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Health Libraries Australia" [2016] inCiteALIA 76; (2016) 37(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Health with a BIBAM" [1986] inCiteALIA 390; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Health: Development of topic query technique to support the navigation structure for HealthInsite" [2001] inCiteALIA 284; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Hear-a-Book" [1981] inCiteALIA 225; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Heather Nash: ALIA's new Industrial Adviser" [2007] inCiteALIA 26; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Helen Price - a Profile" [1986] inCiteALIA 364; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Hellfire Pass revisited" [1998] inCiteALIA 201; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Help flooding in" [1998] inCiteALIA 111; (1998) 19(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Help for the visually handicapped" [1994] inCiteALIA 44; (1994) 15(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Help shape the new Association" [1999] inCiteALIA 56; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Help Wanted" [1986] inCiteALIA 143; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Helping community groups to help themselves " [2001] inCiteALIA 328; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Helping users get ahead" [1999] inCiteALIA 92; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Helping Vanuatu" [2015] inCiteALIA 90; (2015) 36(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Helpmann at NLA" [1986] inCiteALIA 270; (1986) 7(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Here's another vision from the past from our ALIA 75th Anniversary competition - and it's a winner" [2012] inCiteALIA 109; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Heritage building joins the twenty-first century" [1998] inCiteALIA 55; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Heritage management and disaster planning" [2007] inCiteALIA 21; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Heritage Week '86 Festivities" [1986] inCiteALIA 87; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Heritage Week - A Week of Discovery" [1983] inCiteALIA 96; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Heritage Week 1987 - Full Steam Ahead" [1987] inCiteALIA 41; (1987) 8(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Heritage Week 5-12 April" [1987] inCiteALIA 79; (1987) 8(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Heritage Week 86" [1986] inCiteALIA 20; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Heritage Week" [1988] inCiteALIA 55; (1988) 9(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Heroic nurse one millionth PictureAustralia image" [2004] inCiteALIA 116; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Hey Prestel" [1980] inCiteALIA 5; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Hi-tech at LIBTALK" [1984] inCiteALIA 48; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "High achievers " [2005] inCiteALIA 62; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "High achievers ALIA student awards" [2005] inCiteALIA 121; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "High achievers" [2006] inCiteALIA 68; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "High achievers" [2006] inCiteALIA 186; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "High achievers: ALIA student awards" [2005] inCiteALIA 212; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "High achievers: ALIA student awards" [2007] inCiteALIA 118; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "High achievers: ALIA student awards" [2007] inCiteALIA 175; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "High Court copyright decision a victory for libraries and universities" [2005] inCiteALIA 263; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "High honour for ALIA member" [1999] inCiteALIA 220; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "High performance: effective document delivery" [2002] inCiteALIA 11; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "High university honour for state librarian" [1999] inCiteALIA 100; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Higher education library mergers in South Australia" [1990] inCiteALIA 138; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Higher Education round-up: What some of our up-and-comers are thinking about" [2010] inCiteALIA 125; (2010) 31(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Highlights 1985: School Libraries Section" [1985] inCiteALIA 395; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Historic diary sold" [1980] inCiteALIA 263; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Historic Photographs of Tilba Tilba" [1983] inCiteALIA 284; (1983) 4(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "History as it Happens" [1985] inCiteALIA 282; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "History forum" [1996] inCiteALIA 235; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "History online" [1999] inCiteALIA 97; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "History Writing Awards Announced" [1984] inCiteALIA 5; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Hitchhikers Guide to a Galaxy of LAA Division Dinners" [1988] inCiteALIA 156; (1988) 9(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "HIV/AIDS collection goes public" [1994] inCiteALIA 240; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Hobart Reorganises" [1980] inCiteALIA 117; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Holding a Meeting, Meet an Author" [1980] inCiteALIA 90; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Hong Kong Library Association" [1992] inCiteALIA 86; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Honorary doctorate for Warren Horton" [1994] inCiteALIA 172; (1994) 15(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Honorary IFLA Fellowship for Warren Horton" [1999] inCiteALIA 240; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Honour for former state archivist" [1999] inCiteALIA 188; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Honour for Harrison Bryan" [1984] inCiteALIA 140; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Honour for Warren Horton" [2000] inCiteALIA 179; (2000) 21(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Hope for a New State Library?" [1981] inCiteALIA 304; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Hope, once crushed, springs again" [1981] inCiteALIA 25; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Hopes for the future" [2017] inCiteALIA 101; (2017) 38(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "How Bloomsbury Publishing is harnessing the good fortune of Harry Potter" [2015] inCiteALIA 16; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "How did you use our federal election campaign kit?" [2010] inCiteALIA 258; (2010) 31(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "How libraries are situated" [2019] inCiteALIA 12; (2019) 40(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "How to be an innovator: A six-year study" [2015] inCiteALIA 151; (2015) 36(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "How to host the best author visit ever!" [2014] inCiteALIA 82; (2014) 35(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "How to make YOUR vote count" [1997] inCiteALIA 271; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "How to Prepare and Interlibrary Loan Staff Manual" [1986] inCiteALIA 84; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "How we loved Library Lovers' Day 2014" [2014] inCiteALIA 65; (2014) 35(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "How you can make the difference" [2003] inCiteALIA 22; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 43
Editors --- "How you can take part in the Sydney 2000 Olympics" [2000] inCiteALIA 200; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Howard's GST mandate" [1998] inCiteALIA 264; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Huge Response in Second Year of Search" [1983] inCiteALIA 281; (1983) 4(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Human Resource Management" [1985] inCiteALIA 242; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Hung, Strachan and Quartered Revisited - or the Godfather Meets an AACOBS' Policy Statement" [1987] inCiteALIA 86; (1987) 8(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Hurley Classic: A Success" [1980] inCiteALIA 184; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Hurry, register now! ALIA 2004 Biennial Conference" [2004] inCiteALIA 189; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "I don't want to go to school but I wouldn't miss storytime for the world!" [2003] inCiteALIA 224; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "I don't want to go to school!" [2003] inCiteALIA 162; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "I don't want to go to school, but I want to take part in NSS 2003" [2003] inCiteALIA 112; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "I'll have two murders, one romance but hold the westerns " [2001] inCiteALIA 22; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Ian Renard presented with the 2002 Redmond Barry award" [2003] inCiteALIA 123; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Ian Renard to receive the Redmond Barry Award" [2002] inCiteALIA 297; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "IBBY award at the conference" [1994] inCiteALIA 287; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "IBBY Conference" [1981] inCiteALIA 257; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "IBBY Japan" [1985] inCiteALIA 355; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "IBM awarded $13.8 million National Library contract" [1998] inCiteALIA 21; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "ICOLC's 'Revised Guidelines for Statistical Measures of Usage of Web-Based Information Sources' released" [2006] inCiteALIA 310; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "IEEE annals of the history of computing" [2001] inCiteALIA 96; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "If You See Red When You Read This and Want Advertisers and the Media to Stop Showing Women as Multi Mediocre Personalities . This is What You Can Do" [1986] inCiteALIA 261; (1986) 7(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "IFLA 1988 Living Together - People, Libraries, Information" [1987] inCiteALIA 93; (1987) 8(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "IFLA 2003 patron" [2001] inCiteALIA 59; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "IFLA 2004: a delegate's view" [2004] inCiteALIA 285; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "IFLA appoints skilled negotiator" [1999] inCiteALIA 34; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "IFLA approves licencing principles" [2001] inCiteALIA 219; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "IFLA Comint to Australia in Bicentennial Year" [1983] inCiteALIA 105; (1983) 4(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "IFLA condemns new Chinese internet regulations" [2005] inCiteALIA 296; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "IFLA elections" [2004] inCiteALIA 283; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "IFLA elections" [2006] inCiteALIA 294; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "IFLA Medium Term Programme 1981-1985" [1982] inCiteALIA 270; (1982) 3(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "IFLA news" [1990] inCiteALIA 98; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "IFLA No 52" [1985] inCiteALIA 353; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "IFLA offers students affiliate membership" [2001] inCiteALIA 92; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "IFLA personal highlights" [2013] inCiteALIA 221; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "IFLA President and Secretary General Visit Sydney" [1987] inCiteALIA 322; (1987) 8(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "IFLA Section on School Libraries" [1985] inCiteALIA 56; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "IFLA to meet in Bangkok in 1999" [1998] inCiteALIA 256; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "IFLA trend report" [2013] inCiteALIA 218; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2017" [2017] inCiteALIA 117; (2017) 38(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "IFLA/LAA 1988" [1987] inCiteALIA 235; (1987) 8(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "IFLA/LAA 1988" [1988] inCiteALIA 150; (1988) 9(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "IFLA/LAA 88 on Wheels" [1988] inCiteALIA 187; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "IFLA/LAA Gets First Major Sponsor" [1987] inCiteALIA 292; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "IFLA/LAA Sydney 1988" [1988] inCiteALIA 200; (1988) 9(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "IFTN Campaign Launch" [1989] inCiteALIA 180; (1989) 10(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "IIS Essays" [1981] inCiteALIA 49; (1981) 2(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ILAC develops best practice manual" [2008] inCiteALIA 296; (2008) 29(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ILL Code" [1984] inCiteALIA 134; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "ILL Codes" [1981] inCiteALIA 239; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "ILL Forms" [1980] inCiteALIA 208; (1980) 1(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "ILL Officers Take Heart!" [1985] inCiteALIA 137; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Illustrator Ann James Wins 2002 Dromkeen Medal" [2003] inCiteALIA 43; (2003) 24(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Illustrator shares her secrets" [1998] inCiteALIA 296; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Illustrator wins national award" [2002] inCiteALIA 167; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "ILRS code - first review" [2001] inCiteALIA 256; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "IMCA Up-Date" [1986] inCiteALIA 166; (1986) 7(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Important Find at the National Library" [1985] inCiteALIA 172; (1985) 6(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Impressions of Online" [1999] inCiteALIA 53; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Improvement Likely for Engineering Data" [1984] inCiteALIA 16; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Improving Supplies of OZ Books" [1983] inCiteALIA 38; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In brief " [2000] inCiteALIA 151; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "In brief " [2002] inCiteALIA 54; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "In Brief" [1984] inCiteALIA 90; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "In Brief" [1985] inCiteALIA 138; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In Brief" [1990] inCiteALIA 249; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 9; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 56; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 79; (1991) 12(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 92; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 122; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 145; (1991) 12(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 160; (1991) 12(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 218; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 225; (1991) 12(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 240; (1991) 12(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 248; (1991) 12(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "In Brief" [1991] inCiteALIA 23; (1991) 12(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "In brief" [1994] inCiteALIA 222; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In brief" [1994] inCiteALIA 261; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In brief" [1999] inCiteALIA 292; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "In brief" [1999] inCiteALIA 275; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "In the company of fellows" [1997] inCiteALIA 44; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "In the know" [1998] inCiteALIA 205; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "In the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 240; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 285; (1982) 3(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 299; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 318; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 324; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 347; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 9; (1983) 4(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 45; (1983) 4(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 58; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 76; (1983) 4(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 95; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 110; (1983) 4(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 154; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 173; (1983) 4(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 186; (1983) 4(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 200; (1983) 4(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 225; (1983) 4(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 236; (1983) 4(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 252; (1983) 4(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 265; (1983) 4(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1983] inCiteALIA 278; (1983) 4(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 10; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 26; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 36; (1984) 5(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 49; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 83; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 100; (1984) 5(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 118; (1984) 5(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 136; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In The News" [1984] inCiteALIA 150; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 172; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 196; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 215; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 232; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 248; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 263; (1984) 5(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1984] inCiteALIA 279; (1984) 5(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 6; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 23; (1985) 6(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 39; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 58; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 78; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 113; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 139; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 156; (1985) 6(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 171; (1985) 6(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 187; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 204; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 230; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 249; (1985) 6(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 269; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 280; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 327; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1985] inCiteALIA 350; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 7; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 27; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 44; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 64; (1986) 7(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the news" [1986] inCiteALIA 99; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 122; (1986) 7(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 137; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 165; (1986) 7(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 192; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 216; (1986) 7(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 233; (1986) 7(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 266; (1986) 7(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 284; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 309; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 338; (1986) 7(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 361; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 388; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1986] inCiteALIA 411; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 6; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 34; (1987) 8(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 51; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 68; (1987) 8(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 81; (1987) 8(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 94; (1987) 8(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 107; (1987) 8(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 121; (1987) 8(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 137; (1987) 8(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 149; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 177; (1987) 8(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 192; (1987) 8(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 205; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 251; (1987) 8(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 262; (1987) 8(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 293; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 311; (1987) 8(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1987] inCiteALIA 326; (1987) 8(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 4; (1988) 9(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 17; (1988) 9(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 27; (1988) 9(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 43; (1988) 9(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 58; (1988) 9(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 73; (1988) 9(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 90; (1988) 9(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 101; (1988) 9(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 112; (1988) 9(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 125; (1988) 9(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 141; (1988) 9(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 152; (1988) 9(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 176; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 193; (1988) 9(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 202; (1988) 9(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 217; (1988) 9(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 231; (1988) 9(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 239; (1988) 9(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 253; (1988) 9(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1988] inCiteALIA 271; (1988) 9(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 25; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 6; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 30; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 51; (1989) 10(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 63; (1989) 10(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 75; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 91; (1989) 10(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 102; (1989) 10(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 116; (1989) 10(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 133; (1989) 10(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 148; (1989) 10(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 163; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 181; (1989) 10(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 194; (1989) 10(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 207; (1989) 10(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 225; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 253; (1989) 10(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 272; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "In the News" [1989] inCiteALIA 299; (1989) 10(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the news" [1990] inCiteALIA 16; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 48; (1990) 11(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 57; (1990) 11(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 88; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 111; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 131; (1990) 11(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 147; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In the news" [1990] inCiteALIA 161; (1990) 11(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 171; (1990) 11(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 193; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 203; (1990) 11(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 225; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 237; (1990) 11(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 247; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 259; (1990) 11(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 275; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 281; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1990] inCiteALIA 292; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 8; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 39; (1991) 12(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 49; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 77; (1991) 12(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 87; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 105; (1991) 12(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 114; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 135; (1991) 12(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 144; (1991) 12(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 159; (1991) 12(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 172; (1991) 12(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 181; (1991) 12(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 194; (1991) 12(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 204; (1991) 12(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 216; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 224; (1991) 12(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 239; (1991) 12(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 247; (1991) 12(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "In the News" [1991] inCiteALIA 20; (1991) 12(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "In the news" [2008] inCiteALIA 137; (2008) 29(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Inaugural ALIA WA Symposium" [2014] inCiteALIA 153; (2014) 35(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Inaugural Margaret Trask Medal" [1989] inCiteALIA 120; (1989) 10(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Inaugural South Australian Library Achiever of the Year" [2006] inCiteALIA 212; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Inaugural Stella prize honours Australian Women writers" [2013] inCiteALIA 71; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Inaugural winner announced" [2004] inCiteALIA 130; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "incite 'anarchist revolutionary '" [1980] inCiteALIA 67; (1980) 1(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "inCite Editorial Policy" [1983] inCiteALIA 291; (1983) 4(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "inCite has impact" [1990] inCiteALIA 10; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "inCite policy statement and guidelines" [1991] inCiteALIA 35; (1991) 12(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "INCITE themes for 2019" [2018] inCiteALIA 106; (2018) 39(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "INCITE themes for 2020" [2019] inCiteALIA 130; (2019) 40(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Increased demand for digitising skills" [2005] inCiteALIA 287; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Index gets Reprieve" [1980] inCiteALIA 244; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Index to Northern Territory