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University of Technology Sydney Law Research Series |
Last Updated: 17 February 2017
The relationship between atmospheric lead emissions and aggressive crime: an ecological study
Authors: Mark Patrick Taylor1, Miriam K.
Forbes2, Brian Opeskin3, Nick Parr4, Bruce P.
1Department of Environmental Sciences,
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia.
Email: mark.taylor@mq.edu.au
2Centre for
Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, New
South Wales, Australia. Email: miri.forbes@mq.edu.au
Law School, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales,
Australia. Email: brian.opeskin@mq.edu.au
4Department of Marketing
and Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia.
Email: nick.parr@mq.edu.au
of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada. Email: blanphear@sfu.ca
Contact author email:
Many populations have been
exposed to environmental lead from paint, petrol, and mining and smelting
operations. Lead is toxic to
humans and there is emerging evidence linking
childhood exposure with later life antisocial behaviors, including delinquency
crime. This study tested the hypothesis that childhood lead exposure in
select Australian populations is related to subsequent aggressive
We conducted regression analyses at suburb,
state and national levels using multiple analytic methods and data sources. At
the suburb-level,
we examined assault rates as a function of air lead
concentrations 15-24 years earlier, reflecting the ubiquitous age-related peak
in criminal activity. Mixed model analyses were conducted with and without
socio-demographic covariates. The incidence of fraud was
compared for
discriminant validity. State and national analyses were conducted for convergent
validity, utilizing deaths by assault
as a function of petrol lead
Suburb-level mixed model analyses showed air
lead concentrations accounted for 29.8% of the variance in assault rates 21
years later,
after adjusting for socio-demographic covariates. State level
analyses produced comparable results. Lead petrol emissions in the
two most
populous states accounted for 34.6% and 32.6% of the variance in death by
assault rates 18 years later.
The strong positive
relationship between childhood lead exposure and subsequent rates of aggressive
crime has important implications
for public health globally. Measures need to be
taken to ameliorate exposure to lead and other environmental contaminants with
neurodevelopmental consequences.
Keywords: Aggressive crime,
assault, childhood, lead exposure,
Environmental lead exposure is toxic to
humans. Still, given the difficulty of proving that lead exposure causes harmful
and the cost of interventions, it has been difficult to implement
primary prevention strategies to achieve lower levels of exposure.
This is
despite overwhelming evidence that there is no threshold or apparent safe level
of lead exposure in its negative impact on
intelligence, academic achievement
and other neuro-cognitive and health outcomes [1-5]. The annual costs of
childhood lead exposure
are estimated to be up to $50 billion in the USA and
€22.7 billion for France [6, 7]. However, the benefit of intervention
mitigate lead exposure is well established. It has been estimated that for each
dollar spent to reduce lead exposure in housing,
the benefit to society is $17
to $220 [8].
Australia is one the world’s largest producers and
exporters of lead [9]. However, the majority of research on the neurocognitive
and behavioral effects of lead exposure has been conducted in the USA and
elsewhere. Despite emerging evidence from the USA that
links early life lead
exposure with antisocial behaviors, including conduct disorder, delinquency and
crime [10-12], there is no
published research on the effects of lead exposure on
delinquency or criminality across subsets of Australian populations. In a
study, Nevin [11] used estimates of Australia’s national
blood lead trend to correlate to adulthood national criminal behaviours
identifying a strong association between preschool blood lead levels and
subsequent crime rate trends. The prevailing approach to
understanding causes of
adult crime focuses heavily on factors such as parenting style, socioeconomic
status, and peer groups [13].
The paucity of research examining the links
between lead exposure and criminality is surprising given the strong evidence
that childhood
lead exposure is linked to a variety of socio-behavioral problems
that are precursors for criminal behavior [12, 14-17].
lead exposure in Australia has been dominated by three sources: (i) lead
paint, (ii) leaded petrol and (iii) mining
and smelting emissions, all of
which pose a potential risk to human health. Blood lead levels in the Australian
population have fallen
since the final removal of lead from petrol in 2002 [18,
19] together with the reduction of allowable lead in paint to 0.1% in 1997.
