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Australian Law Reform Commission - Reform Journal |
compiled by Joanna Longley
- Aboriginal witnesses - WIH on a research project on the problems Aboriginal people encounter as witnesses in Queensland's criminal courts. A report is expected in June 1996
Acquittals see Criminal Law
Administrative Law
ALRCNova Scotia LRC
- Review of the adversarial system of litigation - WIH on the administrative and civil aspects of this reference
- Agencies, boards and commissions: the administrative justice system in Nova Scotia, 1996 (DP)
Adoption see also Family Law
- Review of the Adoption of Children Act 1965 - WIH on a report due June 1996
Adversarial System see also Litigation
- Review of the adversarial system of litigation - WIH on the administrative and civil aspects of this reference
Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Mediation and the Criminal Justice System, 1996 (Report 17(a)) - The report has been adopted by the Committee and will shortly be published. It is the first of 4 intended reports concerning the need for changes in the NT to accommodate alternative dispute resolution methods into the legal system
- An examination of the law of bail, 1995 (Report50)
Banking Law see Bills of Exchange
Bills of Exchange
- Report on the investigation into the payments system in South African law, 1994 (Project 50)
Building Law
- Discussion paper on financial protection in the building and construction industry, 1995 (Project82) - Comments on the DP now being considered
Burglary see also Criminal Law
- Residential burglary in Queensland, 1996 (RPVol 3(1))
Manitoba LRC
- Reselling unused cemetery plots, 1995 (Report88)
Children and Young Persons
- Speaking for ourselves: children and the legal process, 1996 (ALRC IP 17 & IP 18) - Focus groups of young people have been established and meetings with these groups are being held. Public hearings are being conducted during May and July and a survey has been prepared and distributed to school children and selected community groups
- Children's representatives - WIH on the final stages of this project. The report is due mid-1996
- Child and family services - WIH on examining the interaction between family law and other child and family legislation
- Review of the Adoption of Children Act 1965 - WIH on a report due June 1996
- Consent to medical treatment for young people - WIH on the final report which is due for release in June 1996
- Supreme Court Act 1986 s 48-51 (Vic) - WIH on a reference relating to contracts with minors. A report is to be received from Mr John Middleton QC (Project No22)
Class Actions
- Representative proceedings - A report relating to changes in representative actions has been received and is under consideration (Project No16)
Company Directors see also Corporations
- Curbing the phoenix company: third report on the law relating to directors and managers of insolvent corporations, 1995
Company Law see Corporations
Complaints Against Police see Police
Constitutional Law
NT Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development
- Constitutional development - 9 DPs, an interim report and an Exposure Draft have been produced so far by the Committee - WIH
Contingency fees
- Speculative and contingency fees, 1996 (WP 63, Project 93)
VicAGLRACScot Law Com
- Supreme Court Act 1986 s 48-51 (Vic) - WIH on a reference relating to contracts with minors. A report is to be received from Mr John Middleton QC (Project No22)
- Report on three bad rules in contract law, 1996 (Scot Law Com152)
Copyright Law Review Committee
- Copyright reform: a consideration of rationales, interests and objectives, 1996
CASACCASAC Legal Committee
- Continuous disclosure - WIH on a new reference dealing with the continuous disclosure provisions of the Corporations Law
- Compulsory acquisitions report, 1996
- Curbing the phoenix company: third report on the law relating to directors and managers of insolvent corporations, 1995
- Time limits for oral argument in court - A Working Party chaired by Justice Hampel was formed in August 1994 to look at this subject - WIH (Project No 13)
- Report on family courts, 1996 (LRC 52)
- Restrictive covenants - DP published July 1995. Comments being considered
- Review of the law of insolvency: statutory provisions that benefit creditors, 1995 (WP 61, Project 63)
Criminal Investigation
- Report on an inquiry conducted by Mr R Hanson QC into the alleged unauthorised dissemination of information concerning Operation Wallah, 1995
Criminal Justice
- People with an intellectual disability and the criminal justice system: two rural courts, 1996 (RR 5) - WIH on a report due June 1996
- Mediation and the criminal justice system, 1996 (Report 17(a)) - The report has been adopted by the Committee and will shortly be published. It is the first of 4 intended reports concerning the need for changes in the NT to accommodate alternative dispute resolution methods into the legal system
- Aboriginal witnesses - WIH on a research project on the problems Aboriginal people encounter as witnesses in Queensland's criminal courts. A report is expected in June 1996
Criminal Law see also Burglary, Sentencing
- Directed verdicts of acquittal - WIH on a report due June 1996
- Partial defences to murder: diminished responsibility, provocation and infanticide - WIH on a report due August 1996
- Criminal procedure: police powers of detention and investigation after arrest and vulnerable persons - no work programmed for 1996
- Review of common law offences, in particular complicity and attempt - no work programmed for 1996