Newspapers" [1985] inCiteALIA 149; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Indexers medal" [1995] inCiteALIA 249; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Indexing Award" [1986] inCiteALIA 107; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Indexing Book Reviews" [1982] inCiteALIA 276; (1982) 3(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Indigenous Community Volunteer Foundation" [2003] inCiteALIA 120; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Indigenous knowledge centres on track in Queensland" [2003] inCiteALIA 11; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Indigenous literacy ambassador" [2008] inCiteALIA 186; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Indigenous Literacy Day" [2008] inCiteALIA 189; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Indigenous stories for your library" [2018] inCiteALIA 46; (2018) 39(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Indonesia's First National Librarian" [1981] inCiteALIA 98; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Indonesian Acquisition Program upgraded" [1994] inCiteALIA 7; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Industrial Forum 88" [1988] inCiteALIA 230; (1988) 9(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Industrial News" [1988] inCiteALIA 197; (1988) 9(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Industrial News" [1988] inCiteALIA 254; (1988) 9(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Industrial News" [1989] inCiteALIA 265; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Industry movements" [2013] inCiteALIA 6; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Industry movements" [2013] inCiteALIA 116; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Industry notes" [1999] inCiteALIA 252; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "INFO-LINK has the Answers" [1985] inCiteALIA 318; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Inform, innovate, inspire" [2002] inCiteALIA 35; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Informal Open Day" [1982] inCiteALIA 307; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Information and the Social Scientist" [1981] inCiteALIA 166; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Information Awareness Month - May 2008" [2008] inCiteALIA 89; (2008) 29(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Information Broker Switches Off - Insearch - Ahead of Its Time?" [1981] inCiteALIA 153; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Information Elite' of the Future" [1981] inCiteALIA 140; (1981) 2(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Information equity, information quality and information rights: some observations" [2001] inCiteALIA 107; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Information for the 'stolen generation'" [1997] inCiteALIA 97; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Information for the Nation .. US Style" [1989] inCiteALIA 82; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Information for the nation" [2012] inCiteALIA 179; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Information for the Nation: Celebration of a Nation" [1989] inCiteALIA 26; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Information futures - service and professional challenges revealed" [2002] inCiteALIA 89; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Information Groups Meet" [1985] inCiteALIA 298; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Information literacy and educating the trainers: digital natives and digital immigrants" [2010] inCiteALIA 137; (2010) 31(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Information literacy and public libraries" [2009] inCiteALIA 14; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Information literacy for the nation" [2000] inCiteALIA 242; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Information Literacy workshop" [2002] inCiteALIA 307; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Information literacy: the professional issue" [1997] inCiteALIA 254; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Information management for the future" [1998] inCiteALIA 259; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Information on the Middle East" [1981] inCiteALIA 278; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Information online & on disc 1995 - bigger than ever" [1994] inCiteALIA 302; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Information online & on disc 91'" [1990] inCiteALIA 258; (1990) 11(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Information Online '86 - 7 Weeks Away" [1985] inCiteALIA 390; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Information Online '86 - Exhibition News" [1985] inCiteALIA 175; (1985) 6(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Information Online '86 - Exhibition News" [1985] inCiteALIA 262; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Information Online '86" [1986] inCiteALIA 21; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Information Online 2003" [2002] inCiteALIA 204; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Information Online 2005" [2004] inCiteALIA 274; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Information Online 2007 is getting closer!" [2006] inCiteALIA 295; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Information Online 86 - Tickets for Free Entry to Exhibition" [1985] inCiteALIA 319; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Information Online 86" [1985] inCiteALIA 329; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Information Online 86" [1986] inCiteALIA 118; (1986) 7(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Information Online 87" [1986] inCiteALIA 162; (1986) 7(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Information Online 87" [1986] inCiteALIA 213; (1986) 7(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Information Online 88 - Update" [1987] inCiteALIA 170; (1987) 8(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Information Online 88 - Update" [1987] inCiteALIA 226; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Information Online 89" [1989] inCiteALIA 27; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Information Online is Coming!" [1987] inCiteALIA 308; (1987) 8(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Information Personnel Wanted!" [1983] inCiteALIA 160; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Information Riot" [1980] inCiteALIA 3; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Information services for Indigenous peoples" [2006] inCiteALIA 304; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Information snippets" [2006] inCiteALIA 133; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Information Specialists Division is ready to serve " [2000] inCiteALIA 253; (2000) 21(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Information Technology and IFLA in Tokyo" [1987] inCiteALIA 61; (1987) 8(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Information Technology Week" [1981] inCiteALIA 224; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Information Technology Week" [1982] inCiteALIA 232; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "INIS Database Opens" [1983] inCiteALIA 62; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Initiatives of the Indigenous Issues Special Interest Group[" [2008] inCiteALIA 180; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Innovation in education" [1998] inCiteALIA 161; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Innovative management wins award for Yarra Plenty" [2011] inCiteALIA 113; (2011) 32(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Innovative subdivision for Pine Rivers Shire Council" [2003] inCiteALIA 220; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Innovative workplace training" [2000] inCiteALIA 30; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Inquiry into the role of libraries" [2002] inCiteALIA 190; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "inside web launched" [1998] inCiteALIA 212; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Institute librarian wins organisational award for innovation" [2002] inCiteALIA 12; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Institutional pilot of the ALIA Career development kit" [1999] inCiteALIA 129; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "InterACTion highlights" [1997] inCiteALIA 314; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "InterACTion" [1997] inCiteALIA 134; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "InterACTion" [1997] inCiteALIA 156; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "InterACTion" [1997] inCiteALIA 195; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "InterACTion" [1997] inCiteALIA 228; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "InterACTion" [1997] inCiteALIA 253; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Interested in maps?" [1980] inCiteALIA 162; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Interleading -- Views Around Australia" [1982] inCiteALIA 191; (1982) 3(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Interlending conference" [1990] inCiteALIA 65; (1990) 11(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Interlibrary and resource sharing wiki launched" [2015] inCiteALIA 17; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Interlibrary loans" [1991] inCiteALIA 2; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Interlibrary Resource Sharing Code launched" [2001] inCiteALIA 18; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "International Association for Sports Information meets in Beijing" [1991] inCiteALIA 213; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "International association honours Australian librarians" [1999] inCiteALIA 194; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "International award for an information studies student" [1997] inCiteALIA 16; (1997) 18(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "International Campaign for Literacy" [1986] inCiteALIA 149; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "International Children's Book Day, 2 April" [2001] inCiteALIA 91; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "International conference on information behaviour comes to Sydney in July" [2006] inCiteALIA 120; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "International conference on the future of consortia" [2003] inCiteALIA 187; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "International conference" [1995] inCiteALIA 11; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "International lending guidelines" [2000] inCiteALIA 32; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "International library conference in Australia in 2003" [2002] inCiteALIA 129; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "International news" [2002] inCiteALIA 25; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 53
Editors --- "International news" [2003] inCiteALIA 67; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "International performance measurement" [1995] inCiteALIA 266; (1995) 16(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "International recognition for Sue Reynolds" [2011] inCiteALIA 239; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "International role for National Library chief executive" [2000] inCiteALIA 266; (2000) 21(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "International Year of the Family" [1994] inCiteALIA 71; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Internet body approves domain name big bang" [2008] inCiteALIA 228; (2008) 29(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Internet Cafes" [1995] inCiteALIA 174; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Internet filtering" [2007] inCiteALIA 190; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Internet intoxication in Clare" [1999] inCiteALIA 313; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Internet training" [1994] inCiteALIA 254; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Interview with the father of the Internet" [1997] inCiteALIA 49; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Into the 21st Century" [1999] inCiteALIA 118; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Into the 21st Century: your thoughts" [1999] inCiteALIA 283; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Intro to PASCAL" [1984] inCiteALIA 30; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Introducing " [1998] inCiteALIA 288; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Introducing a new realm of service delivery" [2000] inCiteALIA 229; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Introducing ALIA's local liaison officers" [2003] inCiteALIA 238; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Introducing Incite 2013" [2012] inCiteALIA 276; (2012) 33(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Introducing innovation" [1993] inCiteALIA 310; (1993) 14(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Introducing library technician groups" [2005] inCiteALIA 111; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Introducing the 1998 ALIA vice-presidential candidates" [1997] inCiteALIA 272; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Introducing the Editor" [2018] inCiteALIA 22; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Introducing the new General Councillors for 1997" [1997] inCiteALIA 34; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Introduction to Archival Practice and Management" [1987] inCiteALIA 220; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Introduction to corporate management" [1981] inCiteALIA 163; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Introductory Automation Course" [1986] inCiteALIA 320; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Invitation to host the ALIA 2006 biennial conference" [2004] inCiteALIA 52; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Irene Wormell to visit CUT" [1992] inCiteALIA 96; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Irish Gift to NLA" [1988] inCiteALIA 183; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Is the next Inigo Jones looking at your library right now" [2011] inCiteALIA 184; (2011) 32(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Is this the smallest operating public library in Australia" [2009] inCiteALIA 360; (2009) 30(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Is your database listed?" [1992] inCiteALIA 169; (1992) 13(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "ISBD(G): General International Standard Bibliographic Description" [2001] inCiteALIA 90; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Issues Forum forges ahead" [2002] inCiteALIA 90; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "IT disaster recovery made simple" [2013] inCiteALIA 229; (2013) 34(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "IT skills-keep up or perish" [1993] inCiteALIA 21; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "It's a Boy!" [1985] inCiteALIA 397; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "It's a leap year. Why not leap into REAP?" [2004] inCiteALIA 43; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "It's all happening @your library in 2003" [2003] inCiteALIA 53; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "It's all in the delivery" [2013] inCiteALIA 191; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "It's all in the name" [2012] inCiteALIA 38; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "It's almost showtime!" [2006] inCiteALIA 210; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "It's audit time again find out how the process works" [2005] inCiteALIA 119; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "It's nearly National Simultaneous Storytime" [2019] inCiteALIA 30; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "It's Not Too Late" [1984] inCiteALIA 188; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "It's Official" [1989] inCiteALIA 1; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "It's official" [1999] inCiteALIA 269; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "It's Open" [1988] inCiteALIA 99; (1988) 9(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "It's the second digital only edition of INCITE" [2018] inCiteALIA 110; (2018) 39(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "IYDP: There's Money to Spend But Don't Hold Your Breath" [1981] inCiteALIA 51; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "IYWIP > IYF" [1993] inCiteALIA 309; (1993) 14(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Jackie French, Australian Children's Laureate 2014-2015" [2015] inCiteALIA 128; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Jae Rolt, Australia's Favourite Librarian" [2013] inCiteALIA 152; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 43
Editors --- "James Cook bicentenary scholarship" [1995] inCiteALIA 251; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Japan Foundation grant program" [1994] inCiteALIA 304; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Japan scores a hundred not out" [1992] inCiteALIA 231; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Jennifer Jones, BScDipLib AALIA, 1950-1994" [1994] inCiteALIA 52; (1994) 15(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Job exchanges and library technicians" [1990] inCiteALIA 218; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Job Focus'" [1981] inCiteALIA 53; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Job market. Library Locums' 1989 placement survey" [1990] inCiteALIA 130; (1990) 11(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Job service stops" [1992] inCiteALIA 116; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Job-shedding: myths and folly" [1997] inCiteALIA 172; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "JOBLINE 0055-2502 I is almost ready to go..." [1993] inCiteALIA 11; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Jobs for Library Technicians" [1982] inCiteALIA 292; (1982) 3(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "John Balnaves Prize" [1981] inCiteALIA 67; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "John Curtin PM library appointment" [1995] inCiteALIA 230; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library launches new web resource" [2006] inCiteALIA 81; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "John Metcalfe Memorial Function" [1982] inCiteALIA 182; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Join the Bargain Hunters at the Conference Booksale" [1982] inCiteALIA 249; (1982) 3(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Join Up" [1989] inCiteALIA 280; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Join up, pay up" [1990] inCiteALIA 166; (1990) 11(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Join us on 19 September for the Australian Reading Hour" [2019] inCiteALIA 125; (2019) 40(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Joint copying jeopardy" [1990] inCiteALIA 18; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Joint Up, Pay Up" [1989] inCiteALIA 143; (1989) 10(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Joint Use Library in Shopping Centre" [1980] inCiteALIA 198; (1980) 1(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Joint venture begins new lease of life" [1994] inCiteALIA 225; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Joint-Use Libraries - Draft Policy Statement" [1980] inCiteALIA 156; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Joint-Use Libraries: LAA 22 Special Study" [1981] inCiteALIA 276; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Joondalup goes mobile" [2001] inCiteALIA 49; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Josh Earl is 'particular'" [2013] inCiteALIA 204; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Journal Subscriptions and Claims" [2007] inCiteALIA 185; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Journalists have the Walkley Awards, ALIA has the Wakelys" [1994] inCiteALIA 96; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Joy of Chickens" [1981] inCiteALIA 29; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Joy of Sex - Hard to Find" [1980] inCiteALIA 100; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Jubilee honours for librarians" [1999] inCiteALIA 262; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Judith Washington OAM" [2005] inCiteALIA 215; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Julia McRae to Visit Oz & NZ" [1984] inCiteALIA 73; (1984) 5(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "July Board report" [2004] inCiteALIA 210; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "July Conference for ABN" [1983] inCiteALIA 142; (1983) 4(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Just in lime for Christmas" [1993] inCiteALIA 317; (1993) 14(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Katherine Cummings honoured" [1993] inCiteALIA 38; (1993) 14(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "KCAE Evaluates Microcomputers" [1981] inCiteALIA 312; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Keep international students in mind when changing your library" [2018] inCiteALIA 90; (2018) 39(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Keep on blogging " [2005] inCiteALIA 234; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Keeping a Permanent Record" [1989] inCiteALIA 47; (1989) 10(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Keeping ALIA relevant to our members - the leadership team discuss" [2012] inCiteALIA 238; (2012) 33(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Keeping in touch, ALIA e-list style" [2005] inCiteALIA 27; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Keeping it within the CLANN" [1988] inCiteALIA 64; (1988) 9(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Keeping kids safe online in the library" [2009] inCiteALIA 198; (2009) 30(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Keeping the WIP" [1983] inCiteALIA 165; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Keeping Your Family History Intact" [1985] inCiteALIA 387; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Kempsey library serving the Aboriginal community" [1993] inCiteALIA 95; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Kerry Smith retires" [2013] inCiteALIA 5; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Key link in Olympics 2000 effort" [1994] inCiteALIA 270; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Keynote speakers announced for On the Edge" [1997] inCiteALIA 13; (1997) 18(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Keynote speakers at the top" [1995] inCiteALIA 57; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Keynotes unveiled for ALIA Biennial" [2012] inCiteALIA 42; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Kids and Conservation" [1986] inCiteALIA 319; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Kids vote Australian winners" [1993] inCiteALIA 15; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Kinetica Innovation Awards" [2004] inCiteALIA 128; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Kingston Library on the move - and changing names" [1994] inCiteALIA 208; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Know-how: new directions in information" [1997] inCiteALIA 289; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Knowing how" [1997] inCiteALIA 106; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "KOALA Award Winners" [1988] inCiteALIA 274; (1988) 9(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "KOALA Awards 1987" [1988] inCiteALIA 30; (1988) 9(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Kokoda Trail joins information super highway" [1997] inCiteALIA 286; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Korean books for NLA" [1991] inCiteALIA 233; (1991) 12(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LA Buys Bingley" [1981] inCiteALIA 43; (1981) 2(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LA New Chief Executive" [1992] inCiteALIA 83; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "LAA 1982 Conference Adelaide 22-26 August 1982 Draft Program" [1981] inCiteALIA 324; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "LAA 22 Conference Tours" [1981] inCiteALIA 325; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LAA 22 News" [1982] inCiteALIA 131; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA 22" [1981] inCiteALIA 135; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "LAA 22" [1982] inCiteALIA 65; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "LAA 50th Jubilee 1937-1987" [1987] inCiteALIA 276; (1987) 8(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "LAA and ASLA - Coming Closer" [1987] inCiteALIA 9; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "LAA and Today's Computers Join Forces to Promote the Electronic Library" [1984] inCiteALIA 190; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA Announces Major Changes" [1984] inCiteALIA 223; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA Budget" [1980] inCiteALIA 41; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA Document Delivery Meeting" [1984] inCiteALIA 304; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "LAA Foundation Members - Where are they now?" [1987] inCiteALIA 141; (1987) 8(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "LAA Headquarters to Move" [1981] inCiteALIA 26; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA Honorary Awards and Fellowships" [1980] inCiteALIA 234; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "LAA Lobbying Register" [1987] inCiteALIA 95; (1987) 8(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "LAA Members" [1984] inCiteALIA 31; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "LAA Objectives 1984/85" [1984] inCiteALIA 213; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA Objectives" [1984] inCiteALIA 255; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "LAA Paper on Lobbying" [1984] inCiteALIA 292; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA Presidency - the Race is On" [1988] inCiteALIA 206; (1988) 9(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "LAA Study Grant Award Winners" [1984] inCiteALIA 323; (1984) 5(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA Study Grant Award" [1983] inCiteALIA 198; (1983) 4(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA Study Grant Award" [1984] inCiteALIA 148; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA Study Grant Awards for 1986" [1986] inCiteALIA 28; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LAA Tribute to John Metcalfe" [1982] inCiteALIA 120; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "LAA's 50th Anniversary" [1984] inCiteALIA 108; (1984) 5(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "LAA's First Letters of Recognition" [1986] inCiteALIA 78; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA's Postal Address" [1981] inCiteALIA 240; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA-NZLA Conference Feature" [1983] inCiteALIA 226; (1983) 4(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LAA-NZLA Conference, Brisbane 1984" [1983] inCiteALIA 98; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "LAA/NLA Heads Meet" [1980] inCiteALIA 237; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA - Time for Action" [1980] inCiteALIA 164; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA 1981 Conference Preview" [1980] inCiteALIA 111; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Combined Conference" [1980] inCiteALIA 99; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference - latest news" [1980] inCiteALIA 121; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference - what to do during and after" [1980] inCiteALIA 224; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference 1984: Read All About It" [1984] inCiteALIA 200; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference Enrol Now" [1980] inCiteALIA 147; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference" [1980] inCiteALIA 192; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference" [1980] inCiteALIA 182; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference" [1980] inCiteALIA 209; (1980) 1(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference: latest news" [1980] inCiteALIA 134; (1980) 1(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Conference: Latest News" [1980] inCiteALIA 177; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA News: Profile on Joan Gamble" [1984] inCiteALIA 147; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Post Conference Seminars" [1980] inCiteALIA 243; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA Social Activities" [1980] inCiteALIA 253; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LAA/NZLA" [1980] inCiteALIA 266; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "LAA22 Photographs" [1982] inCiteALIA 300; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Labour announces plan for fairer GST" [2001] inCiteALIA 319; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Labour Hire Task Force grapples with new job contracts" [2002] inCiteALIA 122; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Lady Cutler Award" [1985] inCiteALIA 62; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Lake Libraries welcome new mobile with CDMA technology" [2003] inCiteALIA 221; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Land Prices vs Literature" [1987] inCiteALIA 277; (1987) 8(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Landmark agreement on book covers" [2016] inCiteALIA 112; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Landmark Book for NLA" [1985] inCiteALIA 386; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Landmark Conference on Library Workforce" [1983] inCiteALIA 2; (1983) 4(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Landmark Queensland designs to showcase arts to the world" [2002] inCiteALIA 206; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "LandSearch Takes Off" [1985] inCiteALIA 31; (1985) 6(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Laser Scanner Installed" [1982] inCiteALIA 348; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Last Film Search" [1981] inCiteALIA 268; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Last Word: Same same but different - INCITE then and now" [2014] inCiteALIA 113; (2014) 35(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Last Word: The Imagination Library project launches in Australia" [2014] inCiteALIA 47; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Last Word: Vendors have their say" [2014] inCiteALIA 186; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Last Word: What's your funniest question?" [2015] inCiteALIA 120; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Latest News from IBBY" [1982] inCiteALIA 55; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Latest news" [2010] inCiteALIA 296; (2010) 31(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Launch of CIT training library" [2006] inCiteALIA 286; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Launch of online tool for high-school students" [1999] inCiteALIA 289; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Launching of Bookmark 81" [1981] inCiteALIA 5; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Launching of Datalibrary" [1982] inCiteALIA 335; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Laurie Brown to Retire" [1986] inCiteALIA 146; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Law Library of Victoria expands to around-the-clock electronic access" [2018] inCiteALIA 115; (2018) 39(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Law talks during library week" [2003] inCiteALIA 98; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Law/Specials Update" [1987] inCiteALIA 202; (1987) 8(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Law: Blake Dawson Waldron Library Services: resource guides" [2001] inCiteALIA 283; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Leadership award" [1996] inCiteALIA 204; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Leadership institute migrates south for the summer" [1995] inCiteALIA 115; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Leading from the centre" [2004] inCiteALIA 88; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Leading librarian retires" [1998] inCiteALIA 218; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "LEARN celebrates 5th birthday" [1995] inCiteALIA 35; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Learning for the future" [2001] inCiteALIA 208; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Learning for the information age" [1997] inCiteALIA 295; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Learning New Skills" [1989] inCiteALIA 106; (1989) 10(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Learning occurs in the workplace as well as in formal education" [2017] inCiteALIA 35; (2017) 38(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Legal information access centre" [1990] inCiteALIA 141; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Lending rights and the GST" [2001] inCiteALIA 54; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Leo Voogt new IFLA Secretary General" [1992] inCiteALIA 178; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "LEP the winner!" [1993] inCiteALIA 214; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Let there be light!" [2002] inCiteALIA 174; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Let's read" [2013] inCiteALIA 79; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Lets join in: technology and community" [2006] inCiteALIA 194; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Letter of Recognition for Robert Barnes" [1987] inCiteALIA 185; (1987) 8(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Letter of Recognition" [1991] inCiteALIA 50; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Letter to the editor" [2017] inCiteALIA 49; (2017) 38(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Letters from a cultural icon" [1997] inCiteALIA 318; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Letters to the editor - your voice" [2007] inCiteALIA 2; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Letters to the editor - your voice" [2007] inCiteALIA 36; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Letters to the editor - your voice" [2007] inCiteALIA 64; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Letters to the editor - your voice" [2007] inCiteALIA 91; (2007) 28(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Letters to the editor - your voice" [2007] inCiteALIA 107; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Letters to the Editor" [2013] inCiteALIA 63; (2013) 34(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 4; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 71; (1990) 11(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 96; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 118; (1990) 11(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 177; (1990) 11(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 195; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 222; (1990) 11(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 236; (1990) 11(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 251; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 263; (1990) 11(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 279; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 283; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1990] inCiteALIA 296; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 10; (1991) 12(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 37; (1991) 12(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 55; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 67; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 81; (1991) 12(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 94; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 107; (1991) 12(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 120; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 137; (1991) 12(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 146; (1991) 12(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 158; (1991) 12(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 173; (1991) 12(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 186; (1991) 12(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 205; (1991) 12(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 217; (1991) 12(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 226; (1991) 12(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 251; (1991) 12(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Letters" [1991] inCiteALIA 21; (1991) 12(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 6; (1992) 13(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 64; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 99; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 123; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 152; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 170; (1992) 13(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 198; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 234; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 258; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 288; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Letters" [1992] inCiteALIA 317; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 24; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 48; (1993) 14(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 72; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 109; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 138; (1993) 14(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 158; (1993) 14(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 190; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 216; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 235; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 274; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 300; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Letters" [1993] inCiteALIA 328; (1993) 14(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 20; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 99; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 119; (1994) 15(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 155; (1994) 15(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 182; (1994) 15(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 218; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 256; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 278; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Letters" [1994] inCiteALIA 318; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Letters" [1995] inCiteALIA 44; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Letters" [1995] inCiteALIA 133; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Letters" [1995] inCiteALIA 175; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Letters" [1995] inCiteALIA 229; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Letters" [1995] inCiteALIA 260; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Letters" [1995] inCiteALIA 288; (1995) 16(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Letters" [1995] inCiteALIA 332; (1995) 16(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Letters" [2006] inCiteALIA 254; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Letters" [2016] inCiteALIA 96; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "LIAC opens at Gosford City library" [1994] inCiteALIA 92; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Liaise" [1990] inCiteALIA 194; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Liaison Officer in Search of Our History" [1981] inCiteALIA 3; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LibLink launches access to library catalogues" [1997] inCiteALIA 352; (1997) 18(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "LibMark winners focus on National Year of Reading" [2012] inCiteALIA 55; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Librarian Honoured for Community Service" [1983] inCiteALIA 59; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Librarian in Residence at Kuring-gai" [1980] inCiteALIA 206; (1980) 1(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Librarian in Residence" [1981] inCiteALIA 97; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Librarian Stops Press!" [1984] inCiteALIA 20; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Librarian, manager, editor, writer as keynote speaker at conference" [1997] inCiteALIA 196; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Librarians Advise ABC" [1986] inCiteALIA 289; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Librarians and Child Care" [1981] inCiteALIA 172; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Librarians are sweet and helpful, but the libraries are run-down and decrepit '" [2000] inCiteALIA 4; (2000) 21(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Librarians awarded Queen's Birthday honours" [2005] inCiteALIA 171; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Librarians Honoured" [1985] inCiteALIA 81; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Librarians honoured" [1999] inCiteALIA 82; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Librarians in focus" [1999] inCiteALIA 158; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Librarians Rule OK" [1986] inCiteALIA 384; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Librarians stage stopwork meeting" [1980] inCiteALIA 205; (1980) 1(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Librarians Take a Bow!" [1989] inCiteALIA 53; (1989) 10(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Librarians, be in it! The Quest for Our National Word!" [1983] inCiteALIA 25; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Libraries 'scare off readers'" [1992] inCiteALIA 144; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Libraries - the heart of the matter" [1992] inCiteALIA 105; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Libraries - what would we do without them" [2002] inCiteALIA 113; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Libraries Alone" [1987] inCiteALIA 207; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Libraries and indigenous knowledge" [2004] inCiteALIA 250; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Libraries and Indigenous matters" [2019] inCiteALIA 38; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Libraries and Literacy" [1983] inCiteALIA 36; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Libraries and literacy" [1999] inCiteALIA 90; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Libraries and People" [1982] inCiteALIA 111; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Libraries and privacy" [2005] inCiteALIA 114; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Libraries and their international roles" [2018] inCiteALIA 49; (2018) 39(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Libraries are for Everybody" [1989] inCiteALIA 232; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Libraries are for everyone!" [2008] inCiteALIA 171; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Libraries are tops of the (cultural) pops" [1992] inCiteALIA 46; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Libraries as electronic services" [1996] inCiteALIA 25; (1996) 17(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Libraries as innovators" [2019] inCiteALIA 67; (2019) 40(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Libraries Australian launched" [2006] inCiteALIA 9; (2006) 27(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Libraries Can Help!" [1984] inCiteALIA 39; (1984) 5(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Libraries change lives - documenting our successes " [2002] inCiteALIA 5; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Libraries change lives!" [2002] inCiteALIA 92; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Libraries for all" [2004] inCiteALIA 198; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Libraries for Christmas" [2005] inCiteALIA 316; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Libraries gain peace of mind from Civica's managed services solution" [2004] inCiteALIA 208; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Libraries in a post-truth society" [2018] inCiteALIA 32; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Libraries in an online environment" [2003] inCiteALIA 279; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Libraries in Isolation" [1981] inCiteALIA 167; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Libraries light up lives!" [2003] inCiteALIA 114; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Libraries partner with Stay Smart Online 2014" [2014] inCiteALIA 75; (2014) 35(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Libraries promote the importance of voting" [2016] inCiteALIA 103; (2016) 37(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Libraries to benefit from upcoming copyright reforms" [2006] inCiteALIA 111; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Libraries to play central role in 'Connecting Australia'" [1998] inCiteALIA 274; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Libraries using ACIMAIL" [1985] inCiteALIA 272; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Libraries work together" [2019] inCiteALIA 92; (2019) 40(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Libraries, culture and technology" [1997] inCiteALIA 288; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Libraries: a web of information" [1996] inCiteALIA 266; (1996) 17(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Libraries: a web of information" [1997] inCiteALIA 121; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Libraries: building an equitable information society" [2003] inCiteALIA 86; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Libraries: explore and discover" [1999] inCiteALIA 119; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Libraries: maintaining a role in the digital world" [2013] inCiteALIA 123; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Libraries: pathways to " [1998] inCiteALIA 160; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Libraries: pathways to knowledge" [1997] inCiteALIA 317; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Libraries: pathways to knowledge" [1998] inCiteALIA 135; (1998) 19(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Library & Information Week" [2007] inCiteALIA 141; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Library a Low Priority" [1983] inCiteALIA 71; (1983) 4(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library an Election Issue!" [1986] inCiteALIA 210; (1986) 7(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library and Information Technicians Symposium" [2013] inCiteALIA 47; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Library and Information Week 14-20 May 2001" [2001] inCiteALIA 40; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Library and Information Week 2001" [2000] inCiteALIA 275; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Library and Information Week 2009" [2009] inCiteALIA 44; (2009) 30(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library and Information Week 2018" [2018] inCiteALIA 28; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Library and Information Week 2019" [2019] inCiteALIA 9; (2019) 40(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Library and Information Week and National Simultaneous Storytime 2014" [2014] inCiteALIA 116; (2014) 35(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Library and Information Week wrap-up" [2017] inCiteALIA 76; (2017) 38(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Library and Information Week" [2001] inCiteALIA 78; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Library and Information Week" [2010] inCiteALIA 210; (2010) 31(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Library and information week" [2012] inCiteALIA 216; (2012) 33(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library and Information week" [2013] inCiteALIA 95; (2013) 34(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Library and Information Week, 23-29 May 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 48; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Library and Information Week, 23-29 May 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 78; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Library and Information Week, 23-29 May 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 115; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Library and Information Week, 23-29 May 2005" [2008] inCiteALIA 100; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Library Automation Award" [1984] inCiteALIA 199; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Library Award" [1982] inCiteALIA 127; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library Books for East Timor" [2007] inCiteALIA 48; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Library Buildings" [1981] inCiteALIA 145; (1981) 2(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Library closures in Turkmenistan" [2005] inCiteALIA 131; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Library collections go trans-Tasman" [2006] inCiteALIA 71; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Library community loses a leader" [1997] inCiteALIA 40; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Library competency workshops" [1995] inCiteALIA 248; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Library disaster preparedness workshop" [1990] inCiteALIA 197; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Library Education in the North-West" [1985] inCiteALIA 44; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Library Educators and Conservators Meet in Melbourne" [1989] inCiteALIA 39; (1989) 10(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library Exchanges to Fiji" [1985] inCiteALIA 133; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Library for handicapped" [1980] inCiteALIA 132; (1980) 1(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library for the Blind Under Threat" [1981] inCiteALIA 249; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library history forum" [1995] inCiteALIA 216; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Library History Seminar 2007 - Call for papers" [2006] inCiteALIA 309; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Library in Bicentenial Project" [1986] inCiteALIA 394; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Library interiors - the inside story" [2001] inCiteALIA 361; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Library labour market survey" [1997] inCiteALIA 309; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library leadership" [2004] inCiteALIA 229; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library Locums' 1988 People Placement Survey" [1989] inCiteALIA 17; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Library Lovers Day - 14th February 2008" [2008] inCiteALIA 4; (2008) 29(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Library Lovers Day" [2007] inCiteALIA 73; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Library Lovers Day" [2009] inCiteALIA 7; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Library Lovers" [2009] inCiteALIA 139; (2009) 30(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Library Lovers' Day 2018" [2018] inCiteALIA 29; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Library Lovers' Day 2019" [2019] inCiteALIA 7; (2019) 40(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library Lovers' Day 2019" [2019] inCiteALIA 29; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Library Lovers' Day and the search for Australia's favourite librarian" [2013] inCiteALIA 28; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "Library Lovers' Day" [2016] inCiteALIA 4; (2016) 37(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Library makes business finals" [1998] inCiteALIA 294; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Library Manager of the Year" [1988] inCiteALIA 211; (1988) 9(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Library Manager of the Year" [1993] inCiteALIA 71; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Library Materials for the Handicapped" [1982] inCiteALIA 99; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Library Peace Projects" [1986] inCiteALIA 428; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Library Prizes" [1986] inCiteALIA 155; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Library profile: Newcastle TAFE" [2013] inCiteALIA 148; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Library Resources and the Middle East" [1986] inCiteALIA 34; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Library Roller Hits Bumpy Road" [1988] inCiteALIA 121; (1988) 9(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library Roundabout" [1982] inCiteALIA 185; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Library Science Seminar" [1980] inCiteALIA 238; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Library service wins national award" [1997] inCiteALIA 131; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Library service wins national award" [2000] inCiteALIA 29; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Library services on Seventext" [1980] inCiteALIA 260; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library software wins awards for Australian developer" [2000] inCiteALIA 262; (2000) 21(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Library staff go wild" [1999] inCiteALIA 154; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Library staff harassed" [2002] inCiteALIA 200; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Library stars: best of the best" [2005] inCiteALIA 283; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Library Stars: best of the best" [2006] inCiteALIA 117; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library statistics" [1990] inCiteALIA 273; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Library students get valuable experience" [1997] inCiteALIA 328; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Library students recognised" [1999] inCiteALIA 338; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Library Systems Now Available" [1982] inCiteALIA 94; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Library technician educators meet at neXt2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 251; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Library technician news" [1994] inCiteALIA 206; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Library Technician of the Year 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 248; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Library technicians and the library community" [1999] inCiteALIA 204; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Library Technicians Conference" [1985] inCiteALIA 17; (1985) 6(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library technicians in 2005: the year that was ." [2006] inCiteALIA 53; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Library Technicians of the Year Award, 1989" [1989] inCiteALIA 245; (1989) 10(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Library technicians rewarded" [1999] inCiteALIA 251; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Library Technicians Section (NSW Group)" [1992] inCiteALIA 221; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Library technicians to see 'The best Government House in any British colony'" [2001] inCiteALIA 228; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Library Technicians' awards" [1994] inCiteALIA 63; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Library to Build Barriers" [1981] inCiteALIA 59; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Library Twins" [1988] inCiteALIA 225; (1988) 9(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Library Victory!" [1986] inCiteALIA 303; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Library visits" [2013] inCiteALIA 219; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Library Week - New State Library for NSW" [1980] inCiteALIA 240; (1980) 1(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Library wins local government and the arts leadership award" [2000] inCiteALIA 11; (2000) 21(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Library workers moving towards pay equity" [1999] inCiteALIA 228; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Library workshop backs training network" [2000] inCiteALIA 217; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "LibraryLink helps Victorians find the perfect read" [2006] inCiteALIA 232; (2006) 27(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "LIBROS" [1988] inCiteALIA 65; (1988) 9(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "LIBS 100 Links RMIT and MSC" [1982] inCiteALIA 248; (1982) 3(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Licensing negotiations" [2007] inCiteALIA 112; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "LIESKA Project update" [2002] inCiteALIA 171; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Lifelong achievement recognised" [1997] inCiteALIA 141; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Light Papers Preserved" [1987] inCiteALIA 16; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Lights, camera, action!" [2001] inCiteALIA 327; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Lines on the ice: the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-14" [2002] inCiteALIA 177; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Link-up newsletter now replaced by electronic discussion list" [1997] inCiteALIA 320; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Linking heritage, achievements and a vision for tomorrow" [1998] inCiteALIA 260; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Linking people with ideas: LIW @ your library" [2006] inCiteALIA 103; (2006) 27(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Lionel Lindsay Exhibition at NLA" [1984] inCiteALIA 142; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LIS Education 2015" [2015] inCiteALIA 100; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "LIS education for working in the third millennium - meeting the challenges" [1997] inCiteALIA 305; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "LIS in Canberra - 30th birthday in 2000" [1999] inCiteALIA 190; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "LIS Investigations: Katherine Howard explores NLP" [2014] inCiteALIA 43; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "LIS prize giving" [2013] inCiteALIA 45; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "LIS sector watch" [2005] inCiteALIA 69; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "LIS sector watch" [2005] inCiteALIA 284; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "LIS sector watch" [2006] inCiteALIA 165; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "LISA Leaps Ahead" [1982] inCiteALIA 124; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "LISEKA developments" [2003] inCiteALIA 71; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "LISEKA update" [2003] inCiteALIA 31; (2003) 24(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "LISEKA update" [2003] inCiteALIA 95; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "LISEKA update" [2003] inCiteALIA 115; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "List of Memos Sent to Divisions This Year to Date" [1985] inCiteALIA 195; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Lists, listservs, listprocs, Majordomo or whatever " [1995] inCiteALIA 89; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "LISWA information gateway" [1995] inCiteALIA 258; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "LISWA launches new information gateway" [1999] inCiteALIA 277; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Literal boost of $30,000 in NSW" [1994] inCiteALIA 242; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Literary Competitions" [1985] inCiteALIA 104; (1985) 6(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Literary conquistadors" [1991] inCiteALIA 91; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Literary Guide to Australia" [1984] inCiteALIA 203; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Literary Lovers - speed dating at the National Library of Australia" [2009] inCiteALIA 98; (2009) 30(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Literary Short List" [1986] inCiteALIA 321; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Little Big Book Club" [2008] inCiteALIA 111; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Living Library project receives national funding" [2007] inCiteALIA 245; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Living Together" [1988] inCiteALIA 173; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "LIW 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 35; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "LIW 2015: Highlights from around Australia" [2015] inCiteALIA 102; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "LIW Forum - outcomes" [2004] inCiteALIA 159; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "LIW, not just for public libraries " [2001] inCiteALIA 194; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Liz Calitz in Focus" [1987] inCiteALIA 219; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Liz Weir Tells it Like it is" [1987] inCiteALIA 103; (1987) 8(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Lobby or Lose - Your Choice" [1989] inCiteALIA 233; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Lobbying in Wagga Wagga" [1996] inCiteALIA 272; (1996) 17(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Lobbying in Western Australia" [1996] inCiteALIA 270; (1996) 17(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Local flavour " [2003] inCiteALIA 180; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Local Funding for Libraries" [1989] inCiteALIA 164; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Local Government Library Traineeship - Certificate II" [1998] inCiteALIA 184; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Local Govt Records" [1981] inCiteALIA 302; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Local Govt Salaries" [1981] inCiteALIA 13; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Local History Collections" [1985] inCiteALIA 359; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Local History Reprint" [1982] inCiteALIA 247; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Local Liaison Officers - ALIA's managers in the field" [2010] inCiteALIA 265; (2010) 31(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Local Studies/Local History Librarians' Group - North Shore Group" [1984] inCiteALIA 231; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Long-haul' Costello shortens government's horizon" [2004] inCiteALIA 112; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Longford Film Found" [1983] inCiteALIA 54; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Looking after a special group" [1996] inCiteALIA 143; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Looking Ahead and Assessing Skills" [1982] inCiteALIA 246; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Looking for lists" [1997] inCiteALIA 266; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Looking for volunteers" [1992] inCiteALIA 140; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Looking to move into management?" [2004] inCiteALIA 26; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 53
Editors --- "Lord Mayor to Open Law/Specials Conference" [1987] inCiteALIA 147; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Loriene Roya visits ALIA" [2007] inCiteALIA 18; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Lorraine Vass calls it a day" [1999] inCiteALIA 260; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Lose yourself in a book!" [2004] inCiteALIA 115; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Lost Letters Found" [1986] inCiteALIA 310; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Love at first sight" [2012] inCiteALIA 85; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Love2read in 2013: the reading hour becomes an annual event" [2013] inCiteALIA 36; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Mackay wins prestigious international award" [2005] inCiteALIA 163; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Macquarie University moves to fully automated library" [1990] inCiteALIA 61; (1990) 11(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Made in Aotearoa" [2004] inCiteALIA 150; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Madeleine Lefebvre: award-winning library romantic" [2006] inCiteALIA 180; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Magazines for Print Handicapped Readers" [1985] inCiteALIA 348; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Magellan Leadership Institute lights a long-term fire" [1996] inCiteALIA 199; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Major ALW sponsor announced" [2000] inCiteALIA 67; (2000) 21(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Major bequest for National Gallery of Australia" [1993] inCiteALIA 288; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Major Design Award Goes to New Zealand" [1984] inCiteALIA 224; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Major sponsor confirmed for conference" [2000] inCiteALIA 68; (2000) 21(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Make a difference, change lives!" [2002] inCiteALIA 38; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Makerspaces in public libraries" [2015] inCiteALIA 161; (2015) 36(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making an impact globally" [2013] inCiteALIA 217; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making and supplying copies of published works" [1999] inCiteALIA 69; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Making electronic resources accessible" [1999] inCiteALIA 162; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making history" [2011] inCiteALIA 321; (2011) 32(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Making news " [1997] inCiteALIA 135; (1997) 18(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Making news " [1997] inCiteALIA 169; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making news " [1997] inCiteALIA 265; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 73; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 100; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 126; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 154; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 188; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 214; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 241; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 259; (2003) 24(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Making news " [2003] inCiteALIA 281; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 33; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 58
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 54; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 77; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 108; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 132; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 161; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 186; (2004) 25(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 218; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 44
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 246; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 268; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news " [2004] inCiteALIA 304; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 22; (2005) 26(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 54
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 43; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 70; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 99; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 132; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 191; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 226; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 257; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 288; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Making news " [2005] inCiteALIA 331; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 29; (2006) 27(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 54
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 59; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 83; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 104; (2006) 27(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 131; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 167; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 221; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 251; (2006) 27(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 278; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news " [2006] inCiteALIA 311; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1997] inCiteALIA 298; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1997] inCiteALIA 322; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1997] inCiteALIA 355; (1997) 18(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 15; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 46; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 71; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 94; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 119; (1998) 19(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 136; (1998) 19(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 163; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 190; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 223; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 245; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 279; (1998) 19(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 14; (1999) 20(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 38; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 60; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 83; (1999) 20(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 112; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 133; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 170; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 195; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 225; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 265; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 293; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [1999] inCiteALIA 342; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2000] inCiteALIA 43; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2000] inCiteALIA 73; (2000) 21(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2000] inCiteALIA 101; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2000] inCiteALIA 128; (2000) 21(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2000] inCiteALIA 159; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 24; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 44
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 65; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 99; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 134; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 163; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 203; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 247; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 274; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 309; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 339; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 364; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2002] inCiteALIA 58; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2002] inCiteALIA 74; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Making news around Australia" [2002] inCiteALIA 110; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Making news round Australia" [1998] inCiteALIA 306; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news" [1997] inCiteALIA 199; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Making news" [1997] inCiteALIA 237; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Making news" [2000] inCiteALIA 186; (2000) 21(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news" [2000] inCiteALIA 218; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news" [2000] inCiteALIA 244; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news" [2000] inCiteALIA 268; (2000) 21(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making news" [2000] inCiteALIA 292; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Making news" [2002] inCiteALIA 164; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Making news" [2002] inCiteALIA 197; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Making news" [2002] inCiteALIA 225; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Making news" [2002] inCiteALIA 257; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Making news" [2002] inCiteALIA 276; (2002) 23(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Making news" [2002] inCiteALIA 309; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Making news" [2002] inCiteALIA 294; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Making news" [2003] inCiteALIA 25; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 45
Editors --- "Making news" [2003] inCiteALIA 49; (2003) 24(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 32; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 59; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 87; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 129; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 153; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 187; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 226; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 271; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 315; (2007) 28(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Making news" [2007] inCiteALIA 345; (2007) 28(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Making news" [2008] inCiteALIA 28; (2008) 29(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Making news" [2008] inCiteALIA 53; (2008) 29(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Making news.." [2006] inCiteALIA 195; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Making the law more accessible" [2003] inCiteALIA 170; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Making the Most of VIATEL" [1985] inCiteALIA 3; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Malvern Buys LIBS 100" [1986] inCiteALIA 290; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Management Problem or People Problem?" [1982] inCiteALIA 269; (1982) 3(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Management training for busy professionals" [2003] inCiteALIA 151; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Managing volunteers" [2007] inCiteALIA 247; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Manifesto workshop aims to raise awareness" [2002] inCiteALIA 209; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Manuscripts with a universal story" [2012] inCiteALIA 83; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Many libraries, one resource" [2001] inCiteALIA 224; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Mapping ALIA's future" [1992] inCiteALIA 202; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Mapping Committee" [1980] inCiteALIA 28; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Marcel Dekker simplifies prices" [1992] inCiteALIA 296; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Margaret Chisholm ALA President" [1986] inCiteALIA 287; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Maria Gemenis Award" [1983] inCiteALIA 151; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Maria Gemenis Award" [1989] inCiteALIA 196; (1989) 10(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Marion E Robertson 1954-1995" [1995] inCiteALIA 132; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Marion high on new Mobile Library buzz" [1997] inCiteALIA 155; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Mark your diary: Information Online 2005" [2004] inCiteALIA 254; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Marketing a process, not a quick fix" [1995] inCiteALIA 74; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Marketing Victoria's public libraries" [1998] inCiteALIA 183; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Marshalling the evidence for our future" [1997] inCiteALIA 154; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Masters Programs at RMIT" [1989] inCiteALIA 20; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Maternity Leave Review" [1985] inCiteALIA 255; (1985) 6(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "MATLAS" [1987] inCiteALIA 320; (1987) 8(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Matt Flinders Ahoy!" [1986] inCiteALIA 396; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Matter of ethics" [1994] inCiteALIA 251; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Matthew Reilly book free with Books Alive 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 83; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Maureen Sullivan to visit Oz" [1993] inCiteALIA 301; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "MAV Appeal - Library Staff to Hold 24 Hour Strike" [1986] inCiteALIA 128; (1986) 7(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "May Board of Director's meeting report" [2004] inCiteALIA 160; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "MayDay! MayDay! MayDay!" [2008] inCiteALIA 90; (2008) 29(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "McMicken Award" [1981] inCiteALIA 217; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Measuring our value" [2004] inCiteALIA 8; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Measuring performance in public libraries" [2000] inCiteALIA 36; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Meckler pubs now in Oz" [1992] inCiteALIA 219; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Media literacy award for teacher-librarians" [2006] inCiteALIA 208; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Medical and oral health library for Griffith University" [2005] inCiteALIA 242; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Mediterranean virtual library" [2001] inCiteALIA 58; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Meet ALIA's new Board Members" [2016] inCiteALIA 74; (2016) 37(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Meet an Author' Grants Available" [1981] inCiteALIA 73; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Meet Rosita Camino" [1998] inCiteALIA 198; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Meet some of the ALIA team" [2016] inCiteALIA 30; (2016) 37(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Meet the ALIA Communications Team" [2017] inCiteALIA 9; (2017) 38(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Meet the ALIA Finance team" [2017] inCiteALIA 75; (2017) 38(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Meet the ALIA Training team" [2016] inCiteALIA 125; (2016) 37(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Meet the Author!" [1982] inCiteALIA 164; (1982) 3(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Meet the Author" [1989] inCiteALIA 258; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Meet the Author'" [1982] inCiteALIA 24; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Meet the Board" [1996] inCiteALIA 86; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Meet the committee" [1999] inCiteALIA 219; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Meet The LAA Staff - By Phone" [1986] inCiteALIA 201; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Meet the LAA Staff" [1985] inCiteALIA 98; (1985) 6(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Meet the new ALIA vice-president" [2003] inCiteALIA 70; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Meet the new generation" [2017] inCiteALIA 99; (2017) 38(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Meet the winners of the 2017 Australian Book Industry awards" [2017] inCiteALIA 81; (2017) 38(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Meet with Pruzak and Matarazzo - in Library Week" [1996] inCiteALIA 78; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Meet your new Directors" [2006] inCiteALIA 138; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Meet your new Directors" [2006] inCiteALIA 193; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Meeting the needs of a changing profession" [1998] inCiteALIA 57; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Megafloppy puts a gallon in print pot" [1993] inCiteALIA 261; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Melbourne - the place to be in October!" [2007] inCiteALIA 174; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Melbourne librarians win research prize" [1996] inCiteALIA 26; (1996) 17(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle, library champion" [2017] inCiteALIA 104; (2017) 38(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Member focus: Meet Karmen Pemberton" [2015] inCiteALIA 178; (2015) 36(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Membership at 12 Year High" [1988] inCiteALIA 273; (1988) 9(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Membership drive in NT boosts numbers, wins ALIA award" [2014] inCiteALIA 160; (2014) 35(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Membership Fees in 1984" [1983] inCiteALIA 246; (1983) 4(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Memorial book collection" [1990] inCiteALIA 95; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Memorial Chair at Blackwoods" [1982] inCiteALIA 203; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Memorial publication" [1995] inCiteALIA 77; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Mentoring diary launched" [2000] inCiteALIA 212; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Mentoring in retirement" [2007] inCiteALIA 252; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Merit in Victoria" [1998] inCiteALIA 92; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Merseyside Month" [1982] inCiteALIA 86; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "MESA Members" [1986] inCiteALIA 432; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Metadata guidelines" [2002] inCiteALIA 238; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Metcalfe Award winner 2005" [2006] inCiteALIA 48; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Metcalfe Medallion presented at AGM" [1995] inCiteALIA 114; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Metcalfe Medallion" [1996] inCiteALIA 252; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "MFP - Australia" [1992] inCiteALIA 250; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Mickey Dewar's award-winning travelling exhibition" [2015] inCiteALIA 139; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Microcomputers in libraries" [1993] inCiteALIA 243; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Middle East Conference" [1982] inCiteALIA 139; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Middle East Survey" [1982] inCiteALIA 150; (1982) 3(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Mildura Meeting" [1982] inCiteALIA 221; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Mill Park's new maker space" [2014] inCiteALIA 85; (2014) 35(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Millionth Book in ABN" [1983] inCiteALIA 157; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "MIND at work" [1980] inCiteALIA 66; (1980) 1(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "MINERVA - Dodging the Paper Wait" [1985] inCiteALIA 362; (1985) 6(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Minerva and Formsend" [1987] inCiteALIA 156; (1987) 8(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Minerva at Information Online '86" [1985] inCiteALIA 398; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Ministers agree to streamline classification guidelines" [2002] inCiteALIA 84; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Misleading copyright claim" [2001] inCiteALIA 64; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Missing Issues Wanted" [1982] inCiteALIA 213; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Missing' books" [1980] inCiteALIA 262; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Mitchell Library's 75th Anniversary" [1985] inCiteALIA 85; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Mobile Award" [1986] inCiteALIA 429; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Mobile libraries use satellite technology to enhance services to regional Australia" [2002] inCiteALIA 205; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Mollie Thomson Memorial Fund" [1982] inCiteALIA 216; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Monash changes" [1990] inCiteALIA 47; (1990) 11(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Monash Public Library Service" [2004] inCiteALIA 138; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Money Available" [1980] inCiteALIA 86; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Monitor Group" [1982] inCiteALIA 56; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Moral guardians" [1998] inCiteALIA 8; (1998) 19(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "More accolades!" [2000] inCiteALIA 239; (2000) 21(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "More ANON (ALIA National Office News)" [2001] inCiteALIA 130; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "More ANON (ALIA National Office News)" [2001] inCiteALIA 162; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "More Book day plans unveiled" [1995] inCiteALIA 76; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "More cash for Kibble literary awards" [1994] inCiteALIA 243; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "More Choice with W I P" [1983] inCiteALIA 181; (1983) 4(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "More good news for Ballarat Health Services Library" [2015] inCiteALIA 11; (2015) 36(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "More Harry Potter Magic" [2007] inCiteALIA 260; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "More honours for distinguished contributors to libraries" [2012] inCiteALIA 47; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "More library tools from Better Reading" [2019] inCiteALIA 117; (2019) 40(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "More material available from ABS" [2007] inCiteALIA 67; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "More new groups" [2001] inCiteALIA 273; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "More on OMS" [1983] inCiteALIA 267; (1983) 4(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "More Please" [1986] inCiteALIA 431; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "More speakers, and what to do after dark " [1992] inCiteALIA 149; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Morris West: Letter to the Australian Book Trade" [1984] inCiteALIA 2; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Move into management" [2004] inCiteALIA 61; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Move up the value chain" [2004] inCiteALIA 170; (2004) 25(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Moves to reduce 'spam'" [2002] inCiteALIA 55; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Movies While you Drive" [1981] inCiteALIA 316; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Moving towards incorporation" [1999] inCiteALIA 241; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Moyra Best McAllister" [2004] inCiteALIA 95; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "MS Read-A-Thon" [1984] inCiteALIA 99; (1984) 5(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Mt Druitt workshops the future" [2013] inCiteALIA 193; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Muggles working magic" [2007] inCiteALIA 180; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Multi-purpose function in Australian Library Week" [1997] inCiteALIA 226; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Multicultural storytelling at the City of Botany Bay Library Service" [2000] inCiteALIA 177; (2000) 21(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Multimedia preservation" [1995] inCiteALIA 253; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Murder at the Metcalfe: a Readers Advisory seminar for crime and mystery" [2010] inCiteALIA 47; (2010) 31(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Museum Before State Library" [1981] inCiteALIA 193; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Museum of Australia's First Director" [1984] inCiteALIA 179; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Museums Australia national conference 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 50; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Museums Australia national conference, 14-17 May 2006" [2005] inCiteALIA 184; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Music and coordination " [1996] inCiteALIA 82; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Nader's view" [1980] inCiteALIA 189; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "NAILSS Needs" [1986] inCiteALIA 418; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Name Change" [1985] inCiteALIA 57; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Nancy Booker BA DipEd FLA FLAA, 1906-12006" [2006] inCiteALIA 308; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Nancy Booker turns 100" [2006] inCiteALIA 113; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Nancy Pearl, action librarian" [2007] inCiteALIA 113; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "National Advisory Congress (NAC) - Regional & Rural Members" [2007] inCiteALIA 195; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "National Advisory Congress success stories" [2007] inCiteALIA 320; (2007) 28(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "National award to promote services to those with disabilities" [2002] inCiteALIA 53; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "National Bibliographic Data Base" [1982] inCiteALIA 282; (1982) 3(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "National book collection seminar" [1980] inCiteALIA 151; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "National Book Council News" [1985] inCiteALIA 22; (1985) 6(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "National Cataloguing Conference" [1993] inCiteALIA 248; (1993) 14(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "National Children' and Youth Services Awards" [2001] inCiteALIA 336; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "National communications fund" [2001] inCiteALIA 307; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "National Computer Service for 10,000 Schools" [1984] inCiteALIA 25; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "National conference promotes access to indigenous information" [1997] inCiteALIA 358; (1997) 18(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "National Conference" [1982] inCiteALIA 128; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "National creative industries training strategy agreed" [2003] inCiteALIA 185; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "National Cyber Security Week Starts May 30" [2011] inCiteALIA 99; (2011) 32(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "National Film and Sound Archive" [1984] inCiteALIA 314; (1984) 5(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "National indexing priorities" [1993] inCiteALIA 239; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "National Information Literacy Standards published" [2001] inCiteALIA 42; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "National Library - CSIRO Information Link" [1984] inCiteALIA 151; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "National Library books for Aceh project: co-operation at work" [2005] inCiteALIA 294; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "National Library Conducts World Survey to Assist Handicapped" [1984] inCiteALIA 184; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "National Library Feels the Pinch" [1984] inCiteALIA 227; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "National Library Fellowships" [1984] inCiteALIA 159; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "National Library Publication" [1982] inCiteALIA 129; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "National Library puts Mumbulla on Show" [1981] inCiteALIA 84; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "National Library receive an award for excellence" [1990] inCiteALIA 108; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "National Library Scores on Music!" [1985] inCiteALIA 352; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "National Library Technician Day" [2005] inCiteALIA 49; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "National Library Technicians Day Roundup" [2007] inCiteALIA 137; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "National Library Technicians Day" [2000] inCiteALIA 69; (2000) 21(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "National Library Technicians Day" [2005] inCiteALIA 143; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "National Licensing: products survey" [2005] inCiteALIA 304; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "National Literacy Target" [1980] inCiteALIA 33; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "National Literacy Week 2000" [2000] inCiteALIA 187; (2000) 21(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "National Policy Congress" [2000] inCiteALIA 154; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "National Portrait Gallery" [1994] inCiteALIA 81; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "National Project on Unemployment and Aborigines" [1985] inCiteALIA 343; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "National recognition for Curtin staff member" [2004] inCiteALIA 11; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "National resource-sharing forum and field day" [2002] inCiteALIA 201; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storyline 2004: anything but muddled up!" [2004] inCiteALIA 191; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 170; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 205; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2006 Celebrations" [2006] inCiteALIA 241; (2006) 27(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2006" [2006] inCiteALIA 181; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2007" [2007] inCiteALIA 133; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "National simultaneous storytime 2007" [2007] inCiteALIA 176; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2007" [2007] inCiteALIA 232; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2008" [2008] inCiteALIA 103; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime 2019 ALIA NEWS" [2019] inCiteALIA 86; (2019) 40(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime is nearly upon us" [2019] inCiteALIA 64; (2019) 40(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime resources" [2018] inCiteALIA 45; (2018) 39(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime Wrap Up" [2008] inCiteALIA 170; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "National simultaneous storytime" [2001] inCiteALIA 19; (2001) 22(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime" [2003] inCiteALIA 130; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "National Simultaneous Storytime" [2004] inCiteALIA 226; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "National special news" [1993] inCiteALIA 168; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "National training package for libraries and museums" [1997] inCiteALIA 280; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "National what day?" [2002] inCiteALIA 158; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "National Year of Reading 2012" [2011] inCiteALIA 153; (2011) 32(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "National Year of Reading 2012" [2011] inCiteALIA 199; (2011) 32(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "National Year of Reading 2012" [2011] inCiteALIA 244; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "National Year of Reading 2012" [2011] inCiteALIA 305; (2011) 32(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "National Year of Reading 2012" [2012] inCiteALIA 41; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "National Year of Reading 2012" [2012] inCiteALIA 84; (2012) 33(4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "National Year of Reading 2012" [2012] inCiteALIA 142; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "National Year of Reading app picks up international award" [2014] inCiteALIA 33; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "National Year of Reading" [2012] inCiteALIA 264; (2012) 33(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "National Year of Reading: And the winners are " [2011] inCiteALIA 315; (2011) 32(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Navigating the virtual library" [1996] inCiteALIA 138; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "NBC Chairman" [1981] inCiteALIA 88; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "NBC Holds Women and Writing Day" [1985] inCiteALIA 394; (1985) 6(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "NBC Launches National Writers' Tours" [1985] inCiteALIA 120; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "NBC Special Offer" [1987] inCiteALIA 117; (1987) 8(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "NBC Success" [1986] inCiteALIA 419; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "NCBA information service" [1990] inCiteALIA 80; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Ned on Tour" [1980] inCiteALIA 110; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Need a freelance?..." [1993] inCiteALIA 130; (1993) 14(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Neighbours Network" [1986] inCiteALIA 381; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Nerida Hart - information professional of the year" [2005] inCiteALIA 201; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "NetAlert" [2004] inCiteALIA 86; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "NetSpots directory - highlighting libraries for public access to the internet" [2001] inCiteALIA 210; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "Network services update" [1997] inCiteALIA 112; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Networking at neXt" [2005] inCiteALIA 53; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Networking communities conference" [1997] inCiteALIA 287; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Networking the Nation" [2001] inCiteALIA 235; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Networking the nation: funds available to libraries and community groups" [1997] inCiteALIA 241; (1997) 18(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Networking Victoria' celebrated in Library Week" [1996] inCiteALIA 197; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Networking whose future?" [1995] inCiteALIA 196; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "New 13-digit ISBN" [2005] inCiteALIA 204; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "New Aboriginal anthology" [2008] inCiteALIA 187; (2008) 29(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "New ACI Appointment" [1984] inCiteALIA 284; (1984) 5(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "New adaptive technology assists students in TAFE library" [2001] inCiteALIA 304; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "New Adelaide City Library now open" [2014] inCiteALIA 29; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "New Agreement on Scientific Journals" [1986] inCiteALIA 380; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "New ALIA State Manager announced" [2012] inCiteALIA 9; (2012) 33(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "New Appointment" [1985] inCiteALIA 129; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "New appointments to the ALIA Research Committee" [2011] inCiteALIA 120; (2011) 32(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "New Appointments to the National Library" [1989] inCiteALIA 44; (1989) 10(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New art award announced" [1993] inCiteALIA 304; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "New awards for women writers" [1993] inCiteALIA 219; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "New bite for NT library system" [1998] inCiteALIA 43; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "New BLDSC source" [1992] inCiteALIA 118; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "New Book in Honour of Famouse Australian Librarian" [1984] inCiteALIA 61; (1984) 5(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New CD to make internet searching easier" [1996] inCiteALIA 244; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "New CE Policy - Calls for Expressions of Interest" [1984] inCiteALIA 246; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "New Chair of the Board" [1997] inCiteALIA 8; (1997) 18(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "New Chairman for National Book Council" [1983] inCiteALIA 149; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New College at Riverina College" [1984] inCiteALIA 178; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "New committee to tackle copyright issues" [1996] inCiteALIA 229; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "New convenor for ALIA Retirees" [2012] inCiteALIA 177; (2012) 33(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "New copier breaks colour barrier" [1993] inCiteALIA 242; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "New Council Replaces ALIC and AACOBS" [1988] inCiteALIA 48; (1988) 9(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "New Databases for ACI" [1984] inCiteALIA 133; (1984) 5(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "New deadlines for Events" [1994] inCiteALIA 95; (1994) 15(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "New Degree Course for Kuring-gai" [1985] inCiteALIA 281; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "New designs unveiled for the State Library of South Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 238; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "New developments at OCLC" [1993] inCiteALIA 289; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "New DIALOG Seminar" [1985] inCiteALIA 316; (1985) 6(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "New Dialog Team" [1981] inCiteALIA 157; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "New directions in library and information studies" [1997] inCiteALIA 290; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "New Directions: ALIA symposium for special librarians" [2005] inCiteALIA 210; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "New Director-General announced" [2011] inCiteALIA 61; (2011) 32(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "New Director-General" [1980] inCiteALIA 120; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New Edition of Dewey" [1989] inCiteALIA 11; (1989) 10(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "New Edition" [1989] inCiteALIA 313; (1989) 10(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "New editor for Counterpoise" [1996] inCiteALIA 337; (1996) 17(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "New EEI column co-ordinators" [2006] inCiteALIA 263; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "New England Group" [1981] inCiteALIA 288; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "New era for access to Australian information" [1998] inCiteALIA 162; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "New era of service delivery" [2000] inCiteALIA 96; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "New Executive Director for LAA" [1981] inCiteALIA 178; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New extension to Curtin University Library" [1992] inCiteALIA 58; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "New Faces in IR at ACI Computer Services" [1985] inCiteALIA 65; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "New from ALIA publishing" [1998] inCiteALIA 238; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "New from the Schools: Sydney Technical College" [1980] inCiteALIA 148; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "New Generation Advisory Committee vacancies" [2012] inCiteALIA 119; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "New Graduate Diploma at Kurin-gai CAE" [1983] inCiteALIA 145; (1983) 4(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "New guidelines for degrees and postgraduate qualifications" [2001] inCiteALIA 302; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "New guidelines for NSW public libraries" [2008] inCiteALIA 124; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "New High Tech Library Laboratory" [1986] inCiteALIA 230; (1986) 7(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "New Honour for First National Librarian" [1983] inCiteALIA 219; (1983) 4(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New IFLA Internet connection" [1994] inCiteALIA 317; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "New IFLA publication on authority entries" [2001] inCiteALIA 125; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "New IFLA secretary general, Professor Peter Lor" [2005] inCiteALIA 9; (2005) 26(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "New IFTN Sponsors' List" [1989] inCiteALIA 235; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "New ILL code from ACLIS" [1992] inCiteALIA 254; (1992) 13(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "New index aids research" [2002] inCiteALIA 40; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "New info science journal" [1980] inCiteALIA 11; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "New information retrieval manual from QUT" [1993] inCiteALIA 76; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "New Information Systems: Viewdata/Teletext" [1980] inCiteALIA 142; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New interface offers easier access" [2004] inCiteALIA 89; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "New Interlibrary Lending Charges" [1989] inCiteALIA 307; (1989) 10(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "New internet codes of practice" [2005] inCiteALIA 149; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "New IR Logo for ACICS" [1985] inCiteALIA 153; (1985) 6(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "New LAA Group?" [1982] inCiteALIA 117; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "New LAA Section - Only the Beginning" [1987] inCiteALIA 66; (1987) 8(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New library building opened at the Australian Maritime College" [1995] inCiteALIA 28; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "New Library for Bankstown" [1981] inCiteALIA 2; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New Library for Darwin" [1981] inCiteALIA 119; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "New Library for WA by 1984" [1981] inCiteALIA 298; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "New library service a world-first for vision impaired" [2001] inCiteALIA 158; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "New LLO for Tasmania" [2008] inCiteALIA 104; (2008) 29(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "New Look for Queensland University's Law Library" [1989] inCiteALIA 80; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "New membership computer system launched" [1993] inCiteALIA 9; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "New membership of the CLRC" [1999] inCiteALIA 122; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "New National Library Technicians committee" [2003] inCiteALIA 268; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "New objects for ALIA's Constitution" [2017] inCiteALIA 34; (2017) 38(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "New Office for LAA" [1982] inCiteALIA 57; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "New online store for enhanceTV" [2006] inCiteALIA 234; (2006) 27(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "New options for trainers and trainees in library and information services" [1999] inCiteALIA 344; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "New phone numbers" [2002] inCiteALIA 252; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 37
Editors --- "New portfolio, new approach" [2004] inCiteALIA 232; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "New Position for SA" [1980] inCiteALIA 17; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "New Post for Judith Hill" [1984] inCiteALIA 9; (1984) 5(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "New Provider and Users for Prestel" [1980] inCiteALIA 172; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New publications from Charles Sturt" [1997] inCiteALIA 281; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "New Publications" [1982] inCiteALIA 70; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "New publishing enterprise" [1998] inCiteALIA 93; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "New Reference and Information Centre Opened" [1980] inCiteALIA 42; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New regional Periodical Database" [1993] inCiteALIA 224; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "New research: school libraries, teacher librarians, and their contribution to student literacy development in Gold Coast schools" [2013] inCiteALIA 127; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "New Sales Tax Threat!" [1982] inCiteALIA 266; (1982) 3(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New satellite workshop" [1999] inCiteALIA 143; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "New school for Monash" [1998] inCiteALIA 158; (1998) 19(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "New search training resource" [2014] inCiteALIA 182; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "New Serials Group" [1980] inCiteALIA 54; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "New Service for ALIA institutional members" [2003] inCiteALIA 232; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "New services for members" [1995] inCiteALIA 283; (1995) 16(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "New South Wales Branch presents merit awards" [1999] inCiteALIA 54; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "New South Wales Premier's Award nominee" [1997] inCiteALIA 329; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "New sponsor announced for the ALIA Awards for Innovation in Victoria" [1999] inCiteALIA 29; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "New State Librarian for Vic" [1981] inCiteALIA 237; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "New State Librarian" [1987] inCiteALIA 8; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "New statement on online information" [1998] inCiteALIA 187; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "New statements on library and information education" [1991] inCiteALIA 85; (1991) 12(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New system for South Australian public libraries" [1998] inCiteALIA 202; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "New tariffs for and a new database on OZLINE" [1992] inCiteALIA 120; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "New titles received" [1994] inCiteALIA 149; (1994) 15(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "New UDC" [1985] inCiteALIA 116; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "New World Record!" [1986] inCiteALIA 383; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "New Year, new faces for top libraries" [2012] inCiteALIA 52; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "New-release books to entice readers" [2018] inCiteALIA 20; (2018) 39(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Newest job prospects now in recovering library market" [1994] inCiteALIA 241; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "News About Children's Books" [1982] inCiteALIA 102; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "News about our journals" [2012] inCiteALIA 287; (2012) 33(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "News from ALIA House" [2013] inCiteALIA 243; (2013) 34(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "News from ALIA House" [2014] inCiteALIA 8; (2014) 35(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "News from ALIA House" [2014] inCiteALIA 92; (2014) 35(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News from ALIA House" [2014] inCiteALIA 152; (2014) 35(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "News from membership " [2004] inCiteALIA 114; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "News from TAFE Tasmania North West Libraries - Devonport and Burnie" [2001] inCiteALIA 179; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "News from the Audiovisual Committee" [1980] inCiteALIA 31; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "News from the Board of Education" [1981] inCiteALIA 245; (1981) 2(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "News from the Centre for Library Systems" [1984] inCiteALIA 278; (1984) 5(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1980] inCiteALIA 30; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1980] inCiteALIA 44; (1980) 1(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1980] inCiteALIA 72; (1980) 1(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1981] inCiteALIA 34; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1981] inCiteALIA 229; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1982] inCiteALIA 136; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1982] inCiteALIA 207; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1982] inCiteALIA 304; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1983] inCiteALIA 133; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1983] inCiteALIA 277; (1983) 4(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1984] inCiteALIA 201; (1984) 5(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1985] inCiteALIA 37; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "News from the Divisions" [1986] inCiteALIA 100; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "News from the Education for Library and Information Services Section (NSW)" [1992] inCiteALIA 97; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "News from the groups" [2012] inCiteALIA 185; (2012) 33(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "News from the Northern Territory" [1986] inCiteALIA 241; (1986) 7(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "News from your ALIA State and Territory Managers" [2018] inCiteALIA 39; (2018) 39(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News from your ALIA State and Territory Managers" [2018] inCiteALIA 60; (2018) 39(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News from your ALIA State and Territory Managers" [2018] inCiteALIA 82; (2018) 39(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News from your ALIA State and Territory Managers" [2018] inCiteALIA 105; (2018) 39(9-10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News from your ALIA State and Territory Managers" [2018] inCiteALIA 133; (2018) 39(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "News from your State and Territory Managers" [2019] inCiteALIA 21; (2019) 40(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News from your State and Territory Managers" [2019] inCiteALIA 50; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News from your State and Territory Managers" [2019] inCiteALIA 78; (2019) 40(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "News from your State and Territory Managers" [2019] inCiteALIA 103; (2019) 40(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "News" [2015] inCiteALIA 165; (2015) 36(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "neXt 2005 conference and Me!bourne - 20 years on the 2007 conference" [2006] inCiteALIA 69; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "neXt 2005: ALIA National Library and Information Technicians" [2004] inCiteALIA 257; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "neXt 2005: ALIA National Library and Information Technicians' Conference" [2004] inCiteALIA 190; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "NICS secures free Cochrane Library access for another two years" [2005] inCiteALIA 297; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Nitrate Film Saved" [1984] inCiteALIA 41; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "NLA celebrations attract big crowds" [1993] inCiteALIA 233; (1993) 14(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "NLA Data Bases - The Real Cost" [1980] inCiteALIA 150; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "NLA extends its community liaison" [1994] inCiteALIA 67; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "NLA Fellowship Awards" [1984] inCiteALIA 162; (1984) 5(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "NLA preparing 'Easy Reading' guide" [1994] inCiteALIA 142; (1994) 15(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "NLA suffers severe lack of funds" [1980] inCiteALIA 56; (1980) 1(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "NLA's Director-General Marshalls the Troops" [1987] inCiteALIA 180; (1987) 8(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "NLA/Telecom/Insearch: Videotex Research Project" [1980] inCiteALIA 259; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "NLNZ implements review recommendations" [1993] inCiteALIA 215; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "NLS2006" [2007] inCiteALIA 46; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "NLS2006: Something to talk about" [2006] inCiteALIA 94; (2006) 27(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "NLTD a highlight" [2003] inCiteALIA 186; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "No Discrimination" [1980] inCiteALIA 77; (1980) 1(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "No Library is an Island" [1983] inCiteALIA 292; (1983) 4(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "No takers?" [1990] inCiteALIA 149; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Noma Concours" [1986] inCiteALIA 191; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Nominate now" [1999] inCiteALIA 104; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Nominations called for CAUL Achievement Award" [2002] inCiteALIA 130; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Nominations for LAA Committee" [1988] inCiteALIA 184; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Nominations invited" [1997] inCiteALIA 107; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Non-book Records on ABN" [1984] inCiteALIA 267; (1984) 5(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Non-library volunteering opportunities" [2007] inCiteALIA 257; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Norma Nellie Sawacki, OAM" [1991] inCiteALIA 129; (1991) 12(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "North Sydney residents discover 'a sense of place'" [1998] inCiteALIA 24; (1998) 19(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Northcote/Preston Health Collection" [1993] inCiteALIA 293; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Northern Territory celebrations" [1999] inCiteALIA 261; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Northern Territory Library leads with new platform" [1998] inCiteALIA 242; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Not an average AGM" [1992] inCiteALIA 111; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Not too cranky for National Simultaneous Storytime" [2012] inCiteALIA 31; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Note! Forced ILL vouchers" [1990] inCiteALIA 295; (1990) 11(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Notes from the Executive Director" [1984] inCiteALIA 62; (1984) 5(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Notes from the Executive Director" [1988] inCiteALIA 114; (1988) 9(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Notes from the SA public libraries conference" [2013] inCiteALIA 214; (2013) 34(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Now Here This!" [1986] inCiteALIA 433; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Now on disk" [1997] inCiteALIA 110; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Now the dust has settled" [1999] inCiteALIA 30; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Now You See It, Now You Don't!" [1982] inCiteALIA 195; (1982) 3(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "NSS across Australia" [2005] inCiteALIA 240; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "NSW Action Committee on Local Govt Record" [1983] inCiteALIA 109; (1983) 4(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "NSW Brand Pubs" [1982] inCiteALIA 69; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "NSW librarians test case completed" [2002] inCiteALIA 286; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "NSW library associations amalgamate" [2014] inCiteALIA 172; (2014) 35(10) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "NSW Metropolitan Chiefs" [1981] inCiteALIA 169; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "NSW State Government Elections" [1984] inCiteALIA 44; (1984) 5(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "NSW State Library Closes" [1982] inCiteALIA 26; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "NSW State Library Expands High Tech Courses" [1992] inCiteALIA 121; (1992) 13(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "NSW TAFE Conference" [1982] inCiteALIA 45; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "NSW.net" [1999] inCiteALIA 278; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "NT Library Technicians group" [1993] inCiteALIA 62; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "NT Library Wins Prestigious Gates Foundation Award" [2007] inCiteALIA 194; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "NT LLO appointed" [2006] inCiteALIA 306; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "NT Special Libraries Section" [1993] inCiteALIA 64; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "NTU librarian foils bank robbery" [1996] inCiteALIA 84; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "NTYBRA Well Under Way" [1985] inCiteALIA 47; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "NUCAV" [1980] inCiteALIA 125; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Number To Becomes Number One!" [1987] inCiteALIA 265; (1987) 8(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Numbering public information" [1998] inCiteALIA 304; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Nursing Education Library Facilities Sub-Committee" [1987] inCiteALIA 299; (1987) 8(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Nurturing a local library community" [2006] inCiteALIA 93; (2006) 27(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Nutcote for the nation" [1990] inCiteALIA 140; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Nuts and bolts of CPD" [2005] inCiteALIA 84; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "NY Looking for Public Librarians" [1981] inCiteALIA 322; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "NZ Librarian this year's James Cook Bicentenary Scholar" [1992] inCiteALIA 136; (1992) 13(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "NZ Pubs" [1982] inCiteALIA 156; (1982) 3(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "NZLA 1985" [1985] inCiteALIA 45; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "NZLAA: Libraries After 1984" [1983] inCiteALIA 130; (1983) 4(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "NZLAA: Libraries After 1984" [1983] inCiteALIA 148; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "NZLIA/ALIA joint conference" [1994] inCiteALIA 35; (1994) 15(2) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "O'Donovan collection to open again" [2003] inCiteALIA 133; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Obituary - Margaret Bell" [1999] inCiteALIA 288; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Obituary" [1981] inCiteALIA 184; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Obituary" [1981] inCiteALIA 256; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Obituary" [1981] inCiteALIA 289; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Obituary" [1990] inCiteALIA 14; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Obituary" [1990] inCiteALIA 101; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Obituary" [1990] inCiteALIA 150; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Obituary: Geoffrey Thomas Roscoe (1900-85)" [1985] inCiteALIA 250; (1985) 6(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Obituary: Guna Kulnieks" [1986] inCiteALIA 113; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Obituary: Isabel Cosntance Spurway" [1984] inCiteALIA 305; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Obituary: Joan Marjorie Silvester" [1986] inCiteALIA 415; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Obituary: Richard Baker" [2006] inCiteALIA 163; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Obituary: Thomas Charles Triffitt" [1986] inCiteALIA 156; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Obituary: Vale Hiroshi Ueno" [2001] inCiteALIA 98; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Obituary: Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge" [2002] inCiteALIA 234; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Occupational Health and Safety" [1992] inCiteALIA 63; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "OCLC helps libraries enter the cloud" [2012] inCiteALIA 198; (2012) 33(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Ode to Winter" [1991] inCiteALIA 136; (1991) 12(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "ODIN: god of war?" [1995] inCiteALIA 257; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Of bibliometrics, Australian journals and library research" [1995] inCiteALIA 91; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Of Copyright and Festivals and Some Other Things" [1982] inCiteALIA 302; (1982) 3(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Of the members, for the members, ALIA groups in action" [2011] inCiteALIA 148; (2011) 32(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Off-campus Library Services Conference II" [1985] inCiteALIA 215; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Old books caught in new net" [1995] inCiteALIA 56; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "On Line Lowdown" [1985] inCiteALIA 131; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "On the brink!" [1993] inCiteALIA 108; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "On the edge - to every book its believer" [2010] inCiteALIA 280; (2010) 31(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "On the edge" [1996] inCiteALIA 268; (1996) 17(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "On the edge: 'Should old acquaintance be forgot?' Technology trends in 2010" [2010] inCiteALIA 6; (2010) 31(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "On the edge: a conference to remember" [2010] inCiteALIA 121; (2010) 31(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "On the edge: A financial sustainability manifesto" [2010] inCiteALIA 220; (2010) 31(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "On the edge: A useful trade" [2010] inCiteALIA 154; (2010) 31(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "On the edge: Born to be wild, perhaps, but not literate" [2010] inCiteALIA 43; (2010) 31(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "On the edge: L'Internationale, or 'Holding hands across the Tasman'" [2010] inCiteALIA 302; (2010) 31(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "On the edge: Manager wanted - librarians need not apply" [2010] inCiteALIA 71; (2010) 31(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "On the edge: Preaching to the converted" [2010] inCiteALIA 99; (2010) 31(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "On the edge: special libraries - the canary in the mine" [2010] inCiteALIA 179; (2010) 31(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "On the edge: spoiled by choice: a recipe for mediocrity" [2010] inCiteALIA 250; (2010) 31(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "On the Industrial Front" [1982] inCiteALIA 333; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "On the Industrial Front" [1982] inCiteALIA 351; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "On the Industrial Front" [1983] inCiteALIA 28; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "On the Industrial Front" [1986] inCiteALIA 104; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "On the International Scene" [1982] inCiteALIA 329; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "On the Move" [1986] inCiteALIA 19; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "On the Pacific Rim" [1989] inCiteALIA 200; (1989) 10(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "On the road again" [2002] inCiteALIA 8; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "On the Road" [1988] inCiteALIA 178; (1988) 9(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "On the Social Side" [1987] inCiteALIA 208; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "On track in 2000!" [2000] inCiteALIA 139; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "One in ten adults illiterate" [1990] inCiteALIA 2; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "One in the 'Bush' Two in the Library" [1980] inCiteALIA 122; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "One size doesn't fit all" [2013] inCiteALIA 185; (2013) 34(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "One voice" [2002] inCiteALIA 170; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "One week in May" [1997] inCiteALIA 218; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Online & On Disc 95" [1995] inCiteALIA 9; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Online & On Disc" [1995] inCiteALIA 55; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Online 88 - Free Registrations" [1987] inCiteALIA 246; (1987) 8(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Online 97 - a huge success!" [1997] inCiteALIA 104; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Online access - beware of spyware" [2005] inCiteALIA 105; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Online Australia Day" [1999] inCiteALIA 16; (1999) 20(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Online Circulation System that works" [1980] inCiteALIA 22; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Online festschrift" [2005] inCiteALIA 220; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Online Information 2005" [2005] inCiteALIA 317; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Online Information Retrieval Kit" [1981] inCiteALIA 168; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Online projects aim for Olympics and Federation" [1997] inCiteALIA 321; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Online Searching Using a Microcomputer" [1984] inCiteALIA 287; (1984) 5(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Online world online" [1996] inCiteALIA 42; (1996) 17(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Online/CD-ROM 94 in San Francisco" [1995] inCiteALIA 65; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Only fifty-two weeks to go" [1997] inCiteALIA 312; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "OPAI funding targets announced" [1997] inCiteALIA 175; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Open Access, Open Archives and Open Source" [2005] inCiteALIA 267; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Open Day at Macquarie" [1980] inCiteALIA 178; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Open house for the conference" [1991] inCiteALIA 165; (1991) 12(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Open systems" [1992] inCiteALIA 229; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Open URL standard committee" [2001] inCiteALIA 131; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Opening access to research in Africa" [2001] inCiteALIA 295; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "ORANA Highlights" [1985] inCiteALIA 115; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Orana subscriptions" [1995] inCiteALIA 45; (1995) 16(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "ORBIT has a New Australian Office" [1982] inCiteALIA 355; (1982) 3(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Ordering items from other libraries has never been easier" [2003] inCiteALIA 183; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Organisation Set Up to Aid Developing Countries" [1983] inCiteALIA 84; (1983) 4(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Organisation to Aid Developing Countries" [1983] inCiteALIA 156; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Our changing telephone directory" [1992] inCiteALIA 186; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Our electronic publishing venture - how it's going and where it's going" [1994] inCiteALIA 246; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Our staff development committee - we're still learning" [2003] inCiteALIA 62; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Out Line" [1990] inCiteALIA 174; (1990) 11(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Out Line" [1991] inCiteALIA 73; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Out of the red and into the black" [1998] inCiteALIA 127; (1998) 19(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Out standards: comment now!" [2012] inCiteALIA 45; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Out with the old, in with the new the new ALIA CPD scheme, that is" [2004] inCiteALIA 275; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Outback Summit 2003" [2003] inCiteALIA 223; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Outstanding achievement recognised" [1999] inCiteALIA 144; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Outstanding achiever recognised" [2011] inCiteALIA 329; (2011) 32(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Outstanding contribution recognised" [2002] inCiteALIA 94; (2002) 23(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Outstanding graduate rewarded" [1999] inCiteALIA 212; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Outstanding Librarians" [1986] inCiteALIA 395; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Outstanding librarianship rewarded" [1998] inCiteALIA 303; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Outstanding manager recognised" [2000] inCiteALIA 27; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Outstanding members awarded" [1990] inCiteALIA 5; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Outstanding paper" [2007] inCiteALIA 102; (2007) 28(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Outstanding student recognised" [1997] inCiteALIA 103; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Overcoming the tyranny of distance" [1997] inCiteALIA 55; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Overseas posting" [1997] inCiteALIA 83; (1997) 18(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Overseas speakers - a visit from King Research" [1990] inCiteALIA 206; (1990) 11(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Overseas Staff Exchanges" [1986] inCiteALIA 403; (1986) 7(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Oz Books for Asaia and big Oz too" [1982] inCiteALIA 90; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "OZLINE news" [1993] inCiteALIA 19; (1993) 14(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "OZUNE and AUSTRALIS merge" [1994] inCiteALIA 129; (1994) 15(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "P.S " [1982] inCiteALIA 125; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Pacific and/or PNG Collections" [1982] inCiteALIA 68; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Packed meeting in November" [1997] inCiteALIA 6; (1997) 18(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Paper permanence up to standard?" [1992] inCiteALIA 217; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Paradise possessed" [1998] inCiteALIA 247; (1998) 19(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Parlez Vous?" [1980] inCiteALIA 37; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Parliamentary library network" [1997] inCiteALIA 52; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Part three of Senate Committee report released" [1997] inCiteALIA 232; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Part-Time Study at WAIT?" [1985] inCiteALIA 330; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Participate or Perish" [1982] inCiteALIA 123; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Partners in crime " [1998] inCiteALIA 305; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Partners in learning" [1995] inCiteALIA 95; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Partners in training" [1995] inCiteALIA 123; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Partnership agreement signed" [1997] inCiteALIA 159; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Partnerships in learning - the creative strategy" [1997] inCiteALIA 197; (1997) 18(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Passing of a Library Pioneer" [1983] inCiteALIA 238; (1983) 4(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Passion power people: TAFE libraries leading the way" [2001] inCiteALIA 258; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Pastimes of the Past" [1981] inCiteALIA 136; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Patti Manolis joins international public library think tank" [2011] inCiteALIA 330; (2011) 32(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Paul McNally, OAM" [1986] inCiteALIA 79; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Pay Up or Miss Out!" [1982] inCiteALIA 114; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "PD for everyone: how to stand out from the crowd" [2013] inCiteALIA 14; (2013) 34(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "PDQ: Professional Development Questions" [1990] inCiteALIA 246; (1990) 11(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Penguin jumper project wins award" [2001] inCiteALIA 333; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 10; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 35; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 63; (1980) 1(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 83; (1980) 1(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 94; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 129; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 176; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 225; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "People in the News" [1980] inCiteALIA 255; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 37; (1981) 2(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 66; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 83; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 96; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 129; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 148; (1981) 2(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 171; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 198; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 219; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "People in the News" [1981] inCiteALIA 287; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "People in the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 16; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "People in the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 98; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "People in the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 153; (1982) 3(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "People in the News" [1982] inCiteALIA 183; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "People, places, promotions " [1996] inCiteALIA 85; (1996) 17(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "People, Print and Paper" [1988] inCiteALIA 87; (1988) 9(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Pergamon Appoints Australasian Agents for InfoLine" [1985] inCiteALIA 287; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Permanent Paper Seminar" [1987] inCiteALIA 183; (1987) 8(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Permanent paper" [1991] inCiteALIA 113; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Personal e-mail and copyright" [2001] inCiteALIA 81; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Personalising your Kinetica access" [2005] inCiteALIA 208; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Perth 1990" [1990] inCiteALIA 271; (1990) 11(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Perth 2011: must see, must do" [2011] inCiteALIA 219; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Perth Western Suburbs Councils create a single library network" [2000] inCiteALIA 287; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Philanthropy courses" [2007] inCiteALIA 246; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Philanthropy in Australian Libraries" [2007] inCiteALIA 241; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Philanthropy reference resources" [2007] inCiteALIA 244; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Philip Bryant at the Cataloguing Conference" [1993] inCiteALIA 152; (1993) 14(6) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Photographic Register" [1981] inCiteALIA 320; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Picket Line" [1990] inCiteALIA 85; (1990) 11(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "PictureAustralia - the big picture" [2002] inCiteALIA 232; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "PictureAustralia" [2003] inCiteALIA 139; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "PLAC has a Say!" [1987] inCiteALIA 17; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Plagiarism detection consortium meets to share insights" [2005] inCiteALIA 89; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Plan ahead for retirement" [2007] inCiteALIA 248; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Planning a career?" [1996] inCiteALIA 342; (1996) 17(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Planning your budget" [1997] inCiteALIA 45; (1997) 18(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Plans for Vic State Library Scrapped: Government Opts Out" [1981] inCiteALIA 1; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Plans Underway for NT University" [1981] inCiteALIA 306; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "PLD (Vic) Special Projects Grant" [1982] inCiteALIA 43; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "PNG's top librarian suffers fatal heart