However, the legacy of leaded petrol emissions and the renovation of premises
that once used lead paint continue to pose potential
environmental hazards,
particularly in the older parts of Australian cities [20]. Kristensen [18]
calculated that emissions from
seven decades of leaded petrol use (1932 –
2002) exceeded 240,000 tonnes, dwarfing lead mining and smelting sources [21];
is a strong relationship between these emissions and contemporaneous
childhood blood lead levels (r = 0.970, p < 0.00001) [18].
Mining and
smelting operations have also been a major source of lead emissions in Australia
[22, 23]. Examples of historical exposure
include Port Kembla and Boolaroo in
the state of New South Wales (NSW), which are considered in this study; while
examples of ongoing
exposure include Broken Hill (NSW), Mount Isa (Queensland)
and Port Pirie (South Australia) for which relevant data were not available.
Port Kembla and Boolaroo, children’s mean blood lead levels were elevated
during smelting operations - more than three times
the current Australian
intervention level 5 μg/dL [24, 25].
This study addresses the
research gap by examining the relationship between lead exposure of select
Australian populations (including
children, who are the most vulnerable section
of the population to lead toxicity) and subsequent criminality during
adolescence and
early adulthood. We test the hypothesis that there is a
significant correlation between shifts in lead exposure and rates of aggressive
crime in later life, and we do this at suburb, state and national levels using
multiple methods.
Data and Methods
We operationalize the
hypothesis as follows. For the suburb-level analysis, we examine rates of
assault (an impulsive and aggressive
crime) over time as a function of air lead
concentrations 15-24 years earlier in NSW suburbs where sufficient data are
As a test for discriminant validity, we also examine the relationship
between air lead concentrations and fraud rates in the same
suburbs; fraud being
a non-impulsive and non-aggressive crime. We supplement our analysis by
examining the relationship between lead
exposure and later aggressive crime at
different geographic scales by investigating state and national data over time.
Due to restrictions
on data availability, we utilize total lead emissions from
the combustion of leaded petrol as a proxy for lead exposure, and deaths
assault as a proxy for aggressive crime.
Study Sites
conducted suburban analyses of air lead concentrations and criminal behaviors in
NSW. Suburbs were included if air lead data were
available for at least 30
years. The six suburbs were: Boolaroo, Earlwood, Lane Cove, Port Kembla, Rozelle
and Rydalmere. The average
population at risk of exposure in these suburbs over
the relevant census period (1976–1991) ranged from 1,392 in Boolaroo to
17,729 in Earlwood. The Sydney central business district (CBD) also had these
data available, but it was excluded due to the transience
of the resident
population and the likelihood that local residents were not responsible for the
exceptionally large number of recorded
assaults. The average annual assault rate
in Sydney CBD from 1995 to 2014 was 10,730 per 100,000 population; the next
highest was
Port Kembla with 1,627 per 100,000 population. The suburbs included
in the study varied in size, socio-demographic characteristics,
and air lead
concentrations. Four of the six are metropolitan locations, which were impacted
primarily by leaded petrol emissions,
while Boolaroo and Port Kembla are
regional communities with a history of lead, zinc and copper smelting that
caused significant
environmental lead pollution. We also examined aggregated
death by assault data from each Australian state and territory, as well
national data. The average population at risk of exposure over the relevant
period (1958–2002) ranged from 5.39 million
in NSW to 119,370 in the
Northern Territory [26].
Data Sources
All available air lead
data were extracted from NSW Environment Protection Authority records for the
suburb-level analyses. The values
were reported as micrograms per cubic metre
(μg/m3) from air monitoring stations, dating as far back as
1973. The annual air lead value for each site was calculated as the mean of
readings for each year. Where there was more than one monitoring station in a
suburb, the station with the most complete data
was used to maximize reliability
in the variation in lead levels over time.
Annual atmospheric lead
emissions (tonnes per annum) by state were taken from Kristensen [18] for the
state-level analyses. These
data were derived from the volume of leaded petrol
sales, the known but varying concentrations of lead in petrol over time, and the
percentage of lead emitted from combustion. The state-level lead data were
aggregated for the purpose of the national-level analysis.
Because petrol lead
emission data are less specific in terms of exposure compared to suburb-level
data based on direct air monitoring,
it was anticipated that resulting state and
national analyses would be less precise.