- Consent in the criminal law: a consultation paper, 1995 (CP 139)
Cross Border Disputes
- Cross border civil remedies: an introduction to the inquiry, 1995 (ALRC CBCR Circular 1) - 2 seminars were held in Sydney and Melbourne in March for legal practitioners and business people, and private consultations with these target groups are still being conducted. Submissions on this reference are welcomed. WIH on a feasibility report due June 1996
Custody of Children see also Family Law
- The granting of visitation rights to grandparents of minor children, 1996 (WP 62, Project 100)
- Provisional damages - WIH on report due May 1996
- Damages for personal injury: non-pecuniary loss, 1995 (CP 140)
- Property in a corpse - WIH on this reference. A report is to be prepared by Mr Alan Goldberg QC (Project No20)
CASACCASAC Netting of Financial Derivatives Transactions Committee
- Derivatives - WIH on a draft report on exchange traded derivatives which is due in June 1996. A draft report on OTC derivatives is due August 1996 and a final report on the reference will be completed by the end of 1996
- Netting of financial derivative transactions - WIH on a draft report
Manitoba LRCSALC
- Residential exemptions from judgment execution, 1995 (Report 90)
- Report on debt collecting, 1995 (Project 74)
- Interim report on imprisonment for debt, 1994 (Project 74)
- Defamation, 1995 (CLRC 10)
Diminished Responsibility
- Partial defences to murder: diminished responsibility, provocation and infanticide - WIH on a report due August 1996
Disabled Persons see Persons with Disabilities
NSWLRCSA Legislative Review Committee
- Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 - WIH on a DP due June 1996
- Racial Vilification Bill - The Bill has been referred to the Committee for consideration
Divorce see Family Law, Matrimonial Property
Domestic Violence
- Domestic violence, 1995 (CLRC 9)
Enforcement of Judgments
- Report on enforcement of judgments of local courts, 1995 (Project 16 (Part 2))
Manitoba LRC
- Residential exemptions from judgment execution, 1995 (Report 90)
- Report on the application of the trapping system, 1994
Environmental Law
- Environment - methods of enforcement of environmental legislation - no work programmed for 1996
- Investigation into the Computer Evidence Act 57 of 1983, 1995 (WP60, Project 95)
Family Law
- Family Court appeals - WIH on finalising this project. The report is due mid-1996
- Child's representatives - WIH on the final stages of this project. The report is due mid-1996
- Violence and family law - Public consultations will be conducted before the release of an IP
- Family Court penalties - The Council will continue collecting data for this project until mid-1997
- Child and family services - WIH on examining the interaction between family law and other child and family legislation
- Report on family courts, 1996 (LRC52)
- The granting of visitation rights to grandparents of minor children, 1996 (WP 62, Project 100)
Fiduciary Relationships
Law Com
- Fiduciary duties and regulatory rules, 1995 (Law Com 236)
Freedom of Information
- Open government: a review of the federal Freedom of Information Act 1982, 1996 (ALRC 77)
- Curbing the phoenix company: third report on the law relating to directors and managers of insolvent corporations, 1995
- Review of the law of insolvency: statutory provisions that benefit creditors, 1995 (WP 61, Project 63)
International Disputes
- Cross border civil remedies: an introduction to the inquiry, 1995 (ALRC CBCR Circular 1) - two seminars were held in Sydney and Melbourne in March for legal practitioners and business people, and private consultations with these target groups are still being conducted. Submissions on this reference are welcomed. WIH on a feasibility report due June 1996
- Jury service in Victoria, 1995 (IP 2) - WIH on reference
Juvenile Justice
SA Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee
- Evaluation of the juvenile justice system - WIH on a report for the SA AG
Landlord and Tenant
SA Joint Committee on Retail Shop TenanciesLaw Com
- Retail shop tenancies - WIH on an inquiry into retail shop leasing issues
- Landlord and tenant: responsibility for state and condition of property, 1996 (Law Com 238)
Law Reform
- Digest 1995, 1995
- Te Aka Korero: the Law Commission quarterly newsletter, 1996 (Issue 1)
- Legal liability of health service providers, 1996 (IP 1) - WIH on reference
Limitation of Actions
- Limitation and notice of actions - drafting of the report has been completed
Litigation Reform
Queensland Litigation Reform Commission
- Litigation reform - WIH on a series of projects for the reform of pleadings and summary judgment, extension of the jurisdiction of registrars, determination of matters 'on the papers', codification of Mareva injunctions and Anton Pillar orders, filing of court documents by post, transfer of matters between courts, caseflow management, mediation, case appraisal and costs
Liquor Law
SA Attorney-General's Department
- Review of the Liquor Licensing Act - WIH on a review of the legislation. The issues to be considered include general facility licences, categories of licences, trading hours, and principles and strategies of the responsible service and consumption of alcohol
Matrimonial Property
- Questions and answers about pension division on marriage breakdown, 1996
- The division of pension benefits on divorce, 1995 (Project 41)
Mediation see Alternative Dispute Resolution
Medical Law
- Consent to medical treatment for young people - WIH on the final report which is due for release in June 1996
