NetWatch: September 2006
Anne Greenshields
Law Liaison Librarian, Murdoch UniversitySubjects:
Legal research (Other articles)
- Primary Legal Materials on the Internet - Case Law, Statutes and Extrinsic Material
- Australian legal sites and developments
- Commonwealth of Australia: Government Publications relevant to legal researchers
Primary Legal Materials on the Internet
CommonLII now has decisions from District and Magistrates of Singapore 2006+; Industrial, District and Intermediate Courts of Mauritius 2004+; Court of Appeal, Supreme, Constitutional and Commercial Courts of Uganda; High and Supreme Courts of Swaziland;
High Court of New Zealand decisions. 2005+: (NZLII)
Papua New Guinea Consolidated Legislation 2001 revised edition (PACLII)
Australian sites and developments
Documenting a Democracy - key documents held at the National Archives of Australia, relating to the establishment of the Australian federal system of government.
Commonwealth of Australia: Government Publications
Corporate responsibility: Managing risk and creating value from the Joint Statutory Committee on Corporations and Securities
Parliamentary Library Publications
Chronologies online
URL: http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/online/index.htmHot Issues & E-Briefs Australia. Parliamentary Library, E-Brief
Overweight and obesity in Australia—an Overview of the Issues - E-Brief - issued 5 October 2006
Domestic Violence in Australia—an Overview of the Issues - E-Brief - issued 8 August 2003, updated 25 September 2006
Elections around the World 2006 - E-Brief - 22 May 2006, updated 28 September 2006
Australia’s settlement services for refugees and migrants - E-Brief - issued 9 June 2006, updated 19 September 2006
In Good Faith: Sedition law in Australia - E-Brief - issued 20 April 2006 , updated 13 September 2006 [PDF 230kb]
The annual allowance for senators and members - E-Brief - updated 30 August 2006 [PDF 110kb]
Stolen Generation - E-Brief - April 2000, updated July 2006
A survey of codes of conduct in Australian and selected overseas parliaments - E-Brief - issued 16 June 2006, updated 19 July 2006
Economic Indicators on the Internet - E-Brief - issued September 2001, updated 6 June 2006
Skilled migration to Australia - E-Brief - 5 June 2006
Media Ownership Regulation in Australia - E-Brief - updated 30 May 2006
Aftermath Timor Leste: reconciling competing notions of justice - E-Brief - updated 30 May 2006
Parliamentary Allowances, Benefits and Salaries of Office - E-Brief - updated 1 July 2005 with subsequent amendments (latest 5 April 2006)
- Distribution of businesses by industry and Commonwealth electoral division, June 2004
- The proposed sale of Medibank Private: historical, legal and policy perspectives
- The annual allowance for senators and member
- Federal government advertising 2004–05
- Queensland and New South Wales proposed redistributions
- North Korea: diplomatic efforts
- Preference flows at the 2004 House of Representatives election
- A North Korean nuclear test: possible or probable?
- House prices
- Members of the Commonwealth Parliament with war service
- The incredible shrinking public sector
- Time for an Australia-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA)?
- The F-35 (Joint Strike Fighter) Project: progress and issues for Australia [HTML] [PDF 99KB] (Abstract) 32
Business, Corporations & Securities
Corporate responsibility: Managing risk and creating value from Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services, Australian Parliament.
History of Business Law - a chronology from the Australian Parliamentary Library.
International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Guide to Resources
Plain Language and the Law from PLAIN (The Plain Language Association INternational) a wonderful resource for those who want to improve their writing skills.
Workplace relations reforms: a chronology of business, community and Government responses - a chronology from the Australian Parliamentary Library.
Censorship & Privacy
Children and Young People
The Adoption History Project (USA)
The Center of Juvenile and Criminal Justice (California, USA)
International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour: IPEC
Inclusion International (II) is a global federation of family-based organizations advocating for the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their families worldwide
Stolen Generation -E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library- April 2000, updated July 2006
Citizenship & Migration
Australia’s settlement services for refugees and migrants - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library - issued 9 June 2006, updated 19 September 2006
FAIR: Federation for American Immigration Reform
Skilled migration to Australia - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library - 5 June 2006
The State of the World's Refugees 2006 Human displacement in the new millennium from the UNHCR
Stemming the Flow: Abuses Against Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees Report from the Human Rights Watch this reports "documents how Libyan authorities have arbitrarily arrested undocumented foreigners, mistreated them in detention, and forcibly returned them to countries where they could face persecution or torture, such as Eritrea and Somalia."
Constitutional Law
In Good Faith: Sedition law in Australia - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library- issued 20 April 2006 , updated 13 September 2006 [PDF 230kb]
Crime & Criminal Justice
The Center of Juvenile and Criminal Justice (California, USA)
Domestic Violence in Australia—an Overview of the Issues - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library- issued 8 August 2003, updated 25 September 2006
Identity Theft Resource Center (USA)
In Good Faith: Sedition law in Australia - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library- issued 20 April 2006 , updated 13 September 2006
Journal for Crime, Conflict and Media Culture 2002+ (UK)
Justice and Reconciliation Project (JRP) is a US nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing restoration, reconciliation and healing to crime victims and offenders.