Crime data for the suburb-level
analyses, were extracted from the Computerised Operational Policing System
(COPS) of the NSW Police
Force in February 2015. The records of assaults
reported to police were provided by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and
and included statistics from 1995 to 2014. Rates of assault were used
to operationalize impulsive aggression-related crimes. The
assault statistics
included domestic and non-domestic violence, and assaults on police. Rates of
fraud were used as a control for
non-impulsive and non-aggressive crime. Total
assault rates and fraud rates per 100,000 population were calculated for the
(zipcode) corresponding to each of the six suburbs. Customized
population data were sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
based on official five yearly census data.
Customized data on deaths by
assault were obtained from the Australian Institute of Health and
Welfare’s General Record of Incidence
of Mortality books for the
state-level analyses. The relevant deaths comprised those in categories
X85–Y09 of the latest International
Classification of Disease
(ICD–10), and equivalent categories in prior iterations of ICD–10
[27]. These categories include
homicides and injuries inflicted by another
person with intent to injure or kill, by any means. A breakdown of deaths by
state was
available only for the period 1964–2012. The number of deaths
per state was then scaled by the mid-year resident population
of that state
using demographic data from the ABS to determine the deaths by assault per
100,000 population.
The crime data reveal marked differences in rates of
offending by age. This phenomenon has long been recognized in criminological
literature across time, social contexts, demographic groups and crime types,
although its causes are contested [28]. The peak age
in Australia for recorded
crime comprising acts intended to cause injury (including assaults) is
15–24 years [29]. A somewhat
similar age peak occurs in relation to crimes
of fraud or deception, although it is far less pronounced. The ‘age-crime
is relevant to determining the optimal time lag between childhood
lead exposure and later criminality when investigating
Data Analysis
All suburb-level analyses were
controlled for major socio-demographic correlates of crime, including: the
proportion of the population
aged 15–24; the proportion of the population
who completed secondary school; and the median household income per annum. These
data were extracted by the ABS from the 5 yearly Census of Population and
Housing (conducted in 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2011)
for each suburb based on
place of usual residence. We used the census data that was most contemporary to
the annual crime data. Median
household income was adjusted for inflation (i.e.,
analysed in 2014 Australian dollars) using the Reserve Bank of Australia’s
inflation calculator [30].
All available data were used for each of the
six suburbs, and missing observations were treated as missing at random.
analyses were run to examine the direct relationships between lead
in air concentrations and crime rates at each year on the 15–24
age-crime curve. A random intercept linear mixed-effects model was run in SPSS
version 22 using maximum likelihood estimation,
and the relationships between
observations within each suburb were accounted for using a random subject
factor. This model was used
because the assumptions of regression were not
appropriate (e.g. observations were not independent). Omega-squared
(ω2) values were calculated to provide an approximation of the
variance accounted for by each variable, i.e. pseudo-R2 [31].
Covariates were subsequently included in the best mixed model to examine the
predictive validity of lead exposure after controlling
for major correlates of
crime. To test for discriminant validity with non-impulsive crime, models were
tested using fraud rates as
the dependent variable.
For the state-level
analyses, death rates (deaths by assault per 100,000 population) were plotted
against lead petrol emissions (tonnes/year)
for each state, with 10 different
time lags (15–24 years), and linear regression lines were fitted and
coefficients of determination
calculated. Lead petrol emissions for the
Australian Capital Territory were not available separately as they are included
in the
NSW data [18]. Corresponding death data were aggregated accordingly. The
number of data points varied according to the time lag applied
because the
available emission data (1958–2002) and death data (1964–2012) were
not congruent.
Suburb Analyses
At the
suburb level, the zero-order correlations between lead in air and assault rates
peaked at a 21-year lag for most sites. The
correlations at the 21-year lag were
strong and significant for all sites (range r = .506 to r = .802, all p values
≤ .022)
except Rydalmere (r = .386, p = .215), which had the shortest time
series (see Figures 1 and 2). Without adjusting for major socio-demographic
correlates of crime, lead in air accounted for 26–64% of the variance
(ω2) in assault rates at each site 21 years later (15% for
Rydalmere). It is notable that in the four metropolitan suburbs, the data
are tightly clustered, with mean annual lead in air levels markedly lower than
in the two smelting communities of Boolaroo
and Port Kembla (Figure 2). The
maximum annual value was 5.9 μg/m3 (1987) in Boolaroo and 7.8
μg/m3 (1979) in Port Kembla. This can be compared to the current
national air lead standard of 0.5 μg/m3 (expressed as an annual
average) [32]. Lead in air concentrations in metropolitan suburbs also exceeded
0.5 μg/m3 until some years after the introduction of unleaded
petrol in 1985 [18].