attack" [2007] inCiteALIA 38; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Policy Change in SA" [1982] inCiteALIA 230; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Policy statements" [2001] inCiteALIA 263; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Political party policies relating to copyright" [2004] inCiteALIA 225; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Politicians' preference" [1995] inCiteALIA 121; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Politics with a capital P" [2012] inCiteALIA 261; (2012) 33(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Politics, lib assocs and education" [1993] inCiteALIA 283; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Porn - Under the Bed" [1982] inCiteALIA 322; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Port Phillip Library Service speaks the language of many" [1998] inCiteALIA 62; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Possessed" [1997] inCiteALIA 111; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Possible Visit by British Consultant" [1984] inCiteALIA 265; (1984) 5(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Post haste the millennium: opportunities and challenges in local studies" [1999] inCiteALIA 125; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Posters win awards" [1980] inCiteALIA 32; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Power Searching with the Pros goes North - again!" [2006] inCiteALIA 112; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Powering our future: contribute to the information agenda" [2001] inCiteALIA 326; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Powering our future: contribute to the information agenda" [2001] inCiteALIA 345; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "PR Award for State Library NSW" [1984] inCiteALIA 241; (1984) 5(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Prahran Mechanics' Institute update" [2004] inCiteALIA 153; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Preparing a gift for Federation" [1997] inCiteALIA 93; (1997) 18(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Presentation of LAA Awards" [1982] inCiteALIA 11; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Presentation of Metcalfe Medallion to Kylie Lou" [1993] inCiteALIA 170; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Presentation of Metcalfe Medallion" [1985] inCiteALIA 260; (1985) 6(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Presentation of the inaugural Twila Herr Award" [2007] inCiteALIA 31; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Presenting The Great Masters by Mortimer Menpes" [2002] inCiteALIA 172; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Preservation Project for Pascoe" [1986] inCiteALIA 358; (1986) 7(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Preservation Secrets Shared" [1982] inCiteALIA 234; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Preservation Seminar and Workshop" [1987] inCiteALIA 315; (1987) 8(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Preserve a Culture" [1982] inCiteALIA 334; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Preserving Australia's legal history" [2002] inCiteALIA 168; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Preserving information - a university black hole?" [2002] inCiteALIA 9; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Preserving Our Books" [1984] inCiteALIA 235; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Preserving our cultural heritage in the digital age" [1999] inCiteALIA 236; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Preserving Tasmania's heritage" [1999] inCiteALIA 179; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Preserving the memory" [1996] inCiteALIA 110; (1996) 17(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Preserving the National Collections" [1989] inCiteALIA 92; (1989) 10(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "President to Attend ALA 100" [1981] inCiteALIA 159; (1981) 2(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Presidential Address" [1988] inCiteALIA 220; (1988) 9(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Presidential changes at ALIA" [2001] inCiteALIA 39; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Pressing need for old newspapers" [1994] inCiteALIA 245; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Pretty in Pictures" [2014] inCiteALIA 23; (2014) 35(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Pretty NIPpy" [1982] inCiteALIA 95; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Priceless Books Lost in Bushires" [1983] inCiteALIA 89; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Principles of mutual support" [2002] inCiteALIA 118; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Privacy and the handling of personal information" [2001] inCiteALIA 324; (2001) 22(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Privacy guidelines for electronic resources vendors" [2002] inCiteALIA 195; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Prize for excellence" [1999] inCiteALIA 291; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Prize for excellence" [2000] inCiteALIA 183; (2000) 21(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Prize for Illustrators of Children's Books" [1982] inCiteALIA 222; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Prize for teacher librarianship" [2001] inCiteALIA 237; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Prize for teacher-librarian" [1997] inCiteALIA 162; (1997) 18(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Prizes at RMIT" [1986] inCiteALIA 193; (1986) 7(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Prizewinner Visits Perth" [1985] inCiteALIA 357; (1985) 6(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Problem-based learning: librarians and the education off health professionals" [1995] inCiteALIA 19; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Producing technological savvy graduates" [2000] inCiteALIA 89; (2000) 21(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Product and Services news" [2007] inCiteALIA 227; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Product news " [2003] inCiteALIA 74; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Product news " [2003] inCiteALIA 101; (2003) 24(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Product news " [2003] inCiteALIA 155; (2003) 24(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Product news " [2003] inCiteALIA 215; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Product news " [2003] inCiteALIA 242; (2003) 24(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Product news " [2004] inCiteALIA 34; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 59
Editors --- "Product news " [2004] inCiteALIA 109; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Product news " [2004] inCiteALIA 162; (2004) 25(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 44; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 71; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 100; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 133; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 192; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 227; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 258; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 289; (2005) 26(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Product news " [2005] inCiteALIA 332; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 60; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 84; (2006) 27(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 107; (2006) 27(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 132; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 168; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 196; (2006) 27(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 222; (2006) 27(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 279; (2006) 27(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news " [2006] inCiteALIA 312; (2006) 27(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Product news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 245; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news around Australia" [2001] inCiteALIA 272; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news" [1996] inCiteALIA 207; (1996) 17(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Product news" [2001] inCiteALIA 93; (2001) 22(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Product news" [2001] inCiteALIA 132; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news" [2001] inCiteALIA 160; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news" [2001] inCiteALIA 214; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 41
Editors --- "Product news" [2001] inCiteALIA 362; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news" [2002] inCiteALIA 132; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news" [2002] inCiteALIA 162; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Product news" [2002] inCiteALIA 182; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Product news" [2002] inCiteALIA 246; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Product news" [2002] inCiteALIA 277; (2002) 23(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Product news" [2003] inCiteALIA 26; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 47
Editors --- "Product news" [2003] inCiteALIA 48; (2003) 24(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 33; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 42
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 60; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 88; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 105; (2007) 28(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 130; (2007) 28(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 152; (2007) 28(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 188; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Product news" [2007] inCiteALIA 273; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 44
Editors --- "Product news" [2008] inCiteALIA 61; (2008) 29(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Production guidelines for print disabilities" [2007] inCiteALIA 6; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Products new " [2003] inCiteALIA 260; (2003) 24(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Products news " [2003] inCiteALIA 127; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Products news " [2003] inCiteALIA 189; (2003) 24(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Products news " [2003] inCiteALIA 282; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Products news " [2004] inCiteALIA 55; (2004) 25(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Products news " [2004] inCiteALIA 78; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Products news " [2004] inCiteALIA 133; (2004) 25(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Products news " [2004] inCiteALIA 219; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 46
Editors --- "Products news " [2004] inCiteALIA 247; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Products news " [2004] inCiteALIA 269; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Products news " [2004] inCiteALIA 305; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Products news " [2006] inCiteALIA 252; (2006) 27(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Professional development gets a monthly 'posting'" [2009] inCiteALIA 31; (2009) 30(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 40
Editors --- "Professional development training opportunities for ALIA members" [2003] inCiteALIA 124; (2003) 24(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Professional development" [2005] inCiteALIA 214; (2005) 26(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Professional development" [2009] inCiteALIA 110; (2009) 30(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Professional development" [2009] inCiteALIA 290; (2009) 30(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Professional development" [2010] inCiteALIA 4; (2010) 31(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Professional development" [2010] inCiteALIA 69; (2010) 31(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Professional development" [2010] inCiteALIA 119; (2010) 31(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Professional development" [2010] inCiteALIA 153; (2010) 31(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Professional development" [2010] inCiteALIA 218; (2010) 31(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Professional development" [2011] inCiteALIA 5; (2011) 32(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Professional development" [2011] inCiteALIA 145; (2011) 32(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Professional development" [2011] inCiteALIA 168; (2011) 32(7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Professional development" [2011] inCiteALIA 204; (2011) 32(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Professional development" [2011] inCiteALIA 240; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Professional Membership Review" [1986] inCiteALIA 298; (1986) 7(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Professional Membership Review" [1986] inCiteALIA 316; (1986) 7(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Professional Options" [1989] inCiteALIA 278; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Professional partnerships" [2004] inCiteALIA 169; (2004) 25(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Professor Ann Harding confirmed as speaker at ALIA 2002" [2002] inCiteALIA 36; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Professor Charles Oppenheim joins ALJ Editorial Board" [2011] inCiteALIA 60; (2011) 32(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Professor Manning Clark" [1991] inCiteALIA 119; (1991) 12(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Profits from copies" [1994] inCiteALIA 168; (1994) 15(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Program update: meet the ALIA Board of Education" [1999] inCiteALIA 185; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Programming solutions for school libraries" [1995] inCiteALIA 198; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Progression of Non_Graduate Librarians in NSW Public Service" [1985] inCiteALIA 295; (1985) 6(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Project MIND . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1981] inCiteALIA 143; (1981) 2(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Project MIND a column Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1982] inCiteALIA 315; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Project MIND a column on Meeting Information Needs on Disabilities" [1983] inCiteALIA 268; (1983) 4(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Project MIND a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1980] inCiteALIA 161; (1980) 1(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Project MIND a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1980] inCiteALIA 185; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Project MIND a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1980] inCiteALIA 219; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Project MIND a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1982] inCiteALIA 67; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Project MIND a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1983] inCiteALIA 215; (1983) 4(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Project MIND. . . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1983] inCiteALIA 153; (1983) 4(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on meeting the information needs of the disabled" [1980] inCiteALIA 133; (1980) 1(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1980] inCiteALIA 251; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1981] inCiteALIA 21; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1981] inCiteALIA 57; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1981] inCiteALIA 94; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1982] inCiteALIA 9; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1982] inCiteALIA 180; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Project MIND.. . a column on Meeting the Information Needs of the Disabled" [1982] inCiteALIA 241; (1982) 3(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Project on Subject Headings Gets Under Way" [1982] inCiteALIA 254; (1982) 3(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Project Saeris Launched" [1980] inCiteALIA 64; (1980) 1(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Promote, promote, promote!" [2012] inCiteALIA 105; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Promoting global trade" [1996] inCiteALIA 22; (1996) 17(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Promoting professionalism" [1998] inCiteALIA 291; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Promoting services" [1999] inCiteALIA 159; (1999) 20(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Promoting TAFE libraries: how you can help" [2002] inCiteALIA 29; (2002) 23(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 55
Editors --- "Promoting the profession in the Territory" [1998] inCiteALIA 181; (1998) 19(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Promoting Your Library" [1985] inCiteALIA 42; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Promoting, writing, research and librarianship" [1997] inCiteALIA 315; (1997) 18(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Proposed Book Tax" [1982] inCiteALIA 75; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Proposed Leasing of AGPS Bookshops" [1981] inCiteALIA 179; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Proposed model for ALIA elections" [2005] inCiteALIA 107; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Protection for Computer Software" [1984] inCiteALIA 82; (1984) 5(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Providing a wealth of information" [1999] inCiteALIA 35; (1999) 20(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Providing management education" [1996] inCiteALIA 103; (1996) 17(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Provisional program released for Information Online and On Disc 97" [1996] inCiteALIA 300; (1996) 17(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Public access internet services in public libraries" [2004] inCiteALIA 12; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Public access issues" [1995] inCiteALIA 255; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Public information and policy" [1991] inCiteALIA 190; (1991) 12(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Public interest access in libraries" [1995] inCiteALIA 228; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Public Librarians Meet the Premier" [1982] inCiteALIA 223; (1982) 3(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Public libraries - what are they worth?" [1995] inCiteALIA 239; (1995) 16(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Public libraries and university are partners" [1994] inCiteALIA 70; (1994) 15(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Public libraries celebrated at gala dinner in Canberra" [2017] inCiteALIA 6; (2017) 38(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Public Libraries Conference 1995" [1995] inCiteALIA 12; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Public libraries for the 21st century" [2000] inCiteALIA 207; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Public Libraries Group meet Premier" [1980] inCiteALIA 223; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Public libraries network study launched" [2001] inCiteALIA 207; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Public Libraries Seminars" [1984] inCiteALIA 68; (1984) 5(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Public Libraries' Submission to Premier" [1980] inCiteALIA 108; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Public Libraries, Funds needed urgently" [1980] inCiteALIA 170; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Public Library Advisory Committee" [2012] inCiteALIA 108; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Public library awards" [1990] inCiteALIA 104; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Public Library Benchmarking Calculator" [2013] inCiteALIA 42; (2013) 34(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Public Library Promotion" [1989] inCiteALIA 234; (1989) 10(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Public library services - user charges" [1990] inCiteALIA 15; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Public Library Standards Project Update" [2010] inCiteALIA 160; (2010) 31(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Public Library Standards Revision Project" [1984] inCiteALIA 22; (1984) 5(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Public Record Office Victoria launches Digital Archive" [2006] inCiteALIA 32; (2006) 27(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Public Service Medal goes to senior librarian" [1994] inCiteALIA 303; (1994) 15(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Public: LOTE outreach to housing estates" [2001] inCiteALIA 285; (2001) 22(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Publications Board Report" [1982] inCiteALIA 30; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Publications received" [1996] inCiteALIA 16; (1996) 17(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Publications received" [1996] inCiteALIA 44; (1996) 17(2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Publications received" [1996] inCiteALIA 111; (1996) 17(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Publications received" [1996] inCiteALIA 170; (1996) 17(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Publishers" [2003] inCiteALIA 271; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Puke Ariki: world's first fully integrated library and museum" [2001] inCiteALIA 154; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Put Online & On Disc on your 1995 calendar" [1994] inCiteALIA 238; (1994) 15(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Put science into the primary classrooms" [1991] inCiteALIA 252; (1991) 12(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Putting on the Ritz" [1992] inCiteALIA 193; (1992) 13(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Putting the human face to information" [1998] inCiteALIA 203; (1998) 19(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Q & A with Kate Sinclair, Program Coordinator" [2010] inCiteALIA 98; (2010) 31(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "QLD Dept of Education Libs to restructure" [1993] inCiteALIA 94; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Qld EPA Library launches new system in Library Week" [2002] inCiteALIA 159; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Qld Special Librarian of the Year" [1995] inCiteALIA 176; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Qld Throws Out 20,000 Books" [1981] inCiteALIA 317; (1981) 2(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Qualified Librarians Issue Resolved" [1989] inCiteALIA 286; (1989) 10(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Quality in the tropics" [1994] inCiteALIA 272; (1994) 15(10) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Quality rewarded" [1996] inCiteALIA 316; (1996) 17(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Queen's birthday honours" [2005] inCiteALIA 137; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Queens Birthday Honours 1993" [1993] inCiteALIA 176; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Queensland communities benefit from innovation funding" [1999] inCiteALIA 109; (1999) 20(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Queensland Internet expose" [1996] inCiteALIA 142; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Queensland librarians farewell 'living legend'" [1999] inCiteALIA 221; (1999) 20(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Queensland pay equity inquiry" [2001] inCiteALIA 35; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Queensland pay equity report released" [2001] inCiteALIA 128; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Queensland State ALIA conference" [1995] inCiteALIA 14; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Queensland Updates and Automates" [1989] inCiteALIA 79; (1989) 10(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Questions of life and death - a new report into the value of health libraries and information services" [2012] inCiteALIA 298; (2012) 33(12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Questions on notice" [2003] inCiteALIA 275; (2003) 24(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Questions on notice" [2004] inCiteALIA 31; (2004) 25(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 57