National Association of Drug Court Professionals/National Drug Court Institute (USA)
Culture and Recreation
Legal Primer on Cultural Institutions, Law and Indigenous Knowledge [pdf] by Emily Hudson, Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia
Development Law
Eldis Gateway to Development Information
Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal 2000+ (UK)
Directories, Guides and Search Engines
ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law
International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Guide to Resources
Globalcourts.com directory of Supreme Courts from around the world
Nuclear Energy Law directory from Parliamentary Library, Australia
Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias
JurisPedia, "an encyclopædic project of academic initiative devoted to worldwide law, legal and political sciences." A wiki compiled by contributors, as yet there is little Australian content.
Wex is collaboratively built, freely available legal dictionary and encyclopedia from the Legal Information Institute and Cornell Law School (USA).
Dispute Resolution
International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Guide to Resources
International Labour Organization includes the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour: IPEC
Workplace relations reforms: a chronology of business, community and Government responses - a chronology from the Australian Parliamentary Library.
Nuclear Energy Law directory from Parliamentary Library, Australia
United Nations Environment Programme: Maps and Graphics
European Union
Family Law
The Adoption History Project (USA)
Domestic Violence in Australia—an Overview of the Issues - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library- issued 8 August 2003, updated 25 September 2006
WomenWatch "is a central gateway to information and resources on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women throughout the United Nations system".
Odgers' Australian Senate Practice - Eleventh Edition A detailed reference work on all aspects of the Senate's powers, procedures and practices Order form (PDF 53KB)
Supplement - Updates to 31 August 2006
Inclusion International (II) "a global federation of family-based organizations advocating for the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their families worldwide".
Human Rights
Disabled Peoples' International
EUMAP: Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Europe
Global Legal Monitor (Monthly updates from May 2006) from the Law Library of the Congress (USA), a record of legal developments around the world.
Inclusion International (II) "a global federation of family-based organizations advocating for the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their families worldwide."
Indigenous Peoples
Legal Primer on Cultural Institutions, Law and Indigenous Knowledge [pdf] by Emily Hudson, Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia
Stolen Generation -E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library- April 2000, updated July 2006
Indigenous Peoples and the Law (NZ) "an online portal to information about how the law affects indigenous peoples".
Intellectual Property
IP Justice "is an international civil liberties organization promoting balanced intellectual property laws in a digital world."
Legal Primer on Cultural Institutions, Law and Indigenous Knowledge [pdf] by Emily Hudson, Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia
International Law
Aftermath Timor Leste: reconciling competing notions of justice - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library - updated 30 May 2006
ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law
Center for Global Development: "CGD is an independent think tank that works to reduce global poverty and inequality by encouraging policy change in the U.S. and other rich countries through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community" Reports, discussion and forum.
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
International Commercial Dispute Resolution - Guide to Resources
International Labour Organization
The State of the World's Refugees 2006 Human displacement in the new millennium from the UNHCR
Journals, Essays and Newspapers
Global Legal Monitor (Monthly updates from May 2006) from the Law Library of the Congress (USA), a record of legal developments around the world.
International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law (IJNL) is ICNL's quarterly journal of analysis on global civil society.
Journal for Crime, Conflict and Media Culture 2002+ (UK)
Journal of Australian Taxation 2005 +
Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal 2000+ (UK)
Waikato Law Review 1994-
Legal Education
Plain Language and the Law from PLAIN (The Plain Language Association INternational) a wonderful resource for those who want to improve their writing skills.
Media and Communication
Journal for Crime, Conflict and Media Culture 2002+ (UK)
Media Ownership Regulation in Australia - E-Brief from the Australian Parliamentary Library- updated 30 May 2006
Plain Language and the Law from PLAIN (The Plain Language Association INternational) a wonderful resource for those who want to improve their writing skills.
News, Alert Services & RSS
Bar News Journal of the New South Wales Bar Association
Global Legal Monitor (Monthly updates from May 2006) from the Law Library of the Congress (USA), a record of legal developments around the world.
UN Chronicle - UN news
RSS About RSS (Real Simple Syndication) - this is a great way to select and control information flows into a browser, portal or mail box. These sites provide an overview and tutorial system for coming to grips with this internet enchancement: RSS Bandit and Wizard Creek RSS Tutorial.
RSS feeds from news sources is a great way to select the headlines or topics which interest you.
ABC for current Australian news
CCH for current Australian Legal News - many headlines are freely available. Some are part of the Premium fee based service
RSS feeds of Journal Table of Contents is a great way to be kept up to date with the latest articles in your favourite journal. Abstracts are freely available, access to the full text requires a subscription or purchase.
When you are in those databases go to the "title" page for the journals you are interested in and look for the link to RSS or RSS/Atom (or something similar)
Aviation Safety Regulation Chronology 1982-2004 -a chronology from the Australian Parliamentary Library.
Plain Language and the Law from PLAIN (The Plain Language Association INternational) a wonderful resource for those who want to improve their writing skills.