Direct effects between air lead and assault rates
across all suburbs were examined using linear mixed-effects models for time lags
between 15 and 24 years. The relationship peaked in the middle of the age-crime
curve, with the strongest direct effect for lead
in air as a predictor of
assault rates at the 21-year lag (see Table 2). In this mixed model, every
additional μg/m3 of lead in air was associated with an increase
of 196 assaults per 100,000 population, and lead in air accounted for 38.4% of
variance in assault rates.
Major socio-demographic correlates of
crime were subsequently added as covariates in the 21-year lag mixed model.
Primary analyses
included socio-demographic covariates for the years in which
the assaults were committed. As suggested by Bellinger [14] we also
models that controlled for socio-demographic variables at the time of lead
exposure, but these variables did not reach significance
in either model and
consequently were excluded from the analyses to avoid multicollinearity between
the two sets of socio-demographic
Accounting for
socio-demographic covariates, lead in air remained a strong predictor of assault
rates. For every additional μg/m3 of lead in air, assault rates
21 years later increased by 163 per 100,000 population (see Table 3). Lead in
air was the strongest
predictor in the model, accounting for 29.8% of the
variance in assault rates 21 years later. By comparison, the proportion of the
population aged 15–24 accounted for 5.4% of the variance, and the
proportion of the population who completed secondary school
accounted for 5.0%.
Median income was not a significant predictor in the model. The proportion of
people aged 15–24 had the
reverse effect on assault rates to that
anticipated (i.e., each additional percentage of the population aged 15–24
was related
to a decrease in assaults). This is most likely related to the
restricted variance in these variables when expressed as a proportion,
and the
overlap between the three socio-demographic variables.
As a test for
discriminant validity, mixed models that examined the relationship between lead
in air and fraud rates were also examined
for the 15–24 age-crime curve.
There were some small statistically significant relationships, but the largest
effect of lead
as a predictor of fraud rates (lagged 15 years) accounted for
only 5.5% of the variance. It is apparent that the explanatory power
of lead in
air is minimal in relation to fraud rates, which contrasts markedly with assault
State and National Analyses
At the state level, strong
positive correlations between petrol lead emissions and death by assault rates
were found only for the
states with the largest populations, highest population
densities and greatest petrol lead emissions, namely, NSW and Victoria. In
states, correlations peaked at the 18-year lag, which reflects the age-crime
curve described in the literature [28]. A simple
linear regression model showed
that lead emissions in NSW accounted for 34.6% of the variance in death by
assault rates 18 years
later. Every 2,000 additional tonnes of lead emitted was
associated with one additional death. Moreover, there is a clear temporal
pattern to the data. The death by assault rate increases over the period 1976 to
1992, corresponding to increases in petrol lead
emissions 18 years prior.
In the subsequent period from 1992 to 2012 the death by assault rate falls,
reflecting the reduction in
petrol lead emissions 18 years prior. This
hysteresis effect is shown in Figure 3. In Victoria, the most densely populated
a simple linear regression model showed that lead emissions accounted for
32.6% of the variance in death by assault rates 18 years
later. Every 1,667
additional tonnes of lead emissions was associated with one additional death.
The hysteresis pattern observed
in the NSW data was also evident in the
Victorian data. In states and territories with low population densities and low
emission levels, the correlation was negative.
At a national
level, the data also demonstrated a positive correlation between lead emissions
and death by assault rates, but the
association was weak. National lead
emissions accounted for only 7% of the variance in national death by assault
rates 18 years later,
as the health and behavioral effects of lead emissions are
dissipated at larger geographic scales.
study tested the hypothesis that there is a significant correlation between air
lead exposure and rates of aggressive crime in
later life. The results
demonstrate that after controlling for major socio-demographic correlates of
crime there is a strong positive
relationship between lead in air levels and
subsequent crime rates. This has important implications for public health
This is the first Australian study to test the hypothesis that
lead exposure is associated with subsequent aggressive criminal behaviors
at a
range of spatial scales. Lead in air concentrations accounted for 29.8% of the
variance in assault rates 21 years later in the
six localities measured, after
adjusting for socio-demographic covariates. In the most populous Australian
states of NSW and Victoria,
total lead petrol emissions accounted for 34.6% and
32.6%, respectively, of the variance in death by assault rates 18 years later.