Editors --- "Quiet achievers" [1995] inCiteALIA 127; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Quiz night a big success" [1997] inCiteALIA 17; (1997) 18(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "QULOC webinars" [2016] inCiteALIA 21; (2016) 37(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "QUT provides ultimate flexibility in 'real worked' library and information studies" [2007] inCiteALIA 331; (2007) 28(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "QUT Teaching Awards" [2005] inCiteALIA 313; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Racial vilification" [1990] inCiteALIA 239; (1990) 11(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Raid your library" [1995] inCiteALIA 18; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "RAILS 3 - call for papers" [2006] inCiteALIA 106; (2006) 27(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "RAILS2: call for papers" [2005] inCiteALIA 51; (2005) 26(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "RAISS call for motions" [1996] inCiteALIA 239; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "RAISS Queensland Group" [1993] inCiteALIA 65; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Ramsay and Reid Scholarship winners announced" [1999] inCiteALIA 249; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Rare Atlas on Display" [1980] inCiteALIA 104; (1980) 1(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Rare Book Summer School" [2005] inCiteALIA 308; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Rare books and special collections" [1993] inCiteALIA 75; (1993) 14(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Rare Books Missing" [1984] inCiteALIA 122; (1984) 5(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Rare double honour" [1999] inCiteALIA 13; (1999) 20(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Rationalising Serials" [1981] inCiteALIA 299; (1981) 2(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Ray Choate Scholarship" [2005] inCiteALIA 74; (2005) 26(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Raymond J spices things up" [2001] inCiteALIA 172; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "RBS Grant" [1981] inCiteALIA 126; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Reaching out to new and existing users" [2018] inCiteALIA 72; (2018) 39(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Read on the wild side" [2010] inCiteALIA 87; (2010) 31(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Read us more, Bill!" [2004] inCiteALIA 227; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Reading - is there a future?" [1996] inCiteALIA 223; (1996) 17(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Reading 1990" [1989] inCiteALIA 137; (1989) 10(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Reading 1990" [1990] inCiteALIA 32; (1990) 11(2) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Reading Habits Studied" [1982] inCiteALIA 48; (1982) 3(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Reading Machine for the Blind" [1981] inCiteALIA 183; (1981) 2(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Reading Room to be Saved" [1985] inCiteALIA 32; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Reading Rulz this summer!" [2004] inCiteALIA 276; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Reading the future" [1995] inCiteALIA 16; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Reading the future" [1995] inCiteALIA 109; (1995) 16(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Reading the Future" [1995] inCiteALIA 203; (1995) 16(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Reading the future" [1996] inCiteALIA 141; (1996) 17(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Reaganomics" [1982] inCiteALIA 76; (1982) 3(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Real live writers: How to host a successful author tour" [1995] inCiteALIA 92; (1995) 16(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "REAP is here" [2005] inCiteALIA 14; (2005) 26(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "REAP the rewards " [2004] inCiteALIA 291; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Rebuilding information resources in war-torn Afghanistan" [2015] inCiteALIA 129; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Rebuilding tertiary education in East Timor" [2003] inCiteALIA 5; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Recent arrivals in the National Office" [1995] inCiteALIA 284; (1995) 16(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Recent hearings" [1999] inCiteALIA 52; (1999) 20(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Recently elected ALIA Board members profiled" [2005] inCiteALIA 106; (2005) 26(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Recipes, tried but unseen" [1981] inCiteALIA 63; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Reclassified but demand steady" [2012] inCiteALIA 34; (2012) 33(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Recognising competence" [1998] inCiteALIA 116; (1998) 19(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Recognising services to young people" [2004] inCiteALIA 76; (2004) 25(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Recognition within the National Library Curriculum Framework" [1996] inCiteALIA 339; (1996) 17(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "Recommended Salary Scales for Special Libraries" [1980] inCiteALIA 8; (1980) 1(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Reconstruction commences in Kosovo" [2000] inCiteALIA 282; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Records to be Deposited at National Library" [1982] inCiteALIA 192; (1982) 3(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Red carpet rolled out for stars of the book world" [2018] inCiteALIA 67; (2018) 39(7-8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Reference and Reader Education Seminar, Townsville" [1986] inCiteALIA 90; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Reference books for the young" [1994] inCiteALIA 118; (1994) 15(5) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Reference Books Wanted" [1981] inCiteALIA 17; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Refining records management" [1995] inCiteALIA 217; (1995) 16(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Reflecting on 25 years of inCite" [2004] inCiteALIA 272; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Refocus at DFAT" [1995] inCiteALIA 51; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Reforms to Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Legislation" [1985] inCiteALIA 52; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Register for communicators" [1991] inCiteALIA 71; (1991) 12(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Register now for Click06" [2006] inCiteALIA 142; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Register now for NLS2!" [2004] inCiteALIA 196; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Register now!" [2000] inCiteALIA 153; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Register of Bibliographies" [1980] inCiteALIA 27; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Registration brochure hits the streets" [1999] inCiteALIA 127; (1999) 20(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Regulations are big businesses" [1980] inCiteALIA 57; (1980) 1(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Reinventing cataloguing" [1995] inCiteALIA 15; (1995) 16(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Release date extended" [2003] inCiteALIA 63; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Release of INMAGIC Plus image version" [1993] inCiteALIA 182; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Reliving the Past - at the Touch of a Button" [1987] inCiteALIA 190; (1987) 8(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Renewal - in more ways than one" [2001] inCiteALIA 140; (2001) 22(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Renewals Running Smoothly" [1986] inCiteALIA 154; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Repeat Performance" [1986] inCiteALIA 150; (1986) 7(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Repetition Strain Injuries - A Select Bibliography" [1985] inCiteALIA 51; (1985) 6(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Report from the Board of Director's May meeting" [2002] inCiteALIA 149; (2002) 23(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Report from the Board of Education" [1980] inCiteALIA 272; (1980) 1(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Report from the LAA Board of Education" [1982] inCiteALIA 250; (1982) 3(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Report from the November Board of Directors meeting" [2002] inCiteALIA 305; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Report of first General Council meeting in 1981" [1981] inCiteALIA 102; (1981) 2(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Report of GC Meeting" [1982] inCiteALIA 4; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Report of General Council Meeting" [1989] inCiteALIA 90; (1989) 10(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Report of the 2002 National Policy Congress" [2002] inCiteALIA 306; (2002) 23(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Report of the Board of Directors meeting 12-13 November 2000" [2000] inCiteALIA 274; (2000) 21(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Report of the Board of Education 1991" [1991] inCiteALIA 47; (1991) 12(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Report of the Board of Education" [1983] inCiteALIA 248; (1983) 4(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Report of the General Council Meeting" [1990] inCiteALIA 185; (1990) 11(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Report of the General Council" [1996] inCiteALIA 13; (1996) 17(1) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Report of the March Meeting of General Council" [1985] inCiteALIA 121; (1985) 6(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Report of the Third National Conference of Library Technicians Canberra 27-30 March 1985" [1985] inCiteALIA 231; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Report on the July Board of Directors meeting" [2000] inCiteALIA 206; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander" [1995] inCiteALIA 177; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Research Exchange and Partnership (REAP)" [2004] inCiteALIA 176; (2004) 25(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Research Exchange and Partnership (REAP)" [2004] inCiteALIA 236; (2004) 25(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Research Grant for Tasmanian Project" [1983] inCiteALIA 65; (1983) 4(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Research grant to look into failure" [1980] inCiteALIA 249; (1980) 1(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Research Grants in Information Studies" [1992] inCiteALIA 89; (1992) 13(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Research into Ethnic Services Librarians" [1989] inCiteALIA 166; (1989) 10(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Research Into Executive Mobility and Its Stresses" [1981] inCiteALIA 262; (1981) 2(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Research Register" [1992] inCiteALIA 225; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Research Use of AV Materials" [1985] inCiteALIA 331; (1985) 6(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Resource centre on world development" [1980] inCiteALIA 174; (1980) 1(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Resource on the Deaf community" [2007] inCiteALIA 10; (2007) 28(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Resource sharing - review ILRS code commences" [2005] inCiteALIA 151; (2005) 26(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Resource Sharing" [1981] inCiteALIA 128; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Resources Centre Grants" [1986] inCiteALIA 53; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Resources for the Handicapped at Deakin" [1981] inCiteALIA 55; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Restored Film Epic for Commercial Screening" [1984] inCiteALIA 59; (1984) 5(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Result - ALIA Board Election 2017" [2017] inCiteALIA 67; (2017) 38(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Results - 2016 ALIA Board Election" [2016] inCiteALIA 52; (2016) 37(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Results of Elections" [1982] inCiteALIA 21; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Results of the 2018 ALIA survey" [2019] inCiteALIA 52; (2019) 40(3-4) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Results of two recent ballots arising from the Charter of Renewal" [1999] inCiteALIA 176; (1999) 20(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Resume review service for new graduates" [2015] inCiteALIA 134; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Resurrection of Mind" [1986] inCiteALIA 82; (1986) 7(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Retirees - staying connected" [2007] inCiteALIA 159; (2007) 28(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Retirement of Janet Hine" [1982] inCiteALIA 217; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Return of a Dynamic Librarian" [1987] inCiteALIA 104; (1987) 8(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Review of ALIA policies and guidelines: call for submissions" [2009] inCiteALIA 66; (2009) 30(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 39
Editors --- "Review of ISBD(ER)" [2002] inCiteALIA 44; (2002) 23(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Review of Library Provision in Higher Education" [1990] inCiteALIA 143; (1990) 11(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Review of reference services" [1999] inCiteALIA 255; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Review of Sydney University Library" [1993] inCiteALIA 221; (1993) 14(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Reviewing VET" [2002] inCiteALIA 191; (2002) 23(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "Reviews" [1980] inCiteALIA 154; (1980) 1(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Reviews" [1987] inCiteALIA 255; (1987) 8(16) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Reviews" [1993] inCiteALIA 295; (1993) 14(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 19
Editors --- "Revitalising ALIA NSW" [2004] inCiteALIA 302; (2004) 25(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 34
Editors --- "Reward Australia's great teachers" [2001] inCiteALIA 202; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Rewarding Australians striving for excellence'" [2005] inCiteALIA 311; (2005) 26(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Rewarding excellence in the Northern Territory" [2000] inCiteALIA 208; (2000) 21(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Rewarding service" [2003] inCiteALIA 46; (2003) 24(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Rewards through awards" [2008] inCiteALIA 165; (2008) 29(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "RFID Data Model project" [2007] inCiteALIA 86; (2007) 28(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "RFID system goes 'live'" [2007] inCiteALIA 52; (2007) 28(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Rip Off the Libraries!" [1986] inCiteALIA 49; (1986) 7(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "River of opportunities" [2000] inCiteALIA 140; (2000) 21(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "River of opportunities: Australian Library Week workshop" [2000] inCiteALIA 34; (2000) 21(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Riverina Libaries on the Move" [1980] inCiteALIA 26; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Rivers of Knowledge" [2001] inCiteALIA 63; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 35
Editors --- "Rivers of Knowledge" [2001] inCiteALIA 127; (2001) 22(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "RJ Hawke kick-starts library" [1998] inCiteALIA 65; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "RMIT China Delegation" [1986] inCiteALIA 125; (1986) 7(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "RMIT custodian of a national treasure" [2003] inCiteALIA 7; (2003) 24(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "RMIT introduces new bachelor course" [2003] inCiteALIA 213; (2003) 24(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "RMIT Part-Time Undergraduate Study" [1986] inCiteALIA 335; (1986) 7(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Robert D Williamson Award Goes to Neil Speirs" [1983] inCiteALIA 40; (1983) 4(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Robert James Scott 1953-1991" [1991] inCiteALIA 142; (1991) 12(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Robert Williamson Award" [1996] inCiteALIA 58; (1996) 17(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Robin Hempel retires" [2007] inCiteALIA 287; (2007) 28(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Rockingham remembers 1915" [2015] inCiteALIA 116; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Roll up, roll up" [2002] inCiteALIA 242; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 23
Editors --- "Romancing the future" [2012] inCiteALIA 107; (2012) 33(5) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Round and About the Library World" [1984] inCiteALIA 289; (1984) 5(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Roundtable on open access" [2005] inCiteALIA 177; (2005) 26(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - national " [2001] inCiteALIA 350; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - NSW " [2001] inCiteALIA 351; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - NT " [2001] inCiteALIA 352; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - Qld " [2001] inCiteALIA 353; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - SA " [2001] inCiteALIA 354; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - Tas " [2001] inCiteALIA 355; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - Vic " [2001] inCiteALIA 356; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Roundup 2001 - WA " [2001] inCiteALIA 357; (2001) 22(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 27
Editors --- "RSVP" [2002] inCiteALIA 202; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Rupert - the bare facts" [1980] inCiteALIA 188; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "SA Archives Hours" [1982] inCiteALIA 12; (1982) 3(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "SA Branch demonstrates a commitment" [1993] inCiteALIA 171; (1993) 14(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "SA Chooses Dataphase" [1981] inCiteALIA 281; (1981) 2(18) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "SA Education Library Saved" [1987] inCiteALIA 14; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "SA Improving Services to Disabled" [1981] inCiteALIA 54; (1981) 2(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "SA Library Achiever of the Year Award" [2007] inCiteALIA 206; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "SA prison libraries: a change for the better" [2011] inCiteALIA 227; (2011) 32(9) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "SA Public Libraries Automatic Information Network" [1988] inCiteALIA 8; (1988) 9(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "SA state patron a first for ALIA" [2006] inCiteALIA 124; (2006) 27(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "SA to Go Online" [1981] inCiteALIA 7; (1981) 2(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "SA Water puts pictorial history online" [2002] inCiteALIA 70; (2002) 23(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "SACAE Choose Dynix" [1987] inCiteALIA 215; (1987) 8(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Sad loss for Queensland libraries" [1997] inCiteALIA 235; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 32
Editors --- "Safeguarding African documentary heritage" [2001] inCiteALIA 60; (2001) 22(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 33
Editors --- "SAGE - the influence of video" [2015] inCiteALIA 132; (2015) 36(8) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Sagging Consultation Processes" [1989] inCiteALIA 295; (1989) 10(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Sail Launched" [1986] inCiteALIA 4; (1986) 7(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Salaries and Size" [1989] inCiteALIA 263; (1989) 10(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Salaries on the Move" [1980] inCiteALIA 93; (1980) 1(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Salary survey" [1995] inCiteALIA 54; (1995) 16(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Sales Tax Win!" [1982] inCiteALIA 122; (1982) 3(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "SALSSAH Needs You" [1981] inCiteALIA 210; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "SALT of the earth" [1999] inCiteALIA 317; (1999) 20(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Sanderson wins first Australian Design Award" [1998] inCiteALIA 69; (1998) 19(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 26
Editors --- "Sandy Campbell AFALIA (CP): ALIA's first overseas Associate Fellow" [2005] inCiteALIA 42; (2005) 26(3) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 31
Editors --- "Save Ethnic History" [1985] inCiteALIA 229; (1985) 6(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Scan underway to develop ALIA research agenda" [2014] inCiteALIA 44; (2014) 35(3) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Scholars' Library'" [1981] inCiteALIA 76; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Scholarship awarded to Wollongong librarian" [1990] inCiteALIA 103; (1990) 11(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "Scholarship, intellectual ownership and the law" [1999] inCiteALIA 232; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Scholarships for Women Managers" [1986] inCiteALIA 114; (1986) 7(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "School Co-operative Networks" [1985] inCiteALIA 15; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "School libraries and the Australian Libraries Summit" [1990] inCiteALIA 284; (1990) 11(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "School libraries hovering on the poverty line" [2009] inCiteALIA 293; (2009) 30(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "School Libraries Section (WA Group)" [1992] inCiteALIA 279; (1992) 13(11) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "School Libraries Section" [1984] inCiteALIA 237; (1984) 5(15) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 9
Editors --- "School Libraries" [1983] inCiteALIA 90; (1983) 4(6) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "School Library Automation Conference" [1985] inCiteALIA 12; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "School News" [1985] inCiteALIA 142; (1985) 6(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "School of Librarianship to Remain in Hobart" [1980] inCiteALIA 126; (1980) 1(9) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Science communicator Dr Paul Willis on effective engagement" [2014] inCiteALIA 193; (2014) 35(11-12) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Seachange: cataloguing in a dot.com world" [2001] inCiteALIA 259; (2001) 22(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Search for business heroes" [2002] inCiteALIA 116; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Search of borrowers' records challenged" [1980] inCiteALIA 20; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Second only to the beach" [1999] inCiteALIA 274; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 10
Editors --- "Second Trade Fair" [1981] inCiteALIA 216; (1981) 2(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Secretarial help for Executive Officers" [1980] inCiteALIA 186; (1980) 1(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Securing the future workforce" [2012] inCiteALIA 127; (2012) 33(6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "See a Clepsydra in Canberra!" [1982] inCiteALIA 181; (1982) 3(10) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Seeking information on sources of Asian business information" [1994] inCiteALIA 205; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Seen any good indexes lately?" [1994] inCiteALIA 212; (1994) 15(8) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 28
Editors --- "Self-portraits of the artists" [1992] inCiteALIA 328; (1992) 13(12) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Self-service allows Noosa library to open 7 days a week" [2006] inCiteALIA 233; (2006) 27(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Seminar on Effective Management" [1983] inCiteALIA 175; (1983) 4(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "Seminar Proceedings Published" [1982] inCiteALIA 212; (1982) 3(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Seminar to address the challenges of government publications online" [2004] inCiteALIA 262; (2004) 25(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Seminar Topics" [1982] inCiteALIA 71; (1982) 3(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Sending nitrate films back home" [1994] inCiteALIA 185; (1994) 15(7) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Senior secondary students and library usage: a review of research on the impact of the VCE" [1992] inCiteALIA 239; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 38
Editors --- "Seniors Online Day" [1999] inCiteALIA 250; (1999) 20(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 25
Editors --- "Serials management in Australia" [1994] inCiteALIA 21; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Serials" [1990] inCiteALIA 9; (1990) 11(1) inCite Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Serious Research Appeal" [1982] inCiteALIA 332; (1982) 3(20) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Service Improvement" [1981] inCiteALIA 75; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Services to the Handicapped - Input Wanted" [1981] inCiteALIA 77; (1981) 2(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Serving Community Needs" [1982] inCiteALIA 305; (1982) 3(19) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Serving on Boards in Retirement" [2007] inCiteALIA 253; (2007) 28(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 29
Editors --- "Serving the new economy " [2001] inCiteALIA 234; (2001) 22(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "Setting the Record Straight" [1986] inCiteALIA 32; (1986) 7(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 8
Editors --- "Settling in for NSS 2015" [2015] inCiteALIA 115; (2015) 36(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Sexual health brochures available on audio tape" [1995] inCiteALIA 143; (1995) 16(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Shades of grey - literature" [2013] inCiteALIA 141; (2013) 34(6-7) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Share the love on Library Lovers' Day" [2017] inCiteALIA 7; (2017) 38(1-2) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Sharing resources with our region" [2005] inCiteALIA 245; (2005) 26(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Sharing the future - ALIA and ASLA working together" [2002] inCiteALIA 127; (2002) 23(6) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 30
Editors --- "Sharing the future" [2002] inCiteALIA 227; (2002) 23(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Sharr Medal presentation" [1997] inCiteALIA 216; (1997) 18(8) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Shifting sands" [1997] inCiteALIA 275; (1997) 18(10) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Shifting sands" [1998] inCiteALIA 89; (1998) 19(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Shirley Prescott - customer service champion" [2007] inCiteALIA 200; (2007) 28(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "Shock! Horror! Librarians meet to talk about books " [2004] inCiteALIA 202; (2004) 25(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 21
Editors --- "Shocking' Contact with Books" [1981] inCiteALIA 195; (1981) 2(13) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Shocks to the Legal System" [1980] inCiteALIA 21; (1980) 1(2) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Shopfront - a community project" [1984] inCiteALIA 181; (1984) 5(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 12
Editors --- "Shorelink comes alive!" [1984] inCiteALIA 209; (1984) 5(14) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Short List for Awards" [1982] inCiteALIA 133; (1982) 3(7) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 2
Editors --- "Short List for Children's Book Awards" [1986] inCiteALIA 65; (1986) 7(4) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Short of money? Maybe the answer's a " [1980] inCiteALIA 226; (1980) 1(17) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Short Shrift" [1985] inCiteALIA 36; (1985) 6(3) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Short Shrift" [1985] inCiteALIA 202; (1985) 6(12) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 4
Editors --- "Short Shrit" [1985] inCiteALIA 76; (1985) 6(5) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 3
Editors --- "Should Professional Membership Self-Destruct" [1985] inCiteALIA 8; (1985) 6(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Show and tell in Victoria" [1995] inCiteALIA 171; (1995) 16(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Show off your service: it's a vital link in the information chain" [2007] inCiteALIA 104; (2007) 28(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 22
Editors --- "Show us what you've got" [2011] inCiteALIA 286; (2011) 32(11) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 7
Editors --- "Showcasing the world's most beautiful libraries" [2005] inCiteALIA 11; (2005) 26(1-2) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Showpiece for TAFE" [1981] inCiteALIA 123; (1981) 2(8) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 5
Editors --- "Sid's the Champion" [1986] inCiteALIA 407; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 1
Editors --- "Sights and sounds in scholarly communication" [2002] inCiteALIA 207; (2002) 23(9) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Sign up for SLASH" [1987] inCiteALIA 19; (1987) 8(1) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "Silver pin awards" [2006] inCiteALIA 147; (2006) 27(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "SilverPlatter and Aldis hit the road with Strategic Information Delivery Days" [1994] inCiteALIA 13; (1994) 15(1) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 18
Editors --- "Sir Basil Writes " [1986] inCiteALIA 436; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 20
Editors --- "Sirsi Corporation" [2004] inCiteALIA 87; (2004) 25(5) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Sister libraries: a White House millennium project" [1999] inCiteALIA 276; (1999) 20(11) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 11
Editors --- "SIT and IYWIP" [1993] inCiteALIA 97; (1993) 14(4) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 16
Editors --- "Six great reasons to enjoy a book" [2003] inCiteALIA 56; (2003) 24(4) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 14
Editors --- "Six great reasons to go digital" [2016] inCiteALIA 55; (2016) 37(5-6) INCITE: Magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 13
Editors --- "Skeletons of the past discarded" [1998] inCiteALIA 298; (1998) 19(12) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 24
Editors --- "SLA Grant" [1986] inCiteALIA 424; (1986) 7(21) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 15
Editors --- "SLA on NIP" [1992] inCiteALIA 56; (1992) 13(3) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17
Editors --- "Slick operation" [2001] inCiteALIA 209; (2001) 22(7) inCite: News magazine of the Australian Library and Information Association 36
Editors --- "Slogan Competition" [1985] inCiteALIA 190; (1985) 6(11) inCite: Newsletter of the Australian Library and Information Association 6
Editors --- "SLV budget announced" [1992] inCiteALIA 216; (1992) 13(9) inCite: The news magazine of the Austraian Library and Information Association 17