- Legal liability of health service providers, 1996 (IP 1) - WIH on reference
Neighbour Relations
- Neighbour and neighbour relations - WIH on a report due December 1996
Parliamentary Practice
SA Legislative Review Committee
- Code of conduct in Parliament - WIH
- Questions and answers about pension division on marriage breakdown, 1996
- The division of pension benefits on divorce, 1995 (Project 41)
Manitoba LRC
- The trust provisions in the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act, 1995 (Report No 89)
Personal Injuries
Law Com
- Damages for personal injury: non-pecuniary loss, 1995 (CP 140)
Personal Property
- Personal property securities - No work programmed for 1996
Persons with Disabilities
- Commonwealth disability services legislation - WIH on a report due June 1996
- People with an intellectual disability and the criminal justice system: two rural courts, 1996 (RR 5) - WIH on a report due June 1996
- Assisted and substituted decisions: decision making by and for the people with a decision-making disability - WIH on the final report which is expected to be released mid 1996
- Complaints against the AFP & NCA - Public hearings were held in March/April. WIH on a draft recommendations paper for release in June 1996
- People with an intellectual disability and the criminal justice system: two rural courts, 1996 (RR 5) - WIH on a report due June 1996
- Criminal procedure: police powers of detention and investigation after arrest and vulnerable persons - no work programmed for 1996
Power of Attorney
- Assisted and substituted decisions: decision making by and for the people with a decision-making disability - WIH on the final report which is expected to be released mid 1996
Real Property
- Torrens title: compensation for loss - WIH on a report due April 1996
- Rights to support by adjoining land - WIH on a report due June 1996
Racial Discrimination see Discrimination
Remedies see Cross Border Disputes
Scot Law Com
- Judicial abolition of the error of law rule and its aftermath, 1996 (DP 99)
- Recovery of ultra vires public authority receipts and disbursements, 1996 (DP 100)
Sale of Goods
- Sale of Goods Act - WIH on aspects of the Act not covered in the DPs on implied terms and equitable rules in contracts which were published last year
- Sentencing, 1996 (DP 33)
Sexual Offences see also Criminal Law
Law Com
- Consent in the criminal law: a consultation paper, 1995 (CP 139)
- Standing - The final report is complete and awaiting tabling in the Autumn Parliamentary session
Stocks and Shares
CASAC Legal CommitteeSALC
- Compulsory acquisitions report, 1996
- Supplementary report on the protection of a purchaser of shares: proposed amendment of section 138 of the Companies Act 61 of 1973, 1994 (Project 62)
- Uniform succession laws: the law of wills, 1996 (NSWLRC IP 10; QLRC WP 46)
- Uniform succession laws: family provision, 1996 (NSWLRC IP 11; QLRC WP 47) - The QLRC is co-ordinating this project. A committee of representatives from all Australian AGs and a delegate from the NZLC is currently reviewing issues relevant to the law of wills. The committee will next meet in Melbourne in May 1996
- Reform of the Intestate Succession Act, 1996 (DP 16)
- Questions and answers about pension division on marriage breakdown, 1996
- Contribution among joint tortfeasors - WIH on DP
Testators' Family Maintenance
- Reform of testator's family maintenance legislation (Project No 3) - DP has been referred to AG for community consultation and his attention has been drawn to the work of the QLRC
Trusts and Trustees
Manitoba LRC
- The trust provisions in the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act, 1995 (Report No 89)
- Violence and family law - Public consultations will be conducted before the release of an IP
Wills see also Succession
- Uniform succession laws: the law of wills, 1996 (NSWLRC IP 10; QLRC WP 46) - The QLRC is co-ordinating this project. A committee of representatives from all Australian AGs and a delegate from the NZLC is currently reviewing issues relevant to the law of wills. The committee will next meet in Melbourne in May 1996
- Aboriginal witnesses - WIH on a research project on the problems Aboriginal people encounter as witnesses in Queensland's criminal courts. A report is expected in June 1996
Writs and warrants of execution - work has resumed on this reference
abbreviations and acronyms
ACTCLRC ACT Community Law Reform Committee ALRC Australian Law Reform Commission ALRI Alberta Law Reform Institute BCLRC Law Reform Commission of British Columbia CASAC Companies & Securities Advisory Committee (Australia) CP Consultation paper DP Discussion paper HREOC Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission ILRC Irish Law Reform Commission IP Issues paper Law Com Law Commission (UK) Manitoba LRC Manitoba Law Reform Commission Nova Scotia LRC Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia NSWLRC New South Wales Law Reform Commission NT Northern Territory NTLRC Northern Territory Law Reform Committee NZLC New Zealand Law Commission QCJC Queensland Criminal Justice Commission QLRC Queensland Law Reform Commission RP Research paper RR Research report SA South Australia SALC South African Law Commission Scot Law Com Scottish Law Commission VicAGLRAC Victorian Attorney-General's Law Reform AdvisoryCouncil Vic LRC Victorian Parliamentary Law Reform Committee WALRC Law Reform Commission of Western Australia WIH Work in hand
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/ALRCRefJl/1996/22.html