Given the variety of possible determinants of criminal behavior, these are
remarkable findings. The R2 values for the states are not atemporal,
but reflect secular trends in the variables as indicated by the hysteresis loop
in Figure
These results are robust because the study relies on
statistics from official government and industry agencies that have collected
relevant datasets independently of each other. We operationalized our hypotheses
using two variables for lead exposure (lead in air
concentrations and annual
lead petrol emissions) and three variables for recorded crime (assault, death by
assault and fraud) across
different spatial and temporal scales. The suburbs
varied in size, lead levels, crime rates, and socio-demographic characteristics,
and a variety of statistical methods were utilized to analyze the data.
Consequently, the consistency of the relationships across
the models suggests
the results are robust.
The association between lead in air and lagged
assault rates at the suburb scale exists regardless of whether the source of
lead is
smelting or petrol. Five of the six sites have positive and significant
correlations, with the sixth (Rydalmere) being affected by
the small sample size
(Figure 1). This is important because the temporal pattern of lead emissions
varies across sources and sites
and yet the outputs remain compatible with our
hypothesis. Notably, the strongest relationship was found in the smelting town
Boolaroo (R2 = 0.64), and the third highest was in the smelting
town of Port Kembla (R2 = 0.36); these suburbs had the highest levels
of lead pollution. Removal of a single outlier in the lead in air data set for
Kembla (7.8 μg/m3, 1979) lifted R2 to
The study suggests that features of the physical environment, in
this case atmospheric pollution, may be more important than previously
considered in explaining early adult criminality. After adjusting for major
socio-demographic variables (population age distribution,
education, income),
lead in air remained the largest determinant of variance in assault rates. It
accounted for 5.5 times as much
of the variance as the single most important
socio-demographic factor and 2.8 times as much as the combined socio-demographic
(Table 3).
The study outcomes are consistent with the
neuro-psychological literature, which suggests that the principal behavioral
traits affected
by childhood lead exposure are reduced impulse control and
related impacts on aggressive behaviors [11, 12, 33-36]. Childhood blood
exposure is also associated with reduced adult brain volume in the prefrontal
and anterior cingulate cortex areas that are responsible
for executive
functioning, mood regulation and decision-making [37].
Our study reveals
the importance of lead in air as a determinant of rates of aggressive crime.
This is consistent with Marcus et al.’s
[10] meta-analysis of >8,000
children and adolescents, which showed a significant association between lead
exposure and conduct
problems in later life. By contrast, fraud, which is a
non-impulsive, non-aggressive crime, was only associated weakly with prior
exposure to lead in air (ω2 ≤ 5.5%).
This study
has data limitations that are typical of other ecological studies, like herd
immunity. The measured correlations between
lead in air and subsequent rates of
aggressive crime may be underestimated due to lack of congruence between the
populations exposed
to lead and the populations measured for later criminal
behaviors [38]. This is a consequence of the deaths and outmigration of some
lead-exposed individuals, the births over the period subsequent to the
measurement of exposure to lead, and the immigration of other
individuals who
have been exposed to lead at unknown concentrations and localities. Quantifying
the impact of these processes is
difficult due to limited data availability at
the suburb level. Over the period 2001–2014, which is only part of the
time period, there was population growth in all six suburbs: Earlwood
3.2%, Port Kembla 3.9%, Boolaroo 4.4%, Lane Cove 10.9%, Rydalmere
16.6% and
Rozelle 30.7%. All but the last suburb were below the national average growth of
21.9% for that period [38b]. There was
also substantial turnover in the
membership of the populations of all six suburbs due to migration. The
percentages of people aged
over 5 years who lived in a different local area 5
years before the 2011 census were substantial: Earlwood 22.0%, Port Kembla
Boolaroo 26.9%, Rydalmere 28.0%, Lane Cove 36.8% and Rozelle 49.4%.
Whilst more of the in-movers to the high turnover suburbs of
Lane Cove and
Rozelle came from other parts of Australia, there were also significant numbers
who moved from overseas. Of the population
aged 5 and over in 2011, 11.9% of
Rozelle’s population and 9.9% of Lane Cove’s population were living
outside Australia
5 years earlier [39].
With respect to lead in air, it
would be desirable to have broader and more detailed spatial and temporal
coverage. However, we have
used the best available data for which there are also
corresponding crime data. For the suburb level analysis, lead in air
were sourced from a single air monitoring station to characterize
exposure across the selected geographic area. For the state and
analyses, lead petrol emissions were estimated from petrol sales and are a proxy
for population lead exposure. With respect
to crime rates, data on assaults are
those reported to police, which may be under-inclusive due to unreported crime
or over-inclusive
due to unsubstantiated allegations. Assault data is based on
the suburb where the assault took place, not the offender’s residence,
which might be more closely linked with lead exposure. Similarly, death by
assault data are based on the state or territory in which
the death was
registered, not the residence of the person who caused the death. Nonetheless,
we have found noteworthy results in
the face of limitations that might have been
expected to obscure the relevant relationships.
Finally, the study
suggests productive areas for future research with respect to lead and other
neurotoxic metals [40]. This study
is one of association not causation. More
specificity could be obtained by examining the blood lead concentrations of
and undertaking a prospective longitudinal study of their behavioral
responses. While a few studies have achieved this benchmark
[10, 12, 34], more
research is required across different populations and contaminants. Better data
will help formulate evidence-based
policies to improve health and social
Taken together, the results of the present study highlight that
atmospheric lead standards require systematic review by national and
international agencies. At present, standards vary widely. For example, the lead
in air standard is 0.5 μg/m3 (annual) (1 μg/m3,
seasonal) in China, 0.5 μg/m3 in Australia and 0.15
μg/m3 in the USA. The method for calculating acceptable levels
also varies. In Australia the standard is based on an annual average, with
upper limit on short-term spikes; in the USA it is based on a 3-month rolling
average, which is more restrictive on polluters.
Future revisions of lead in air
standards need be tied to demonstrable health outcomes, cognizant of their
impact on anti-social
Measures need to be taken to reduce or
eliminate extant sources of atmospheric lead pollution wherever practicable.
Exposures from
these sources have the potential to increase anti-social
behaviors and impose unnecessary societal costs. These sources include existing
mining and smelting operations in Australia and elsewhere, and lead petrol
consumption in countries where it is still sold: Algeria,
Iraq, and Yemen [41].
In these countries, some 103 million people remain at risk from the use of lead
petrol [42]. There are also
policy implications for communities that have been
historically affected by the deposition of atmospheric lead in populated places
such as homes, gardens, playgrounds and schools. These depositions present an
ongoing risk because the half life of environmental
lead exceeds 700 years [43].
This study found a robust relationship between
lead in air and subsequent rates of aggressive crime at suburb, state and
population levels using multiple analytic methods and data sources.
These results add to the existing body of literature that highlights
sequelae of lead exposure. Fortunately, exposure to lead is preventable and
remedial intervention cost effective [8]. Given the
overwhelming evidence that
there is no safe lower threshold for lead toxicity, remediation programs are
essential to mitigate these
effects and should be a clear priority for immediate
policy change.
ABS – Australia Bureau of
ICD-10 - International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision
(ω2) - Omega-squared
SPSS - Statistical Package for
the Social Science
X85-Y09 – classified under ICD-10 as external causes
of morbidity and mortality and are inclusive of homicides and injuries
by another person with the intent to injure or kill, by any means.
– micrograms per decilitre
μg/m3 – micrograms per
cubic metre
Competing interests
The authors declare that
they have no competing interests.
MP Taylor (MPT) provided advice to
Slater and Gordon Lawyers in 2015 in relation to their case against Mount Isa
Mines in relation
to lead poisoning. MPT is a member of the NSW EPAs Lead Expert
Working Group evaluating the contamination of residential locations
the former smelter of Boolaroo, NSW, which is one of the sites in this
Dr. Lanphear served as an expert witness in California for the
plaintiffs in a public nuisance case of childhood lead poisoning, a
65 case on behalf of the California Attorney General’s Office, a case
involving lead-contaminated water in a new
housing development in Maryland, and
Canadian tribunal on trade dispute about using lead-free galvanized wire in
stucco lathing but
he received no personal compensation for these services. He
is currently representing the government of Peru as an expert witness
in a suit
involving Doe Run vs Peru, but he is receiving no personal compensation. Dr
Lanphear has served as a paid consultant on
a US Environmental Protection Agency
research study, NIH research awards and the California Department of Toxic
Substance Control.
Authors’ contributions
and BRO conceived of the study and were the principal authors. MPT and MKF
undertook the data collection for the suburb-level
analyses, and BRO undertook
the data collection for the state and national-level analyses. MKF analysed and
interpreted the suburb-level
results; BRO analysed and interpreted the
state-level results and produced the figures; MKF and BRO and wrote the
corresponding sections
of the Data and Methods and Results sections. NP analyzed
the impact of migration on the study sites and BPL provided advice on the
study design and significant feedback on the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
acknowledge the assistance of the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the NSW
Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, and the NSW
Environment Protection
Authority for providing data.
Figure captions
Figure 1. Lead in air concentrations
and assault rates for six suburbs, 1973–1999.
Figure 2.
Scatterplot showing the relationships between lead in air concentrations and
assault rates 21 years later for all six suburbs.
Figure 3.
Scatterplot showing the relationship between lead petrol emissions and death by
assault rates 18 years later for NSW.
Table 1. Summary statistics for the six suburb sites.
Suburb (Number of years with complete lead and crime data at 21-year
Suburb data in the years with lead data
Suburb information in the years with crime data (mean ±
std devn)
Years with lead data
Air lead μg/m3
Years with crime data
Assault rates per 100,000
Fraud rates per 100,000
Population aged 15-24 (%)
Median weekly income
Population finished secondary school (%)
Boolaroo (n = 19)
± 1.254 |
± 297.95 |
± 120.993 |
± 0.498 |
± 90.555 |
± 3.418 |
Earlwood (n = 13)
± .394 |
± 49.696 |
± 81.948 |
± 1.602 |
± 106.04 |
± 5.126 |
Lane Cove (n = 14)
± .426 |
± 54.049 |
± 280.851 |
± 1.273 |
± 275.179 |
± 4.917 |
Port Kembla (n = 20)
± 1.906 |
± 530.602 |
± 140.128 |
± .963 |
± 78.714 |
± 4.539 |
Rozelle (n = 20)
± .334 |
± 173.472 |
± 240.948 |
± 1.854 |
± 470.56 |
± 7.961 |
Rydalmere (n = 12)
± .175 |
± 188.164 |
± 228.232 |
± 1.00 |
± 89.252 |
± 5.960 |
All sites (n = 98)
± 1.645 |
± 537.018 |
± 272.331 |
± 1.819 |
± 602.461 |
± 19.216 |
Table 2. Mixed model analyses of the direct effects between air
lead and assault rates for all six suburbs with time lags between 15 and
Time Lag (Number of cases with complete information)
Fixed Effects (SE)
ω2 (%)
15 years (n = 87)
30.50 (32.951)
16 years (n = 90)
6.20 (29.191)
17 years (n = 93)
72.23 (28.256)
18 years (n = 96)
104.87 (28.007)
19 years (n = 97)
145.61 (26.619)
20 years (n = 98)
159.66 (26.993)
21 years (n = 98)
196.05 (25.044)
22 years (n = 98)
180.09 (27.954)
23 years (n = 94)
85.75 (32.264)
24 years (n = 89)
99.22 (32.003)
Note - F = F-test; df = degrees of freedom; p = p-value; Fixed Effects = the
estimated change in assaults per 100,000 population for
a 1
μg/m3 increase in lead in air; SE = standard error;
ω2 = an estimate of the amount of variance accounted for by lead
in air.
Table 3. Parameter Estimates in the full mixed model (n =
Dependent Variable: Assault rates per 100,000 population
Fixed Effects
(SE) |
(%) |
Lead in air (μg/m3)
162.94 (26.070)
Proportion of the population aged 15-24 years
-85.99 (36.636)
Proportion of the population who completed secondary school
-16.58 (8.159)
Median income
(2014 Australian dollars) |
.01 (.251)
Note - F = F-test; df = degrees of freedom; p = p-value; Fixed Effects = the
estimated change in assaults per 100,000 population for
a 1 unit increase in the
independent variable; SE = standard error; ω2 = an estimate of
the amount of variance accounted for by the independent variable
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